DOI 10.1007/s00170-004-2328-8ORIGINAL ARTICLEInt J Adv Manuf Technol(2006)28:6166Fang-Jung Shiou Chao-Chang A.Chen Wen-Tu LiAutomated surfacefinishing of plastic injection mold steelwith spherical grinding and ball burnishingprocessesReceived:30 March 2004/Accepted:5 July 2004/Published online:30 March 2005 Springer-Verlag London Limited 2005Abstract This study investigates the possibilities of automatedspherical grinding and ball burnishing surface finishing pro-cesses in a freeform surface plastic injection mold steel PDS5on a CNC machining center.The design and manufacture ofa grinding tool holder has been accomplished in this study.The optimal surface grinding parameters were determined usingTaguchis orthogonal array method for plastic injection moldingsteel PDS5 on a machining center.The optimal surface grind-ing parameters for the plastic injection mold steel PDS5 werethe combination of an abrasive material of PA Al2O3,a grind-ing speed of 18000 rpm,a grinding depth of 20 m,and a feedof 50 mm/min.The surface roughness Raof the specimen can beimproved from about 1.60 m to 0.35 m by using the optimalparameters for surface grinding.Surface roughness Racan befurther improved from about 0.343 m to 0.06m by using theball burnishing process with the optimal burnishing parameters.Applying the optimal surface grinding and burnishing parame-ters sequentially to a fine-milled freeform surface mold insert,the surface roughness Raof freeform surface region on the testedpart can be improved from about 2.15 m to 0.07m.Keywords Automated surface finishing Ballburnishing process Grinding process Surface roughness Taguchis method1 IntroductionPlastics are important engineering materials due to their specificcharacteristics,such as corrosion resistance,resistance to chemi-cals,low density,and ease of manufacture,and have increasinglyF.-J.Shiou(u)C.-C.A.Chen W.-T.LiDepartment of Mechanical Engineering,National Taiwan University of Science and Technology,No.43,Section 4,Keelung Road,106 Taipei,Taiwan R.O.C.E-mail:shioumail.ntust.edu.twTel.:+88-62-2737-6543Fax:+88-62-2737-6460replaced metallic components in industrial applications.Injec-tion molding is one of the important forming processes for plas-tic products.The surface finish quality of the plastic injectionmold is an essential requirement due to its direct effects on theappearance of the plastic product.Finishing processes such asgrinding,polishing and lapping are commonly used to improvethe surface finish.The mounted grinding tools(wheels)have been widely usedin conventional mold and die finishing industries.The geometricmodel of mounted grinding tools for automated surface finish-ing processes was introduced in 1.A finishing process modelof spherical grinding tools for automated surface finishing sys-tems was developed in 2.Grinding speed,depth of cut,feedrate,and wheel properties such as abrasive material and abrasivegrain size,are the dominant parameters for the spherical grind-ing process,as shown in Fig.1.The optimal spherical grindingparameters for the injection mold steel have not yet been investi-gated based in the literature.In recent years,some research has been carried out in de-termining the optimal parameters of the ball burnishing pro-cess(Fig.2).For instance,it has been found that plastic de-formation on the workpiece surface can be reduced by usinga tungsten carbide ball or a roller,thus improving the surfaceroughness,surface hardness,and fatigue resistance 36.Theburnishing process is accomplished by machining centers 3,4and lathes 5,6.The main burnishing parameters having signifi-cant effects on the surface roughness are ball or roller material,burnishing force,feed rate,burnishing speed,lubrication,andnumber of burnishing passes,among others 3.The optimal sur-face burnishing parameters for the plastic injection mold steelPDS5 were a combination of grease lubricant,the tungsten car-bide ball,a burnishing speed of 200 mm/min,a burnishing forceof 300 N,and a feedof 40 m7.The depth of penetration oftheburnished surface using the optimal ball burnishing parameterswas about 2.5 microns.The improvement of the surface rough-ness through burnishing process generally ranged between 40%and 90%37.The aim of this study was