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本 科 畢 業(yè) 設(shè) 計
學生姓名 姜杰 學號 080242011013
指導教師 謝迎春
院、系、中心 工程學院機電工程系
專業(yè)年級 機械設(shè)計制造及其自動化2011級
論文答辯日期 2015 年 6 月 4 日
中 國 海 洋 大 學
目 錄
1、 任務書
2、 開題報告
3、 周次進度計劃及實際進展情況表
4、 指導教師工作記錄
5、 指導教師評分標準及評閱表
6、 答辯記錄及成績評定表
7、 英文材料
8、 英文材料翻譯
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① 查閱相關(guān)的文獻資料,搜集、整理基礎(chǔ)數(shù)據(jù);
② 完成對撿球機機械系統(tǒng)運動方案設(shè)計;
③ 完成總體結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計,以及所有有零部件的選??;
④ 完成裝配圖、主要零部件的CAD圖紙繪制;
⑤ 撰寫畢業(yè)設(shè)計說明書。
5.16至月底 撰寫畢業(yè)論文。
論文起止時間:自 年 月 日起 年 月 日止
指導教師(簽名): 院(系、中心)負責人(簽名):
題 目 網(wǎng)球自動撿球機設(shè)計
院、 系 工程學院機電工程系
專 業(yè) 機械設(shè)計制造及其自動化 (年級)2011
學生姓名 姜杰
學 號 080242011013
指導教師 謝迎春
2015 年 4 月 2 日
根據(jù)國際機器人聯(lián)合會 (International Federation of Rob otics, IFR)發(fā)布的2014年服務機器人研究報告,2013年個人和家用服務機器人銷量大約為四百萬臺,比2012年增長28%,市場規(guī)模約為17億美元。據(jù)估計,將有3100萬臺個人服務機器人于2014至2017年之間售出,這也就意味著服務機器人在這一領(lǐng)域?qū)⒂谐掷m(xù)而強勁的增長。
據(jù)中國網(wǎng)球協(xié)會官方最新數(shù)據(jù)統(tǒng)計,到2008 年,憑借鄭潔溫網(wǎng)殺入四強和李娜的奧運會四強,國人網(wǎng)球熱情空前高漲。中國網(wǎng)球人口已突破 800 萬。而隨著李娜法網(wǎng)捧杯,WTA官網(wǎng)甚至認為,李娜的大滿貫冠軍將為中國增加 3 億網(wǎng)球人口。由此可分析,我國的網(wǎng)球運動必將蒸蒸日上,市場上對網(wǎng)球撿球機的需求也會直線增加。
圖2 網(wǎng)球筐2
圖1 網(wǎng)球筐1
圖4 撿球筒2
圖3 撿球筒1
網(wǎng)球撿球筒的結(jié)構(gòu)更為簡單, 主要由收集筒、手柄和進口閥彈簧組成。收集筒用于存儲收集到的網(wǎng)球;手柄便于操作;而進口閥彈簧保證了網(wǎng)球的單向通過,使已經(jīng)撿起的網(wǎng)球不會掉落。這種撿球機構(gòu)簡單方便,成本低,但存在不少缺點。與網(wǎng)球筐一樣,對網(wǎng)球傷害較大;撿球時作用相對較少,需要人工尋找對準網(wǎng)球,實際上只是減少一個彎腰的動作;效率極低,一次只能撿一個球,存儲球的數(shù)量也十分有限;隨著撿球數(shù)量的增加,撿球難度也增大[2]。
圖5 自動網(wǎng)球撿球機
