Driving Axle
l automobile driving axle
The driving axle is one of cross bars supporting a vehicle, on which the driving wheels turn .The driving axle includes a housing ,an axle drive ,a differential , tow axle shafts (half axles ),and final drives (if any ) .
The axle .or main, drive is a drive-line unit that increases the torque delivered by the transmission and transmits it to the driving wheels, via the differential. In automobiles, the axle drive shaft, usually called the propeller shaft.
The axle drive may be a Single or a double-stage type, the former comprising a pair of gears and the latter .tow pairs of gear. Drive pinion I may be made integral with its shaft, or it may be detachable from the shaft. Driving gears and are usually made in the form of detachable gear rings that are bolted or riveted to the differential case .Alex drive bevel pinions and gears are made with helical teeth in order to reduce noise in operation.
The tow-stage axle drive consists of a pair of bevel gears and a pair of spur gears. Drive bevel pinion drives bevel gear that is fixed to the flange of the intermediate shaft made integral with 2nd –stage driving spur gear .Gears meshes with driven spur gear which is fastened to the case rotates in taper roller bearings installed in the differential carrier that makes part of the driving axle housing.
The differential is a drive-line unit that divides the torque applied to it between the tow axle shafts and allows one driving wheel to turn at a different speed from the other.
The differential consists of case, cross or spider pinion .and side gears, also known as axle gears .the differential pinions are freely mounted on the cylindrical arms of the spider, which is held in the differential case, and remain in constant mesh with the differential side gears.
When the automobile is moving down a straight and even road, both driving wheels meet with one and the same rolling resistance. In this case, axle driven gear, or differential ring gear, causes the differential case to rotate .when the differential case rotates pinions and their spider arms move around in a circle with tow differential side gears are meshed with the pinions, the side gears must rotate, causing the axle shafts and their associated driving wheels to turn. With equal resistance applied to each wheel, the differential pinions do not rotate. They apply equal torque to the side gears and therefore both driving wheels rotate at one and the same speed is unequal ,the differential pinions rotate on their spider arms as well as drive round with the differential case .supposing that one of the axle shaft is prevented from rotating ,the differential pinions would have to walk around the stationary side gear ,causing the other side gear to rotate at twice its normal speed .You can now see how the differential can allow one driving wheel to turn faster than the other .
Whenever the automobile goes around a turn ,the outer driving wheel travels a greater distance than the inner drive wheel .the inner wheel speeds up proportionately ,thanks to the differential pinions that rotate on their spider arms and ,rolling around the slower side gear send more rotary motion to the outside wheel.
The differential side gears are splined on to the inner ends of the axle shafts .The other ends of the shafts are attached to the driving wheel hubs by means of flanges .Trucks use full floating axle shafts .Such axle shafts are acted upon by torque only .All the other loads acting on the driving wheels are taken by the driving axle housing, because the wheel hubs are supported by bearings mounted on the housing.
l Driving axle of general-purpose wheeled tractor
General-purpose wheeled tractors are a four-wheel drive type, they have tow driving axles-front and rear .Both axles are similar in construction, expect for the housing. Each driving axle consist if a housing, an axle drive ,a differential ,and final drives .The front and rear-axles drives are interchangeable and comprise a pair of spiral bevel gears . The axle drive pinion is made integral with a shaft that is supported by tow taper roller bearings installed in axle drive pinion carrier .The latter is accommodated in differential carrier and is fixed to it by bolts. The flange of the axle drive pinion carrier is provided with threaded holes to fit puller screws that are used to remove the axle drive pinion carrier from the differential carrier .The position of the drive pinion relative to the centerline of the axle is adjust by means of a pack of shims placed under the flange of the drive pinion carrier Shims palace under the cone of the front bearing are used to adjust the preload on the drive pinion bearings. Splined to adjust the preload on the drive pinion shaft is universal-joint flange .The axle drive gear is bolted to the differential case flange.
THE DIFFERENTIAL consists of case, four pinions, and tow side gears .The differential case comprise tow halves that are bolted together and supported by taper roller bearings installed in the differential carrier .Screwed in the bearings housing from the outside are nuts used to adjust the backlash between the ring gear and drive pinion teeth and the side bearing preload.
Welded to the top of the driving axle housing at both its ends are spring pads .The housing of both its ends are spring axels are provided with filler ,overflow ,and drain holes closed by plugs .Both housing also have vents ,The rotating components of the driving axles are lubricated with transmission oil .
As distinct from the automobiles considered in this text, all tractors include final drives in their power trains .The final drives of general-purpose wheel tractors are referred to as wheel-hub reduction gears.
While transmitting power to the driving wheels, wheel-hub reduction can increase their torque .These are planetary reduction gear sets consist of sun gear ,or wheel ,three planet ,or pinion ,gears ,planet or pinion ,carrier .stationary internal ,or ring ,gear ,and housing.
