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Suhas A.Rewatkar, Dr.A.V.Vanalkar, P.G. Mehar / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, pp.008-012 8 | P a g e Stress Analysis Of Lpg Cylinder Using Ansys Software Suhas A.Rewatkar,1Dr.A.V.Vanalkar,2 P.G. Mehar3 *Student M Tech. K.D.K.C.E., NAGPUR, 440009 *Assistant Professor, K.D.K.C.E., NAGPUR, 440009 *Assistant Professor, K.D.K.C.E., NAGPUR, 440009 ABSTRACT: Analysis of the robot hand was analyzed using dedicated software for FEM analysis. The model was exported to FEM processor i.e. in ANSYS, the geometry was updated and the structure meshed using 3D elements. Finite element analysis is a method to computationally model reality in a mathematical form to better understand a highly complex problem. In the real world, everything that occurs results from the interaction between atoms (and sub-particles of those atoms). Billions and billions and billions of them. If we were to simulate the world in a computer, we would have to simulate this interaction based on the simple laws of physics. However, no computer can process the near infinite number of atoms in objects, so instead we model finite groups of them. Keywords: robot hand, Robotics, Robot Finger, Finger joints, FEA modeling. INTRODUCTION One may define it as a numerical method for solving engineering problem and physics, or a method to computationally model reality in a mathematical form; either one is acceptable indeed. However, for more complete definition of FEM, it may define as. “A continuum is discredited into simple geometric shapes called finite elements; constitutive relations, loading and constraints are defined over these elements; assembly of elements results set of equations; solution of these equations gives the approximate behavior of the continuum.” FIG(1) FIG(2) Hebei University of Architecture ( - 2014/2/17 DownloadSuhas A.Rewatkar, Dr.A.V.Vanalkar, P.G. Mehar / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, pp.008-012 9 | P a g e 7.3 MATERIAL PROPERTIES OF STRUCTURAL STEEL Properties of Structural steel are Modulus of elasticity in tension and compression, E = 200 X 103 Mpa Modulus of elasticity in shear, G = 80 X 103 Mpa Ultimate tensile Strength, Sut = 435 Mpa Yield strength in tension & compression, Syt / Syc = 246 Mpa Yield strength in Shear, Sys = 154 Mpa Percentage elongation, e = 30 % Specific gravity = 7.8 Possions Ratio, = 0.292 Endurance limit in reversed bending, Seb = 183 Mpa ANSYS PROCEDURE FOR F.E. ANALYSIS o Model o Geometry- Imported from PROE in “.iges” format 1. Solid- generated ansys geometry. o Mesh- tetrahedral element selection o Supply model parameters o Material properties and determine the constraints. o Display of results. LOADS AND INPUT DATA Analysis of the robot hand has been done to check the overall deformation required to robot fingers to grip an object. Object is kept exactly over the robot palm at the center of hand. Object is spherical shape of 80mm diameter. (Fig 3).maximum deformation takes place for thumb joint of 124.25mm while it very for remaining four fingers. Maximum 700angle required for base joint of the thumb. Torque required at base joint of all fingers including thumb, is found different. FIG (3) Maximum torque is at thumb joint of 1.5 N-mm because of its self weight while torque at remaining four fingers very form 0.45N-mm to 0.6N-mm as per its respective deformation. (fig 3) For the input data and loading scheme, the gravitational and inertial forces were introduced in the current model with the maximum values required by the application. The palm of robot hand is fixed. A normal temperature distribution of 22 C was considered and it was assumed that no other conditions influence the environment. Hebei University of Architecture ( - 2014/2/17 DownloadSuhas A.Rewatkar, Dr.A.V.Vanalkar, P.G. Mehar / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, pp.008-012 10 | P a g e FIG(4) STATIC STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF ROBOT HAND The static analysis comprises an assessment of the total deformation, equivalent (von Misses) stress under the loads mentioned above, max shear stress and the fatigue tool i.e. for life and damage and safety factor. An analysis of non operational robot was done only considering the gravitational forces. The inertial forces were introduced as well, to show a complete static analysis of the operational robot. DISTRIBUTION OF STRESSES ALONG THE FINGER TIPS ALONG THE THREE AXES FIG (5) Hebei University of Architecture ( - 2014/2/17 DownloadSuhas A.Rewatkar, Dr.A.V.Vanalkar, P.G. Mehar / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, pp.008-012 11 | P a g e VON-MISES STRESS DISTRIBUTION A material is said to start yielding when its von Misses stress reaches a critical value known as the yield strength,. The von Misses stress is used to predict yielding of materials under any loading condition from results of simple uniaxial tensile tests. FIG(6) Object Name Joint Probe State Solved Definition Type Joint Probe Boundary Condition Revolute - Solid To Solid Orientation Method Joint Reference System Orientation Reference Coordinate System Options Result Type Force Result Selection All Display All Time Points Maximum Value Over Time X Axis 8.375e-003 N Y Axis 2.6212e-002 N Z Axis 3.4694e-018 N Total 4.7247e-002 N Minimum Value Over Time X Axis -4.376e-002 N Y Axis 0. N Z Axis -1.7347e-018 N Total 0. N Hebei University of Architecture ( - 2014/2/17 DownloadSuhas A.Rewatkar, Dr.A.V.Vanalkar, P.G. Mehar / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, pp.008-012 12 | P a g e CONCLUSION modeling & structural analysis of five fingered robot hand is carried out. The modeling is carried by using the Pro E software. The volume of each link of finger is kept approximately 1214.8 mm. The CAD model of robot hand in Pro E is imported in the ansys software for the analysis. The coarse mesh is generated for the whole assembly. TORQUE ACTING thumb -1.5 n mm while torque at remaining four fingers very form 0.45N-mm to 0.6N-mm as per its respective deformation. Overall movement at thumb of 124.25mm VON-MISES STRESS DISTRIBUTION 0.89649 mpa REFERENCES 1. Ikuo Yamano, Takashi Maeno “ Five Fingered Robotic hand Using Ultrasonic Motors and Elastic Elements” Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kieo University Hiyoshi Yokohama 223-8522, Japan. Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation Barcelona, Spain, April 2005. 2. Dongwoon Choi, Woonghee Shon and Ho-Gil Lee “Design of 5 D.O.F Robot Hand with an artificial skin For An Android Robot” Department of Applied Robot Technology, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology Republic of Korea. Pg.No.85 3. 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Hebei University of Architecture ( - 2014/2/17 Download