題 目:冷沖模設(shè)計-拉鉤
圖1 拉鉤
2007.12.20—2008.2.24 文獻檢索,外文文獻翻譯,寫出開題報告。
2008.2.25—2008.5.10 沖壓成形工藝分析,模具設(shè)計。
2008.5.11—2008.5.20 整理圖紙,寫出畢業(yè)論文。
2008.5.21—2008.5.31 完成畢業(yè)論文,畢業(yè)答辯。
題 目: 拉鉤的冷沖模設(shè)計
我國模具設(shè)計與制造技術(shù)的發(fā)展經(jīng)歷了手工作坊制造階段、工業(yè)化生產(chǎn)階段和現(xiàn)代化生產(chǎn)階段。伴隨著計算機技術(shù)的快速發(fā)展, 數(shù)字化、信息化CADCAE/CAM技術(shù)和數(shù)控加工機床已普遍采用, 模具產(chǎn)業(yè)正處于高速發(fā)展階段。
模具是制造業(yè)的重要基礎(chǔ)工藝裝備。模具總體上可分為兩大類: 金屬材料制件成形模具,如沖壓模具、鍛造模具、壓鑄模具、擠壓模具、拉絲模具、粉末冶金模具等; 非金屬材料制件成形模具, 如塑料注射模具、壓鑄模具、擠出模具, 橡膠制件、玻璃制件和陶瓷制件成形模具等。模具的具體分類方法很多, 如按模具結(jié)構(gòu)形式分, 沖壓模具可分為簡單模、連續(xù)模和復(fù)合模, 注塑模具可分為單分型面和雙分型面注塑模具等; 按工藝性質(zhì)分, 沖壓模具可分為沖孔模、落料模、拉深模、彎曲模,塑模具可分為壓塑模、傳遞模、注射模等。[1]
其中沖壓模具、塑料模具、鑄造模具、鍛壓模具、橡膠模具、粉末冶金模具、拉絲模具、無機材料成形模具等是最主要的八大類, 用于制造業(yè)中的幾乎所有產(chǎn)品的生產(chǎn)。[7]
模具是以其特定的形狀通過一定的方式使原材料成型。隨著社會的發(fā)展和科技的進步, 模具行業(yè)越來越被重視,模具技術(shù)在國民經(jīng)濟各個部門都得到廣泛的應(yīng)用,它不僅與整個機械行業(yè)密切相關(guān),而且與人們的生活密切相關(guān)。模具工業(yè)是國民經(jīng)濟的基礎(chǔ)產(chǎn)業(yè),是“百
起步到現(xiàn)在,我國模具工業(yè)經(jīng)歷了半個多世紀的發(fā)展,已有了較大的提高,與國外的差距正在進一步縮小。而中國模具對世界的影響也在不斷擴大, 主要表現(xiàn)在以下幾點:
1、ISTMA 和FADMA 及其他國家的模協(xié)和有關(guān)國際組織已越來越重視中國模協(xié), 他們邀請中國模協(xié)出席國際會議和參加國際行業(yè)活動越來越多, 他們到中國來考察和交流也越來越多, 中國模具已經(jīng)成為國際模具中的一個不可忽視的力量。
2、隨著國際交往的日益增多和外資(包括港資、合資) 在中國模具行業(yè)的投入日漸增加, 中國模具正表現(xiàn)得越來越融入世界, 并已逐步與國際接軌, 三資企業(yè)已對中國模具的發(fā)展作出了很大貢獻,中國模具和世界模具已越來越密不可分。
3、無論是出口還是在中國國內(nèi)使用, 中國模具已經(jīng)為境外企業(yè)和境內(nèi)三資企業(yè)降低了不少生產(chǎn)成本, 也就是說, 為世界的進步做出了一些貢獻,而且這一貢獻將隨著中國模具的進一步發(fā)展而不斷增大。中國模具與世界正在實現(xiàn)共贏。
4、由于中國的過去、現(xiàn)在和不久的將來一直有較為優(yōu)秀且豐富和廉價的人力資源、龐大的市場及其他許多有利條件, 外資在中國模具中已經(jīng)并且將進一步占據(jù)越來越重要的地位, 中國已成為承接工業(yè)發(fā)達國家模具業(yè)轉(zhuǎn)移的良好目的地, 確實加速了世界模具產(chǎn)業(yè)的轉(zhuǎn)移, 從而也為通過這種轉(zhuǎn)移而使工業(yè)發(fā)達國家向更高層次發(fā)展做出了貢獻。