圖5是一種自動網(wǎng)球撿球機,該遙控自動網(wǎng)球拾球機主要組成包括車體、拾球滾筒、儲球箱、驅(qū)動輪、萬向輪、傳動齒輪組、傳感器、電路板、電池和拉桿式推把等部件。其工作原理為:采用后輪驅(qū)動,左、右驅(qū)動輪由兩個電動機分別帶動,前輪是萬向輪, 起支撐的作用,共同實現(xiàn)拾球機前進、轉(zhuǎn)彎及后退等動作。萬向輪轉(zhuǎn)動時通過傳動齒輪組帶動拾球滾筒[5],傳動齒輪組與萬向輪之間是采用單向推力軸承聯(lián)接, 保證了拾球滾筒在前進時轉(zhuǎn)動而自動拾球, 而在后退時停轉(zhuǎn)以防止?jié)L 筒反轉(zhuǎn)將網(wǎng)球帶出箱外[6]。 拾到的網(wǎng)球暫時存放在儲球箱中,儲球箱設(shè)計為抽屜式結(jié)構(gòu),可隨時安放和取出。拉桿式推把可根據(jù)拾球人員身高的變化而相應地調(diào)節(jié)長度,推把長度的范圍在70~120cm,該結(jié)構(gòu)非常靈活。結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計考慮到傳感器的安裝, 用于避障檢測用的兩對紅外反射式傳感器分別安裝在前面左、右兩端,三對紅外對射式傳感 器安裝在儲球箱的上部內(nèi)側(cè)。電路板和電池是拾球機的控制系統(tǒng),控制著其他部件的動作[4]。
目前較先進的拾球器是全自動拾球機,采用機械臂和圖象識別等高科技,不需人工操作,可以完全自動拾球,但效率低,每次只能拾起一個球,且結(jié)構(gòu)非常復雜, 成本相當高,不容易推廣[3]。
圖7 國外撿球機2
圖6 國外撿球機1
圖9 國外撿球機4
圖8 國外撿球機3
乒乓球的直徑為40mm,質(zhì)量為2.7g,具有體積小、質(zhì)量輕的特點,特別適合吸力裝置吸取。風扇在轉(zhuǎn)動時,抽風的一端會形成負壓;如果將一個管道與風扇的抽風面相連接,則在風扇的作用下,管道內(nèi)的氣壓將小于管道外的大氣壓, 管道口附近的物體將在壓力差的作用下被吸進管道里[11]。利用這個原理制作的撿乒乓球機如圖10所示。
圖10 乒乓球撿球機器人1
圖11 乒乓球撿球機2
圖12 高爾夫撿球器
[1] 席澤生. 網(wǎng)球場撿球機器人系統(tǒng)設(shè)計[J].電氣與自動化,2012,,41(2):140-141
[2] 韓良,王德彬,龔煥.智能網(wǎng)球車的研制[J].機電技術(shù),2011,2:49-54
[3] 呂騰飛,陸麗等.智能網(wǎng)球撿球機的研制[J].電子世界
[4] 盧飛躍,劉志鋒.遙控自動網(wǎng)球拾球機的研制[J].機電工程技術(shù),2010,39(06):86-89
[5] 王侃,楊秀梅.網(wǎng)球訓練場拾球機的設(shè)計[A].第十二屆全國機械設(shè)計協(xié)會,2006
[6] 胡利永,章磊,鄭堤,等.落葉清掃機器人的研制[J].機電工程,2009,26(10):96-98
[7] Tennis Ball Pick-up and Storage Device[P].US:US 20020151390A1,oct.17,2002
[8] Ball-picking Device[P].US:US006481768B1,Nov.19,2002
[9] Tennis Ball Pick-up Cart[P].US:US 20140294547A1,Oct.2,2014
[10] Tennis Ball Collection Device[P].US:US008920101132,Dec.30,2014
[11] 許東偉,劉建群,林淦.乒乓球撿球機器人的設(shè)計與實現(xiàn)[J].機床與液壓,2014,42(3):16-19
[12] 朱建,安必勝,朱向楠.乒乓球撿球機的創(chuàng)新設(shè)計與感悟[J].工程技術(shù)與應用,2011,8(1):34-36
[13] Golf Ball Pick-up Device[P].US:US007165796B1,Jan.23,2007
1. 學術(shù)構(gòu)想與思路;主要研究內(nèi)容及擬解決的關(guān)鍵問題(或技術(shù))
(1) 撿球方式的選擇;
(2) 傳動方式的選擇;
(3) 行走速度分析;
(4) 球道數(shù)選擇。
(1) 查閱相關(guān)的文獻資料,了解相關(guān)設(shè)計方案及原理;
(2) 撿球機機械系統(tǒng)運動方案設(shè)計;
(3) 撿球機零部件參數(shù)計算,以及選?。?
