Knowledge model as an integral way to reuse the knowledge for fixture design process
期刊與作者:R. Hunter Journal of Materials Processing Technology 128(2002)7-18:1510—1515
出版社: Elsevier Science B.V.
The fixture design is considered a complex process that demands the knowledge of different areas, such as geometry, tolerances, dimensions, processes and manufacturing resources. Nowadays, the fixture design process is o-riented to automated systems based on knowledge models. These models describe the characteristics and relationships of the physical elements together withthe inference processes that allow carrying out the activity of fixture design. With the employment of the knowledge models, besides the automation, it ispossible to systematize and structure the knowledge of the fixture design process.
With the use of specific methodologies, as the knowledge template, it ispossible to reuse the knowledge represented in a model, for its use in a different design process. The knowledge template represents a pattern that defines the common entities and inference processes to use in the design process .In this work, with the use of knowledge template we propose the reuse of the knowledge described in the design process of fixtures for machining to other types of fixtures uses like inspection, assembly or welding.
? 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Knowledge model; Knowledge template; Fixture design
1. Introduction
The continuous challenge that involves the knowledge representation hasoriented to many different research groups to develop methodologies that describe stages for capture and representation of the knowledge in design and manufacturing systems [1–3]. This has allowed to define knowledge models as a tool that helps us to clarify the structure of intensive knowledge and information-processing tasks. In this sense, a knowledge model provides a specification of the data and inference processes required by the system of study [4]. A first approach in the development of knowledge models applied to machining fixtures design process has been proposed by Hunter [5].
During the last decade, the use of modelling techniques has allowed usto represent the fixture design process employed in some manufacturing operations, such as machining, assembly and inspection, etc. [6]. Due to the complexity and the wide scope of the fixture design process, different research
groups have been focused in the analysis of specific activities of this process,such as fixture configuration, tolerance analyses, stability and accessibility.
A great number of investigations has taken in consideration the way inwhich represent the knowledge used in the fixture design process. These researches are focused in the documentation of the design parameters, the structuring of the information of the fixture and the description of the fixture elements used in fixture design [2,7]. On the other hand, the implementation of the knowledge used in the fixture design can be classified regarding the artificial intelligence technique(AI) used [8,9] and on the automation level of t-he design system[2].
However, whatever it is the artificial intelligence technique used and
the automation level of this type of systems, the process of knowledge modelling in the fixture design is important for several reasons: the need to specify the concepts used in the fixture design; to establish the relationships amongdifferent knowledge groups; to develop knowledge based systems (KBS), and finally, to provide a conceptual base for reusing the knowledge. In this sense, the entities and structures defined in a knowledge model for design process of machining fixtures can be partially reused to develop new models for fixture design process, as the inspection or assembly fixture. The entities and structures reused has been defined using the method of knowledge template[4].
The work presented is a detailed proposition of the knowledge model
for machining fixture design and the definition of the knowledge groups that can be reused in the inspection fixture design process, using the knowledge template method. Fig. 1 presents a general view of the contents of this ex
Fig. 1. The structure of the work. planation.
2. Present state of fixture design process knowledge modelling
The fixture concept arises from the need to establish a physical connection between part, and tool, and part and machine-tool. This connection should fulfil some requirements for support the machining operation to carry out. The mainly functionality of the fixture is to support, locate and clamp the part to the machine tool. However, in order to interpreting correctly the needed knowledge for develop the fixture design process, it is necessary to define the basic information related with this process according to the classification exposed in Table 1.
All this information has been represented in models that describe the entities, attributes and relationships between each knowledge group in the fixture design process. The definition of these models can be carried out using methodologies that describe the activities to capture, represent and reuse the knowledge of a design system, for example MOKA and CommonKADS.
The MOKA methodology is based on the definition of two models.
These models allow to capture and to structure the knowledge of a system. The first model, uses a group of forms (ICARE: Illustrations, Constraints, Activities, Rules,Entities) that allow to capture and to represent the knowledge in a semistructured way; the second model allows to represent knowledge ina structured way, using the extension of UML [10].
The CommonKADS methodology proposes the use of tools and techniques to carry out the capture and representation of the knowledge. In the case of reusing knowledge, CommonKADS proposes the use of the knowledgetemplate: a knowledge template is a piece of a knowledge model, in which
the data and reasoning processes can be employed in the development of other applications [3].
3. Methodology for development a knowledge model: structural model
The methodology proposed for development of a knowledge model includes the realization of two stages. The first stage represents the knowledgeof the objects like part geometry, machining process, functional and detailed fixture design,and fixture resources (see Table 1). The second stage describes
the inference process (design and interpretation rules) needed to obtain a firstsolution for the machining fixture. These two stages allow to describe the structural model and behaviour model of the objects that compose the knowledge model for machining fixtures. This work is focused mainly in the descriptionof the structural model for machining fixture design process.
Table 1
Knowledge group for machining fixture
Knowledge group Characteristics
Part geometry Geometry: holes, slots, etc.