to develop spherical grinding andball burnishing surface finish processes of a freeform surface62plastic injection mold on a machining center.The flowchart ofautomated surface finish using spherical grinding and ball bur-nishing processes is shown in Fig.3.We began by designing andmanufacturing the spherical grinding tool and its alignment de-vice for use on a machining center.The optimal surface sphericalgrinding parameters were determined by utilizing a Taguchisorthogonal array method.Four factors and three correspondinglevels were then chosen for the Taguchis L18matrix experiment.The optimal mounted spherical grinding parameters for surfacegrinding were then applied to the surface finish of a freeformsurface carrier.To improve the surface roughness,the groundsurface was further burnished,using the optimal ball burnishingparameters.Fig.1.Schematic diagram of the spherical grinding processFig.2.Schematic diagram of the ball-burnishing processFig.3.Flowchart of automated surface finish using spherical grinding andball burnishing processes2 Design of the spherical grinding tool and itsalignment deviceTo carry out the possible spherical grinding process of a freeformsurface,the center of the ball grinder should coincide with thez-axis of the machining center.The mounted spherical grindingtool and its adjustment device was designed,as shown in Fig.4.The electric grinder was mounted in a tool holder with two ad-justable pivot screws.The center of the grinder ball was wellaligned with the help of the conic groove of the alignment com-ponents.Having aligned the grinder ball,two adjustable pivotscrews were tightened;after which,the alignment componentscould be removed.The deviation between the center coordi-nates of the ball grinder and that of the shank was about 5m,which was measured by a CNC coordinate measuring machine.The force induced by the vibration of the machine bed is ab-sorbed by a helical spring.The manufactured spherical grind-ing tool and ball-burnishing tool were mounted,as shown inFig.5.The spindle was locked for both the spherical grindingprocess and the ball burnishing process by a spindle-lockingmechanism.63Fig.4.Schematic illustration of the spherical grinding tool and its adjust-ment device3 Planning of the matrixexperiment3.1 Configuration of Taguchis orthogonal arrayThe effects of several parameters can be determined efficientlyby conducting matrix experiments using Taguchis orthogonalarray 8.To match the aforementioned spherical grinding pa-rameters,the abrasive material of the grinder ball(with the diam-eter of 10 mm),the feed rate,the depth of grinding,and therevolution of the electric grinder were selected as the four experi-mental factors(parameters)and designated as factor A to D(seeTable 1)in this research.Three levels(settings)for each factorwere configured to cover the range of interest,and were identi-Fig.5.a Photo of the spherical grinding tool bPhoto of the ball burnishing toolTable1.The experimental factors and their levelsFactorLevel123A.Abrasive materialSiCAl2O3,WAAl2O3,PAB.Feed(mm/min)50100200C.Depth of grinding(m)205080D.Revolution(rpm)120001800024000fied by the digits 1,2,and 3.Three types of abrasive materials,namely silicon carbide(SiC),white aluminum oxide(Al2O3,WA),and pink aluminum oxide(Al2O3,PA),were selected andstudied.Three numerical values of each factor were determinedbased on the pre-study results.The L18orthogonal array was se-lected to conduct the matrix experiment for four 3-level factorsof the spherical grinding process.3.2 Definition of the data analysisEngineering design problems can be divided into smaller-the-better types,nominal-the-best types,larger-the-better types,signed-target types,among others 8.The signal-to-noise(S/N)ratio is used as the objective function for optimizing a product orprocess design.The surface roughness value of the ground sur-face via an adequate combination of grinding parameters shouldbe smaller than that of the original surface.Consequently,thespherical grinding process is an example of a smaller-the-bettertype problem.The S/N ratio,is defined by the followingequation 8:=10log10(meansquarequalitycharacteristic)=10log10?1nn?i=1y2i?.