(4) 撿球機三維圖及二維CAD圖紙繪制;
(5) 撰寫畢業(yè)論文。
年 月 日
年 月 日
Procedia Engineering 41 ( 2012 ) 1072 1078 1877-7058 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2012.07.285 International Symposium on Robotics and Intelligent Sensors 2012 (IRIS 2012) Wireless Mobile Robotic Arm Mohd Ashiq Kamaril Yusoffa, Reza Ezuan Saminb*, Babul Salam Kader Ibrahimca,b,cFaculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400 Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia Abstract In recent year, with the increase usage of wireless application, the demand for a system that could easily connect devices for transfer of data over a long distance - without cables, grew stronger. This paper presents the development of a wireless mobile robot arm. A mobile robot that functional to do pick and place operation and be controlled by using wireless PS2 controller. It can move forward, reverse, turn right and left for a specific distance according to the controller specification. The development of this robot is based on Arduino Mega platform that will be interfaced with the wireless controller to the mobile robotic arm. Analysis such as speed, distance, load that can be lifted of the robot has been done in order to know its performance. Finally, this prototype of the robot is expected to overcome the problem such as placing or picking object that far away from the user, pick and place hazardous object in the fastest and easiest way. 2012 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Centre of Humanoid Robots and Bio-Sensor (HuRoBs), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA. Keywords: Robotic arm, mobile robot, wireless PS2 controller, Arduino Mega 2560. 1. Introduction Nowadays, robots are increasingly being integrated into working tasks to replace humans especially to perform the repetitive task. In general, robotics can be divided into two areas, industrial and service robotics. International Federation ofRobotics (IFR) defines a service robot as a robot which operates semi- or fully autonomously to perform services useful to the well-being of humans and equipment, excluding manufacturing operations. These mobile robots are currently used in many fields of applications including office, military tasks, hospital operations, dangerous environment and agriculture 1.Besides, it might be difficulties to the worker whose must pick and place something that can affect itself. For example, things like chemistry that cannot be picked by human and for the military such as defuse bomb that needed robot to pick and place the bomb to somewhere and for user that needed robot to do pick and place item while sitting and much more. Therefore a locomotion robot can be replaced human to do work. The robot is wireless controlled to ensure it can journey a long way from the user. For example, previous project robot Autonomous Robot Navigation using radio frequency that similar to this project 2. The robot was prepared mechanically to be suitable for this RF to work. Other than wireless controlled, Bluetooth is also a platform to control robot without using the cable 3. The movements of the robot are controlled remotely using Bluetooth connectivity. For this project, robot will be controlled in the all directions (forward, reverse, right and left). The actuator (arm robot) is controlled by generating pulse width modulation, PWM from the pin at Arduino Mega board. * Corresponding author. Tel.:+60167585859. E-mail address: rezauthm.edu.my Available online at Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.1073 Mohd Ashiq Kamaril Yusoff et al. / Procedia Engineering 41 ( 2012 ) 1072 1078 2. Robotic arm definition A robotic arm is a robot manipulator, usually programmable, with similar functions to a human arm. The links of such a manipulator are connected by joints allowing either rotational motion (such as in an articulated robot) or translational (linear) displacement 4.The links of the manipulator can be considered to form a kinematic chain 5. The business end of the kinematic chain of the manipulator is called the end effectors and it is analogous to the human hand. The end effectors can be designed to perform any desired task such as welding, gripping, spinning etc., depending on the application. The robot arms can be autonomous or controlled manually and can be used to perform a variety of tasks with great accuracy. The robotic arm can be fixed or mobile (i.e. wheeled) and can be designed for industrial or home applications. The wireless mobile robots also have been developing in previous years 6.3. Methodology 3.1. Project overview In this project, the hardware and software function are combined to make the system reliable. The Arduino Mega will be the interfacing for the robot and controller PS2 wireless will control the movement of the robot. The project overview is shown in Fig 1. Fig. 1: Project overview of controlling robot arm. 3.2. System architecture Table 1 shows the project specification for this wireless mobile robotic arm. The main purpose of producing this specification is to clarify some important aspects of the project and to make sure that the project is feasible as well as appropriate to use in the market. Table 1: Specification of Wireless Mobile Robotic Arm.Module Specification Interface Arduino Mega Controller Sony PS2 wireless Programming language Arduino language Actuator Servo motor 3.3. Mechanical design Fig 2 illustrate the designing of the robot with (a) main structure arm robot (b) arm robot design and (c) mobile for carrying arm robot. Robot arm wills have 5 outputs which consist of the base, shoulder, elbow, wrist and gripper. 