從上述情況來看, 中國模具確實已經(jīng)與世界模具密不可分, 而且中國模具在世界模具中的地位將會越來越重要, 其影響也會越來越大。中國模具加速融入世界并實現(xiàn)國際共贏的局面將會進一步發(fā)展下去。在當今的信息社會和世界經(jīng)濟進一步全球化的發(fā)展過程中,世界在促進中國模具的發(fā)展,中國模具也正在并將進一步促進世界的發(fā)展。[9]
從中國模具工業(yè)協(xié)會獲悉, 近年來在國民經(jīng)濟中占有重要地位的模具工業(yè)得到了迅速發(fā)展。模具是工業(yè)生產(chǎn)的基礎(chǔ)工藝裝備在電子、汽車、電機電器、儀表、家電和通訊等產(chǎn)品中, 一般的零部件都依靠模具成型。國民經(jīng)濟的五大支柱產(chǎn)業(yè), 機械, 電子、汽車、石化、建筑都要求模具工業(yè)的發(fā)展與之相適應(yīng), 模具是“ 效益放大器”, 用模具生產(chǎn)的最終產(chǎn)品價值, 往往是模具自身價值的幾十倍、上百倍。模具生產(chǎn)水平的高低, 己成為衡量一個國家產(chǎn)品制造水平高低的重要標志, 在很大程度上決定著產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量、效益和新產(chǎn)品的開發(fā)能力。因此, 振興和發(fā)展我國的模具工業(yè),日益受到人們的重視和關(guān)注國務(wù)院頒布的《關(guān)于當前產(chǎn)業(yè)政策要點的丸定》也把模具列為機械工業(yè)改造序列的第一位、生產(chǎn)和基本建設(shè)序列的第二位。由于我國模具工業(yè)發(fā)展迅速, 前景廣闊, 國內(nèi)外模具及模具加工設(shè)備廠商已普遍看好中國市場??v觀我國的模具工業(yè),既有高速發(fā)展的良好勢頭,又存在精度低、結(jié)構(gòu)欠合理、壽命短等一系列不足,無法滿足整個工業(yè)迅速發(fā)展的迫切要求。[3]
2、模具制造水平不斷提高。近幾年,以大型、精密、復(fù)雜、長壽命模具為代表的、技術(shù)含量較高的中高檔模具的比重進一步提高,現(xiàn)在中高檔模具所占比重已經(jīng)達到35% 以上。模具的設(shè)計和制造水平也有了很大的發(fā)展,很多先進的模具設(shè)計與制造技術(shù)在我國的模具企業(yè)中得到應(yīng)用,如CAD/CAE/CAM 等計算機輔助技術(shù)、高速加工技術(shù)、熱流道技術(shù)、氣輔技術(shù)、逆向工程等新技術(shù)得到廣泛應(yīng)用,E R P、P D M 等信息化管理技術(shù)正得到積極推廣,這些先進技術(shù)的應(yīng)用和信息化管理的實施極大地提高了模具企業(yè)的生產(chǎn)效率,縮短了生產(chǎn)周期。
3、我國模具行業(yè)已經(jīng)形成了自己的骨干隊伍。目前,我國約有模具生產(chǎn)廠點3 萬余家,從業(yè)人員100余萬人,在各個模具行業(yè)的骨干企業(yè)隊伍中也涌現(xiàn)出了本行業(yè)的龍頭企業(yè)。他們的生產(chǎn)裝備先進,生產(chǎn)達到了一定規(guī)模,技術(shù)水平較高,而且產(chǎn)品具有自己的特點。[10]