The sun gear is splined to the outer end of the axle shaft is splined to the differential side gear .The cylindrical planet gears are in constant mesh with both the sun gear and the ring gear and are free to rotate on roller bearings mounted on shafts that are attached to the planet carrier .The planet carrier is fasted to the reduction gear housing by means of studs and nuts .The flange of housing ,driving wheel brake drum 13,and wheel hub are clamped together by bolts .The planet carrier and reduction gear housing form the driven part of the planetary gear set and rotate with the driving wheel of the tractor .The driving gear hub is supported by taper roller bearings mounted on axle shaft housing ,or axle sleeve .The axle sleeve is connected to the stationary ring gear by means of adapter hub that has internal splines and external teeth . The splines are meshed with matching splines on the axle sleeve, and the teeth are meshed with internal teeth ring gear.
Wheels and its maintain
Modern wheeled tractors and automobiles use pneumatic-tired disc wheels. As a result of the driving wheel tires gripping the road, the rotary motion of the wheels is transformed into the translational motion of the tractor or automobile.
According to their purpose, wheels are classified as driving .driven steerable, and combination types.
Trucks and general-purpose wheeled tractors have all their wheels of one and the same size .Row-crop tractors have their rear wheels larger than the front wheels .The rear wheels carry the major proportion of the load due to the weight of the tractor .The front wheels are loaded lighter and this makes them easier to turn and provide good directional steering stability, which is essential for row-crop work.
A TRUCK WHEEL consists of disc and flat base rim that is made integral with it, while the other flange is formed by detachable side ring that is held to the rim by split lock ring on the rim .which doubles as a side ring and a lock ring.
The wheel disc is provided with holes for mounting the wheel on the wheel mounting bolts ,or wheel studs ,on the wheel hub ,where it is fixed by nuts .Both the holes and the nuts are tapered to ensure exact location of the wheel on its hub .The rear driving axles of trucks carry tow wheels at each end .The inner wheels are held to the hubs by cap nuts that are threaded both on the inside and on the outside .and the outer wheels are mounted on the cap nuts and fixed in place by taper nuts screwed on the nuts .
The wheel nuts on the right side of truck have right-hand threads, whereas the nuts on the left side of the truck are threaded left-hand .The reason is to tighten the nuts, not loosen them, and thus prevent them from working loose on acceleration and braking.
An automobile pneumatic tire consists of casing, inner tube, and flap .The tire casing comprises tread, side walls, and beads .Tires for good roads use small tread patterns, while those for bad roads or cross –country service large tread patterns.
The inner tube is made in the form of a hollow elastic rubber doughnut that is inflated with air after it is installed inside the tire and the tire is put on the wheel rim .The inner tube is inflated through tire valve that consists of housing 11,valve inside ,and cap .The valve housing is made of brass in the dorm of a flanged tube that is mounted in the inner tube by means of a washer and a nut and sticks out through a hole in the wheel .Some tire valve housing are of comprise construction :the upper part is made of brass and the lower part ,of rubber that is vulcanized on to the inner tube .The valve inside is a check valve that opens to let air in the inner tube when an air closed ,spring pressure and air pressure inside the tube hold the valve .When the valve is closed ,spring pressure and air pressure inside the tube hold the valve in its seat .It includes core with a rubber ring ,a plunger pin ,and a spring .The valve inside is Screwed in the tire valve housing and is closed by the cap Screwed on the housing.
To the construction of the driving and steerable wheels, each wheel comprises hub , disc with rim ,and tire with inner tube .The rim is welded to the disc and the disc is bolted to the hub .
The driving wheel tires are of low-pressure type and have heavy tread bars for better traction.
The driving wheel hub is keyed to axle shaft and is fixed in place by means of bolted-on insert with worm whose threads mesh with the rack teeth cut in the half axle .By turning the worm one can change the position of the wheel on the axle shaft to obtain the desired track width .Before doing this ,it is necessary to jack up the rear part of the tractor to clear the wheels of the ground and loosen the bolts that hold the inserts to the wheels hubs .Should this adjustment prove insufficient ,the track width can further be increased by placing the wheels with the concaves of their discs facing inwards.
On some row-crop tractors ,the rear wheel discs are bolts to lugs welded on the wheel rims .In this case ,the crack width can be changed by bolts the discs in alternative positions to the lugs .Also the concave wheel discs may be used either with the concave facing inwards or outwards.
Trouble-free operation of automobiles and wheeled tractors largely depends on the condition of the tires. Therefore, during operation, one should adhere to following rules.
Prevent fuel and, or oil from getting onto the tires. Cleans the tires regularly from dirt and remove all foreign articles, such as stones, form the treads. Do not apply brakes sharply, never start away form rest with a jerk, and avoid making sharp turns, for all this causes uneven wear of the tires. Do not allow excessive slipping of the driving wheels. When preparing your tractor or automobile for a long-term storage, jack up the wheels and put trestles under the axles or frame to relieve the tires.
The service life of tires is expressed in terms of their mileage. For most bias (ordinary) truck tires, the guaranteed mileage amounts to 50000 km. Observing the above rules will help prolong the useful service life of tires.
貨車的車輪包括輻板, 輪輞,輪輞是焊在輻板上的。當(dāng)輪輞與一個凸緣做成整體時,與另一凸緣則做成可分的側(cè)擋圈,它是由分裂的擋圈支撐,一些貨車車輪只有擋圈,它包含側(cè)擋圈和鎖環(huán)。