(1)where:yi:observations of the quality characteristic under different noiseconditionsn:number of experimentAfter the S/N ratio from the experimental data of each L18orthogonal array is calculated,the main effect of each factorwas determined by using an analysis of variance(ANOVA)tech-nique and an F-ratio test 8.The optimization strategy of the64smaller-the better problem is to maximize,as defined by Eq.1.Levels that maximize will be selected for the factors that havea significant effect on.The optimal conditions for sphericalgrinding can then be determined.4 Experimentalwork and resultsThe material used in this study was PDS5 tool steel(equiva-lent to AISI P20)9,which is commonly used for the molds oflarge plastic injection products in the field of automobile com-ponents and domestic appliances.The hardness of this materialis about HRC33(HS46)9.One specific advantage of this ma-terial is that after machining,the mold can be directly usedfor further finishing processes without heat treatment due to itsspecial pre-treatment.The specimens were designed and manu-factured so that they could be mounted on a dynamometer tomeasure the reaction force.The PDS5specimen was roughly ma-chined and then mounted on the dynamometer to carry out thefine milling on a three-axis machining center made by Yang-Iron Company(type MV-3A),equipped with a FUNUC Com-pany NC-controller(type 0M)10.The pre-machined surfaceroughness was measured,using Hommelwerke T4000 equip-ment,to be about 1.6m.Figure 6 shows the experimentalset-up of the spherical grinding process.A MP10 touch-triggerprobe made by the Renishaw Company was also integrated withthe machining center tool magazine to measure and determinethe coordinated origin of the specimen to be ground.The NCcodes needed for the ball-burnishing path were generated byPowerMILL CAM software.These codes can be transmitted tothe CNC controller of the machining center via RS232 serialinterface.Table 2 summarizes the measured ground surface roughnessvalue Raand the calculated S/N ratio of each L18orthogonal ar-ray using Eq.1,after having executed the 18 matrix experiments.The average S/N ratio for each level of the four factors can beobtained,as listed in Table 3,by taking the numerical values pro-vided in Table 2.The average S/N ratio for each level of the fourfactors is shown graphically in Fig.7.Fig.6.Experimental set-up to determine the op-timal spherical grinding parametersTable2.Ground surface roughness of PDS5 specimenExp.Inner arrayMeasured surfaceResponseno.(control factors)roughness value(Ra)ABCDy1y2y3S/N ratioMean(m)(m)(m)(dB)y(m)111110.350.350.359.1190.350212220.370.360.388.6340.370313330.410.440.407.5970.417421230.630.650.643.8760.640522310.730.770.782.3800.760623120.450.420.397.5200.420731320.340.310.329.8010.323832130.270.250.2811.4710.267933210.320.320.329.8970.3201011220.350.390.408.3900.3801112330.410.500.436.9680.4471213110.400.390.427.8830.4031321130.330.340.319.7120.3271422210.480.500.476.3120.4831523320.570.610.534.8680.5701631310.590.550.545.0300.5601732120.360.360.358.9540.3571833230.570.530.535.2930.543Table3.Average S/N ratios by factor levels(dB)FactorABCDLevel 18.0997.6559.1106.770Level 25.7787.4537.0678.028Level 38.4087.1766.1077.486Effect2.6300.4793.0031.258Rank2413Mean7.428The goal in the spherical grinding process is to minimize thesurface roughness value of the ground specimen by determin-ing the optimal level of each factor.Since log is a monotonedecreasing function,we should maximize the S/N ratio.Conse-quently,we can determine the optimal level for each factor asbeing the level that has the highest value of.Therefore,based65Fig.7.Plots of control factor effectson the matrix experiment,the optimal abrasive material was pinkaluminum oxide;the optimal feed was 50 mm/min;the optimaldepth of grinding was 20 m;and the optimal revolution was18000 rpm,as shown in Table 4.The main effect of each factor was further determined byusing an analysis of variance(ANOVA)technique and an F ratiotest in order to determine their significance(see Table 5).TheF0.10,2,13is 2.76 for a level of significance equal to 0.10(or90%confidence level);the factors degree of freedom is 2 andthe degree of freedom for the pooled error is 13,according toF-distribution table 11.An F ratio value greater than 