在模具產(chǎn)值產(chǎn)量和進出口迅速發(fā)展的同時, 近年來中國在模具行業(yè)技術(shù)進步和模具水平的提高方面也取得了可喜的成績?,F(xiàn)在, 我國已能生產(chǎn)精度達到詳?shù)亩喙の患夁M模, 壽命可達億沖次以上。個別企業(yè)生產(chǎn)的多工位級進模已可在次的高速沖床上使用, 精度可達林。在大型塑料模具方面, 我國已能生產(chǎn)英寸大屏幕彩電和英寸背投式電視的塑殼模具、大容量洗衣機全套塑料件模具以及汽車保險杠、整體儀表板塑料模具等。在精密塑料模具方面, 我國已能生產(chǎn)照相機和手機塑料件模具、多型腔小模數(shù)齒輪模具及精度達林的腔塑封模具等,精度達到林的光盤模也已能夠生產(chǎn)了。塑料模具的熱流道和氣輔等技術(shù)水平不斷提高。在大型精密復(fù)雜壓鑄模方面, 國內(nèi)已能生產(chǎn)自動扶梯整體踏板壓鑄模、汽車后橋齒輪箱壓鑄模以及汽車發(fā)動機殼體的鑄造模具等。在汽車覆蓋件模具方面,國內(nèi)已能生產(chǎn)中檔新型轎車的覆蓋件模具, 高檔轎車的部分覆蓋件模具也已能夠生產(chǎn)了。子午線輪胎活絡(luò)模具、鋁合金和塑料門窗異型材擠出成形模、精鑄或樹脂快速成型拉延模等, 也已達到相當高的水平, 制造出來的模具可與進口模具媲美。國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)的最大模具單套重量已超過100t我國模具企業(yè)CAD、CAM、CAE、CAPP、PDM、PLM、ERP等數(shù)字、化信息化技術(shù)的使用面正在不斷擴大, 水平也在不斷提高。
中國模具工業(yè)產(chǎn)值僅次于日本和美國, 排在世界前三位。中國經(jīng)濟的高速發(fā)展同樣對模具工業(yè)提出了越來越高的要求, 也為其發(fā)展提供了巨大的空間?,F(xiàn)今, 國內(nèi)的模具生產(chǎn)廠家已增至2 萬余家, 模具制造從業(yè)人員已超過50 多萬人, 模具的年產(chǎn)值達到534 億元人民幣。近10 年來, 國內(nèi)模具在數(shù)量、質(zhì)量、技術(shù)等方面有了很大的跨躍; 現(xiàn)正以每年15 %左右的增長速度穩(wěn)步發(fā)展。[4]
現(xiàn)代模具制造業(yè)已成為技術(shù)密集型和資金密集型的產(chǎn)業(yè), 它與高新技術(shù)已形成相互依托的關(guān)系。一方面, 模具是直接為高新技術(shù)產(chǎn)業(yè)化服務(wù)的不可缺少的裝備另一方面, 模具生產(chǎn)本身又大量采用高新技術(shù)及裝備, 因此, 模具制造已成為高新技術(shù)產(chǎn)業(yè)的重要組成部分。模具成形零件時實現(xiàn)快速、優(yōu)質(zhì)、低耗是國家可持續(xù)發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略的要求。[7]
目前, 我國模具總量雖然已達到相當大的規(guī)模, 模具水平也已有了很大提高, 但在總體上, 我國模具生產(chǎn)的商品化、專業(yè)化、標淮化程度還較低, 商品化模具只占左右, 模具標準件使用覆蓋率還不到, 專業(yè)模具企業(yè)只占模具生產(chǎn)廠點的少數(shù), 而且裝備也比較落后。由于資金缺乏, 我國的模具企業(yè)大都只能購買較低檔的國產(chǎn)設(shè)備和來自我國臺灣的設(shè)備, 而少用歐美和日本的高檔設(shè)備, 設(shè)備數(shù)控化程度遠低于國際水平。我國模具設(shè)計制造水平在總體上要比工業(yè)發(fā)達國家落后許多。
