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1、2021國家開放大學電大本科《英語教學理論與實踐》期末試題及答案(試卷號:1366) Section 1: Basic Theories and Principles (40 points) Questions 1-20 arv based on this purt. Directionsj Choose the best answer from A. B or C for each question. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet 1. Which aspect of needs Analysis does the following x

2、itUAtion reflect? Wuftr Li it a tludent majoring in English ? but hts mlerett “ tn And it was management that he selected when Ar uuas chiwin^ hit specialty far co//r^r education. So he shozvi littlf i/i/eres/ in Ai> 3(udy ami lagx behind in his study. H At Laclu K Needs< C. WantM. 2. Which of

3、thr following does not describe an Eclectic Approach? A. The teacher (allows Humanist Approach strictly. B. The teacher mixes up n wide range of methods and approachrn. C. The teacher Tries to incorporate the best aspects of all the research about language learning 3. What syllabus doe^ thr foll

4、owing present? Unit i Animals Unit 2 Food Unit 3 Sport Unit t Shopping Unit 5 Irave! Unit 6 Pollmkrn A. Structural syllabus K Topic AyllAbux C Skills syllabus 4. What approach treats the stncicntn as a whole person? with feelings and cn)oiion?i? A< The Natural Approach 11 The Communicafiv

5、e Approach C- The Humanistic Approach 5. Which of the following is the description of a (unction^ A> Ownership- B. Giving directians* ? C. Acting out a play. 6. Which of thr following roles does the teacher mninly play in a corumunic^tivu activity^ A. Controller* B? FaciliYaton C. Asses}*or.

6、 7. Authentic materials are materials produced for . A> Native speakers B? English learners C English teachers & Which of the following belongs to the communiaitive approach? A. Focus on accuracy B> Focus on fluency C. Focus on strategies 乳 What readinK strategy does Mpicking out sub-topic se

7、ntences^ min? A. Skimminx* B- Scanning. C. Inferring- 10. What reading approach puts mo&t emphasis on automatic recognition? A. The top-down approach* B. The bottom-up approach^ C? The interactive approach 1 L What stage is the following activity best suited for? "/ ulrrig noifi on thr main加、

8、of g taxiM A? Pre-reading B- While-reading (\ Post rcndin \2. Whitt ImtrninK iikill doc* the following Rdivity help to

9、 Antrrmin Sydney HA 359 New York Norf A ur il 19 A. LiMming for H. LitteninK for specific information. C< Infcrringe 13. Which of ihr following ia the purpose of the *whi!eliteningw stage? A. I q help studcntA cstublisih UnteninK expectatiunH H. Ti)coiiMolidatr what hr hoB le

10、arned C. I o extend the students* ability of rtiAtching whot they expect to hrnr with what they Acnmlly hnar H. Which liMtcniriK aktll rnmbineB liAtrninK und writing? A. Inferring H? Listening fur tpcciltr information C. Notrtftking I >. Which stnge of the speaking lcbon h leant trucher control

11、led? A. Presentation Ik Practice^ C\ Productioru 16. Wiuit convcrMiinnal technique doc thr lolluwin){ convcrKation prrnrnt? Jack i Sam. u^hai are you gow la do /omorraw? Sam i Nnthin^ much.Why9f Jacit i Wr err goin^ Co wafrA a fonlftall mahh. Wpm/J yu like In comr /oo? Sdm i / *c/ /our m !**

12、 A. Checking underRtAnding. B. Prtrinvitntion. C? Showing undrralAnding. 17- When a icnchcr rorrrctM the errorii af his/her 5tudentf what measurefi shouldn 11 he/hc unc at first? A. To give thr ftludrnth who makm error the (trht opportunity to correct it K To gift other RtuckntN to correct it T

13、o correct the s|udem directly lx. Which of the following speaking ACtivitir* in most coitimunirAtivr? A? I Me picturoi to mnkr up Btorica. BL Prompted dialoguesh 仁 Interview* uninx ? quei(tionnaire< I9? Which fjl the Uctors npplies 2 thr hirr sihrc ol the PPP Model? A? Accurncy B. CIm work 「R

14、山y(tǒng)rd correct ion 2(). VVhnt n^pret of pronuncintian docn the fblkiwing drmonntrntc? A? Liaison. B. Rhythm. <:? Pitch. Mn joghj pdU8?kn:dJ ("cin English posUarci9) to mirtjju:] ( M Glad to meet you .M ) Section 111 Mini^le&wn Plan 60 points 2L Directions: In this section, you arc presented wi

15、th a short dialogue. Read the dialogue and design three Itotening activities: one prr-listening activity, one listening activity and one post- listening uctivlty. The requirement of each nclMly h as follows: A Prelhtenlnpi lend in the topicr Rohig for vacation A Listening; finish the detaih in the

16、 listening materlial > P<^t-lhtcnings tniin the students * ubility to Ulk about their own plans. You muy fotlnw the table given after the passaRe. Make sure the three activities arc rduted Io each other. Lbtening material t A: What are you doing for vacation? & Im (go sightseeing) In Beijing.