1074 Mohd Ashiq Kamaril Yusoff et al. / Procedia Engineering 41 ( 2012 ) 1072 1078 (a) (b) (c) Fig. 2: Robot design (a) main structure arm robot (b) robot arm design and (c) mobile for carrying arm robot. For arm robot, servo holder such as bracket and U joint is use to place the motor and it is made from aluminums because it is lightweight. The robot gripper is also made of aluminum because of the same reason as the main robot arm structure. The mobile robot, it has dimension (28 x 15.5 x 8.5) cm which is the length, width, and height respectively, as shown in Fig 2 (c). Acrylic is used as the main material for mobile robotic arm because it is easy to be formed, cheap, strong and can bear the motor weight and movement. There are 4 servo motor and servo wheel attached to this mobile. 3.4. Electrical design Fig 3 (a) shows the electrical designing using Proteus simulation for motor driver mobile robot and (b) by using PCB wizard software, each electrical component has been arraged specifically to create space for Arduino Mega. (a) (b) Fig. 3: Electrical design for (a) motor driver and (b) complete circuit for mobile robot arm. 3.5. Software development Software is a set of programs, procedures, algorithms and its documentation concerned with the operation of a data processing system. In this case, software is needed in order to complete task for the project. ?Arduino IDE: Arduino hardware is programmed using a Wiring-based language (syntax and libraries), similar to C+ with some slight simplifications and modifications, and a Processing-based integrated development environment. Arduino is programmed using Arduino IDE that has been develop using Java and based on Processing, avr-gcc, and other open source software. ?Proteus 7 Professional: This software been used in order to design the motor driver circuit for mobile robot arm only. It is because, to make the mobile goes forward, reverse, turn right and turn left it must needed an electronic component such as relay and transistor to function it. ?Google Sketch Up: To design the whole project that divided into two designing part. First is for the arm robot and other part is for the mobile robot. ?PCB Wizard: Software that will be used to create and design the arrangement of an electronic device into board. This project used single layer board due to less component used. 1075 Mohd Ashiq Kamaril Yusoff et al. / Procedia Engineering 41 ( 2012 ) 1072 1078 3.6. Arduino Mega 2560 Fig. 4: Arduino Mega 2560. The Arduino Mega 2560 as in Fig 4 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560. It has 54 digital input and output pins of which 14 can be used as PWM outputs, 16 analog inputs, 4 UARTs (hardware serial ports), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with an alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) adapter or battery to get started. 3.7. Sony Play Station 2 (PS2) wireless controller Fig. 5: Sony PS2 wireless controller. For this project, PS2 wireless controllers as in Fig 5 are used to control the movement of servo including the gripper and mobile robot arm. In addition, wireless controller has an advantage compared to cable because it can communicate with the robot wirelessly. The controller used 2.4GHZ frequency and has a vibration feedback capability. It has transmitter (Tx) and receiver (Rx) to operate separately. The controller used 2xAAA battery size. 4. Result and discussion 4.1. Complete designing robot Fig. 6: Completed wireless mobile robotic arm. Fig 6 shows a completed mechanical structure of wireless mobile robotic arm. The dimension of the robot when not working is (29 X 19 X 25.5) cm and the weight of the robot is 1.55kg. 1076 Mohd Ashiq Kamaril Yusoff et al. / Procedia Engineering 41 ( 2012 ) 1072 1078 4.2. Mobile robotic arm analysis Fig 7 shows the wheel movement of the mobile robot. The robot can move forward, reverse, turn right and left. Light Emitting Diode (LED) will light up when button of controller is pressed. Fig. 7: Wheel movement of mobile robot. The incoming power supply is important for mobile robot because it will control the speed of servo motor. Therefore, Table 2 shows the analysis for velocity of the robot in difference supply for 1metre distance. Table 2: Time taken for difference power supply. No Power Supply (V)Time taken (s) Velocity (m/s) 19 4.83 0.20 28 5.83 0.17 37 23.8 0.04 46 Not finished - It show that, if power supply for mobile robot is decrease, it takes more time to reach 1metre distance. But when 6V power supply is used, there are no movement for mobile robot. So, it can be conclude that power supply for mobile robot (3600servo motor) is proportional to the speed of the robot. 4.3. Operational of robot arm The workplace for arm robot is illustrated in Fig 8. The arm robot workplace is in revolute manipulator. It consist of axis that represent the degree of freedom (DOF). For this project, the mobile robot has 4-DOF. (a) (b) Fig. 8: Robot arm workplace (a) side view (b) plane view. For the load that the robot arm can pick depends on the strength of servo motor. If the load exceeds the strength of the servo, it will cause the servo not working and can caused more usage of current in the servo motor. Table 3 shows the different load that can be lifted by the robot arm. Because this is a prototype project, the load that can be lifted by the robotarm is quite small. 