2.76 canbe concluded as having a significant effect on surface roughnessand is identified by an asterisk.As a result,the feed and the depthof grinding have a significant effect on surface roughness.Five verification experiments were carried out to observe therepeatability of using the optimal combination of grinding pa-rameters,as shown in Table 6.The obtainable surface roughnessvalue Raof such specimen was measured to be about 0.35 m.Surface roughness was improved by about 78%in using the op-Table4.Optimal combination of spherical grinding parametersFactorLevelAbrasiveAl2O3,PAFeed50 mm/minDepth of grinding20mRevolution18000 rpmTable5.ANOVA table for S/N ratio of surface roughnessFactorDegreesSumMeanF ratioof freedomof squaressquaresA224.79112.3963.620B20.6920.346C228.21814.1094.121D24.7762.388Error939.043Total1797.520Pooled to error1344.5113.424F ratio value 2.76 has significant effect on surface roughnessTable6.Surface roughness value of the tested specimen after verificationexperimentExp.no.Measured value Ra(m)Mean y(m)S/N ratioy1y2y310.300.310.330.31310.07320.360.370.360.3638.80230.360.370.370.3678.71440.350.370.340.3539.03150.330.360.350.3479.163Mean0.3499.163timal combination of spherical grinding parameters.The groundsurface was further burnished using the optimal ball burnishingparameters.A surface roughness value of Ra=0.06 m was ob-tainable after ball burnishing.Improvement of the burnished sur-face roughness observed with a 30 optical microscope is shownin Fig.8.The improvement of pre-machined surfaces roughnesswas about 95%after the burnishing process.The optimal parameters for surface spherical grinding ob-tained from the Taguchis matrix experiments were applied tothe surface finish of the freeform surface mold insert to evalu-ate the surface roughness improvement.A perfume bottle wasselected as the testedcarrier.The CNCmachining of the mold in-sert for the tested object was simulated with PowerMILL CAMsoftware.After fine milling,the mold insert was further groundwith the optimal spherical grinding parameters obtained fromthe Taguchis matrix experiment.Shortly afterwards,the groundsurface was burnished with the optimal ball burnishing parame-ters to further improve the surface roughness of the tested object(see Fig.9).The surface roughness of the mold insert was meas-ured with Hommelwerke T4000 equipment.The average surfaceroughness value Raon a fine-milled surface of the mold insertwas 2.15 m on average;that on the ground surface was 0.45 mFig.8.Comparison between the pre-machined surface,ground surface andthe burnished surface of the tested specimen observed with a toolmakermicroscope(30)66Fig.9.Fine-milled,ground and burnished mold insert of a perfume bottleon average;and that on burnished surface was 0.07 m on aver-age.The surface roughness improvement of the tested object onground surface was about(2.150.45)/2.15=79.1%,and thaton the burnished surface was about(2.150.07)/2.15=96.7%.5 ConclusionIn this work,the optimal parameters of automated spheri-cal grinding and ball-burnishing surface finishing processes ina freeform surface plastic injection mold were developed suc-cessfully on a machining center.The mounted spherical grindingtool(and its alignment components)was designed and manu-factured.The optimal spherical grinding parameters for surfacegrinding were determined by conducting a Taguchi L18matrixexperiments.The optimal spherical grinding parameters for theplastic injection mold steel PDS5 were the combination of theabrasive material of pink aluminum oxide(Al2O3,PA),a feedof 50 mm/min,a depth of grinding 20m,and a revolution of18000 rpm.The surface roughness Raof the specimen can beimproved from about 1.6 m to 0.35 m by using the optimalspherical grinding conditions for surface grinding.By applyingthe optimal surface grinding and burnishing parameters to thesurface finish of the freeform surface mold insert,the surfaceroughness improvements were measured to be ground surfacewas about 79.1%in terms of ground surfaces,and about 96.7%in terms of burnished surfaces.Acknowledgement The authors are grateful to the National Science Coun-cil of the Republic of China for supporting this research with 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