17、? A: Thafs a good Idea. Who are you going with? B: I (go) with my parents^ ,? A: Whof h Mary (do) for vacation? 攔。 B: She*i going sightseeing In Hawaii. A: That sounds nice. Ak Who is ihe (go) wHh? Shea$ going with her brother. Activity 1 (Pre-listening) Objectives Classroom orRnnization

18、 Teaching aid Assumed time Procedure 1) 2) 3〉 Fran^ition (how to rclnte to thr following activity) Activity 2 (listening) Objectives ClHusroom organization Teaching aid jXssumcd time Transition (how to relate to the former activity) Procedure 1) 2) H Transition (

19、how to relate to the following activity) Activity 3 (Post-listening) Objective* Clnsaroom orj;aniuition TcMchin aid Assumed time Transition (how lo relate to the former activity) Prociwlurc 1) 2) j3) Backup plant (1) Predicted problems (2) Possible olution* 試題答案及評分標準

20、10 polntu Sect ion I i Bu^ic I lw(rric nnd Princlplr* 10. B I5.C 2 Avlhlty I (Prc^LhlcnhiK) Ohjcclhei ta lend in the topic and to ?clivute itudenti1 background knowledge o( going for vncAtia

21、ru Clasrnnm onconljjithin t C/raiip work leuchlng nidi picturcn Avimiwd Hnwi 5 niinuTr?* PnKcdurd (I)LcA(Lini intrcMfucc the topic (I *) Th

22、3*) The teacher calln oti onr or two utudcnt^ to contrtbiitCf uhd tht n niinr Mnuthcr <|uchliun fur K^oup chm imMOfL "()K. What do you do 7 Work in icroupeu See if you do the tunic thingM (3) F

23、n{nnkNthin t whole-chii work to pnir work reach I tin nidi irnt lx>okt lApr rrc

24、tcning 《I) (I ronlinucd> M Today wcerr gmng to lintrn to two cnnvcrnnlion^ wbnut talking dbciui the plan (or vucatton. Listen nnd try to find whnt their plnns Are* You mn u*e the following Table to help you H A| Whn< ia Mnry ( do) far VMCAtlOn? BiShe* xumx >ightrciriK in AtThit winds nice- Who

25、 in he (go) with? BiShr S gd irlfM. Who are you Kdltig with? Hi 1 (go) with my parents Pr(Kcdurr (6) Whole cUm litning (3*) Thr trurher |>Uyg the rrcordiriK nnH Atudcnt

26、ii limcn to thr 煩w S complrtc the tablo (7) Pnir work to check (2‘) Get the students into pnirn tu check their work. For example? the tvfldwr cun give the inMruction hkt thi Hnll rixhtt have yow liniuhrii? Now Id like you tu chrtk your nnnwerB with your partner to nee whether you hve MfcrctW idem

27、 " (8) Feed>Mck (2‘> Invitr individuiil pair、to rrp<>r their work. Mukc you hvr |irnlilrmi in getting rhr informntian? ()K. ??? ? cad you trll u whot difficully you met when

28、 liiemng?H TrumiUoni (9) Ti MNow. we know how 10 ulk aboui vncaunn plant in EnftlhK …" Activity 3 (PMblblenlng) Objcctlvc^ita train the nbility to rxpreM Mttiiudcs nn n( (he mmr time applying hiformAtion obtAined from fhr ronyrrnniiorL Cla^nN)m orgunUulhHii Pair work Teaching aid

29、( no . Assumed time, 6 minuten IrnnBilion* (10) Assign the tank (I ,> (9 continued) Now> thr nntinnal duy i coming? Wlut S your phn for the vaeMhon? Plcnut get into a pair nnd make a canvrrMtion^ ” Pmcrdurrj (11) Group discussion (3 ,) Students work in pnirii and make n cc)nvcrtion Thr tcnchr

30、r mny walk around to l*ur help Of parnripurc a (12) Ferdback (2*> Invite rftth jmir io report their choice. Backup plun Predicted problems: (1 )The student? may not know anything about vacation plans in EnglisK They may also know alrrndy through the conversation if they have previrwrd. (2)Some

31、 students may have difficulty expressing their opinion in English. Possible sulotions: (1 >lf the ?students know nnthing about vaention plftns m Englishit in bent because the objective of listening is to learn about these things from the listening. However^ if they know ukcady? it doesnt matter bec

32、ause more often than not. Hiudctits may not undersr-and the passage cvvn if ihey already know thr content Whnt ? moref students * listening may differ grently. If they have prcviewcdt they may have less difficulty in following thr class. (2〉H Mudent? have diffirulty expressing thrni>vlvts in English? we should allow them IO express their Mc?aw in Chinese. Phen ihr irarhrr can rrpr/it rheir ideas in English. In this wny. they rnny get to know how tci express themficlvr^

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