1077 Mohd Ashiq Kamaril Yusoff et al. / Procedia Engineering 41 ( 2012 ) 1072 1078 Table 3: The different load that can be lifted by the robot arm. No Load (g) Function 150 Yes 2100 Yes 3150 Yes 4200 No 4.4. Wireless PS2 controller application Wireless mobile robotic arm should be able to move and can be controlled by using PS2 wireless controller. In this case, the prototype of robot should move simultaneously when controller button is pressed. There are 14 LED represent each button in controller and will lights up when controller button is pressed. Fig 9 (a) shows the navigation of controller based on programming code and (b) shows the LED represent on each button in the controller. (a) (b) Fig. 9: (a) Navigation and (b) LED represent on each button of the controller. The controller is using 2.4GHz wireless frequency and operating range (maximum) for wireless control is 8 meter, 45-degree angle. If the power of battery for the controller decrease, signal strength become weak. Therefore, there will be lost of connection between the transmitter (Tx) and the receiver (Rx). Table 4 shows the effective distance for this mobile robot. Table 4: The effective distance for wireless controller. Distance(m) Obstacle Rx Detect No Yes 8Yes No No Yes 7Yes No No Yes 6Yes No No Yes 5Yes Yes 4.5. Servo motor analysis A servo motor has three wire output. Two of them are for power and ground and another one is lead feeds a position control signal to the motor. The positional of the servo will be controlled by using PS2 wireless controller. Initial position for robot is 90 degree of each servo. Fig 10 shows the different positions angle when different pulse width is injected into the servo motor signal wire. (a) (b) (c) Fig. 10: (a) short pulse width (180 degree), (b) neutral position (90 degree) and (c) wider pulse width (0 degree). 1078 Mohd Ashiq Kamaril Yusoff et al. / Procedia Engineering 41 ( 2012 ) 1072 1078 4.6. Circuit analysis There will be 3 power supplies in the overall circuit for this project as shown in Table 5. Table 5: Specification for power supply in the circuit. Power Supply Battery Circuit Operation 19V (battery) Supply for Arduino Mega Arduino Mega On, receiver (Rx) operates and LED will lights up when controller (Tx) button is pressed. 29V (battery) Motor driver When controller button is pressed, Rx receive signal from Tx and send data to Arduino (interface). Then, data will be an output from Arduino and become input (5V) for motor driver to move the mobile robot as desired. 312V/1.2 Ah (Sealed Lead Acid battery) Servo motor (actuator) Robot arm will be in standby mode (90 degree). When controller (Tx) send signal (controller button is pressed) to Rx, the signal will be sent to actuator (servo motor) and drive the arm robot as desired. For the power supply 3, LM7806 will be used to regulate 12V to 6V because it was the maximum voltage for the servos. By using this sealed lead acid battery rechargeable with such a high current (1.2Ah) compared to lithium battery, servo motor (actuator) can move and lift the load. 5. Conclusion Overall, the objectives of this project have been achieved which are developing the hardware and software for wireless mobile robotic arm, implementing the pick and place system operation and also testing the robot that meets the criteria of purpose project. From the analysis that has been made, it is clearly shows that its movement is precise, accurate, and easy to control and user friendly. The mobile robot has been developed successfully as the movement of the robot including mobile and arm robot can be controlled wirelessly. This robot is expected to overcome the problem such as placing or picking object that away from the user, pick and place hazardous object in the fastest and easiest way. 6. Recommendation Generally the robot program runs smoothly as planned. For the future recommendation, this robot can be equipped with a camera to view and display at the monitor screen. Besides that, the prototype robots materials can also be upgraded so it can lift heaver load and do multifunction operation. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank supervisor, Engr. Reza Ezuan Bin Samin and Dr. Babul Salam Bin KSM Kader Ibrahim that giving an encouragement and support to complete this project and also fellow friend that helps and gives idea to overcome problem that occur while doing this project. References 1R. C. Luo , K. L. Su,.A multi agent multi sensor based real-time sensory control system for intelligent security robot. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, vol. 2, 2003, pp.2394 .2399. 2Tan, Ming Chun (2005). Autonomous Robot Navigation using Radio Frequency. Bachelor Project. Thesis. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai. 3Jennifer Bray, Charles F. Sturman (2002). “Bluetooth: connect withuot cables”, Upper Saddle river, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall PTR 4Robot entry, http:/ accessed on 7th April 2012 at 2.00p.m. 5D.L. Pieper. The kinematics of manipulators under computer control. PhD Thesis, Stanford University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1968. 6L.Feng, J.Borenstein, D. Wehe, A Completely Wireless Development System for Mobile Robots. ISRAM conferecence, Montpellier, France, May 27-30, 1996, pp.571-576