Machining process Type of machining process
Machining phase and sub phase
Machining operation
Functional and detailed Methodology of design
fixture design process Design rules
Interpretation rules
Design constrains
Fixture resources Type of fixture (modular, general, or dedicated)
(functional elements Type of fixture elements (support, locate, clamp)
and commercial elements) Type of machine tool (vertical milling
machine, horizontal milling machine, etc.)
The proposed structural model contains a general structure of the knowledge groups related with the fixture design process. The description of theaspects related with the knowledge groups are presented in Table 1. Fig. 2
shows the general structure of the knowledge groups for machining fixture design process.
Due to the complexity of the fixture design process, the fixture design cannot be considered as an independent process with respect to the manufacturing process. In this sense, the information of the manufacturing process isdirectly represented in the fixture design process. In a similarway, the resources involved in the manufacturing process have a narrow relationship with the fixture resources, in terms of machine tools and commercial elements of fixture. The definition of each knowledge groups (see Table 1) has taken into
consideration the attributes and necessary operations to represent the knowledge relative to these knowledge groups. The applications of these models are presented in the following sections.
Fig. 2. Structural model for machining fixture.
4. Knowledge template model
In this section, we describe those pieces of the knowledge model thatcan be reused in other applications using the method of knowledge template.From a conceptual point of view, a knowledge template describes a piece of the knowledge model in which the inference and the knowledge tasks are defined with the objective of reuse this knowledge in other similar applications. In this sense, it is necessary to distinguish among the analytic and the synthetic tasks. The analytic tasks define the classification of the objects involv
Fig. 3. Knowledge tasks based on the structural model.
ed in the fixture design process. The synthetic tasks have relationship with the reasoning way procedure from which a fixture solution is obtained.
Using these two types of tasks, a first approach has been established to define the knowledge groups that can be classified under the analytic and synthetic tasks. Fig. 3 shows the objects of the structural model that describe the analytic and synthetic tasks of the machining fixture design process.
The division of these two tasks allows to set in a first level the knowledge groups, that it objects and attributes that can be employed in the development of new applications. Also, this separation allows us to identify those knowledge groups that describe inference procedures in the design process,as the functional fixture design and the detailed fixture design. This section presentsthe definition of the tasks of the knowledge model classified under theconcept of analytic and synthetic tasks that can be reused in other applications.
4.1. Analytic task definition
The entities (or classes) defined under this category can be classified regarding the level of dependence level that present the objects involved in
the machining fixture design. The first level defines those knowledge groups that are not consequence of the fixture design process, as geometry, dimensions and tolerances of the part. In this level, the entities that compose these knowledge groups can be totally reused in their structure, relationships and attributes. Fig. 4 shows an example of the knowledge group of geometry that can be reused in other applications.
Fig. 4. Knowledge template for part entity (analytic task).
The second level describes those entities that present a similar structure and relationships in the fixture design process(fixture functions and commercial elements for machining fixtures). In this level, can be reused only a portion of the structure and relationships that are not conditioned by the fixture design process.
The third level describes those entities that present a complete dependence to the fixture design process. In this level, cannot be reused the knowledge previously defined (structures, relationships and attributes), due to dependence of the process developed.
4.2. Synthetic task definition
The definition of the synthetic tasks involves the identification of those objects linked with the inference procedure carried out in the fixture design process. In this type of tasks, it cannot have a total reutilization of the knowledge, because the inference process carried out using a group of production rules that depend of the type of process executed.
Under this classification, the knowledge group of functional design establish the functional solution of the fixture definition: the supporting surfaces,locating and clamping of the part. The definition of these surfaces is depending to the manufacturing process developed. This last characteristic makes thatthe functional design possesses depend of the machining processes developedduring the manufacturing of the part. In this sense, the sharing knowledge ofthis group is limited to the definition of the surfaces and supporting points,
locating, clamping for machining fixture and to selection of the functional elements. However, the knowledge group of functional elements can be reused
Fig. 5. Knowledge template for functional elements entity.
in other applications, due to the functional elements can be employed in multiple domains in the fixture design process. Fig. 5 shows an example of the knowledge template for functional elements used in the fixture design process.
In the detailed design occur similar situations to those of the functional design. In this case, the detailed design depends on the fixture functional design through a correspondence between functional and commercial elements.The knowledge group for fixture elements can be partially reused to define a
new group of fixture elements. For it, we must use the structure, relationships and entities defined for the following categories, base, support, locate, clampand auxiliary elements.
Table 2
Initial information for fixture machining
Information Characteristics
Initial geometr
Final geometry
Machining operations Face milling
Side milling
Manufacturing resources Vertical milling machine
Fixture resources Modular fixture elements
5. Application of the knowledge model
In the next two sections, we present the application of the knowledge model for machining and inspection fixture design. These models taking into consideration two different parts, because we wish express the potentiality of the use of knowledge template.
The implementation of the structural model, discussed in Section 3, isbased on the instantiation of each attribute defined defined in the knowledge groups that compose this model. The instantiation is defined as the assignment of a concrete value for a specific attribute. For it, the initial conditions are exposed for the application of the knowledge model, which include the description of the initial geometry, final geometry, lists of machining operations, machine-tool and fixture resources. Table 2 shows the initial information for the application of the knowledge model for machining fixture.