1、產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量不高:當前我國模具生產(chǎn)廠中多數(shù)是“大而全”、“小而全”,國外模具企業(yè)大多是“小而?!?、“小而精”。國內(nèi)模具總量中屬大型、精密、復(fù)雜、長壽命模具的比例只有30% 左右,國外在50%以上。國內(nèi)模具生產(chǎn)廠家,工藝條件參差不齊,差距很大?,F(xiàn)代模具工業(yè)早已走出以前手工制模的時代,進入了數(shù)字化時代,實現(xiàn)了無圖化生產(chǎn),通過電腦輸入數(shù)據(jù)加工制作模具。我國不少廠家由于設(shè)備不配套很多工作依賴手工完成,嚴重影響了精度和質(zhì)量。
3、CAD/CAE/CAM 技術(shù)剛起步:CAD/CAE/CAM 是面向制造的工程設(shè)計技術(shù)群中的核心技術(shù),是提高企業(yè)產(chǎn)品自主開發(fā)能力和產(chǎn)品檔次的重要手段,也是提高企業(yè)對市場的應(yīng)變能力和快速響應(yīng)能力的重要途徑,是現(xiàn)階段應(yīng)大力推廣應(yīng)用的關(guān)鍵共性技術(shù),是模具設(shè)計的發(fā)展方向。
5、受到外資的挑戰(zhàn):目前世界制造業(yè)生產(chǎn)基地加速向中國轉(zhuǎn)移,中國制造業(yè)又正邁向更高的發(fā)展階段,對優(yōu)質(zhì)精密模具的需求不斷上升。國際模具工業(yè)巨頭繼20世紀90 年代中期進入中國后,再掀投資熱潮,目的正為搶占先機,中國本土模具工業(yè)面臨國外先進技術(shù)與高質(zhì)量制品的挑戰(zhàn),生存空間受擠壓。
[11] A. Y. C. Nee and M. W. Fu, “Determination of optimal parting directions in plastic injection mold design”, Annals CIRP, 46(1),pp. 429–432, 1997.
題 目: 拉鉤的冷沖模設(shè)計
我國模具設(shè)計與制造技術(shù)的發(fā)展經(jīng)歷了手工作坊制造階段、工業(yè)化生產(chǎn)階段和現(xiàn)代化生產(chǎn)階段。伴隨著計算機技術(shù)的快速發(fā)展, 數(shù)字化、信息化CADCAE/CAM技術(shù)和數(shù)控加工機床已普遍采用, 模具產(chǎn)業(yè)正處于高速發(fā)展階段。
模具是制造業(yè)的重要基礎(chǔ)工藝裝備。模具總體上可分為兩大類: 金屬材料制件成形模具,如沖壓模具、鍛造模具、壓鑄模具、擠壓模具、拉絲模具、粉末冶金模具等; 非金屬材料制件成形模具, 如塑料注射模具、壓鑄模具、擠出模具, 橡膠制件、玻璃制件和陶瓷制件成形模具等。模具的具體分類方法很多, 如按模具結(jié)構(gòu)形式分, 沖壓模具可分為簡單模、連續(xù)模和復(fù)合模, 注塑模具可分為單分型面和雙分型面注塑模具等; 按工藝性質(zhì)分, 沖壓模具可分為沖孔模、落料模、拉深模、彎曲模,塑模具可分為壓塑模、傳遞模、注射模等。其中沖壓模具、塑料模具、鑄造模具、鍛壓模具、橡膠模具、粉末冶金模具、拉絲模具、無機材料成形模具等是最主要的八大類, 用于制造業(yè)中的幾乎所有產(chǎn)品的生產(chǎn)。[7]
隨著社會的發(fā)展和科技的進步, 模具行業(yè)越來越被重視,模具技術(shù)在國民經(jīng)濟各個部門都得到廣泛的應(yīng)用,它不僅與整個機械行業(yè)密切相關(guān),而且與人們的生活密切相關(guān)。模具工業(yè)是國民經(jīng)濟的基礎(chǔ)產(chǎn)業(yè),模具工業(yè)的發(fā)展水平標志著一個國家的工業(yè)水平及產(chǎn)品開發(fā)的能力。模具是生產(chǎn)各種工業(yè)產(chǎn)品的重要基礎(chǔ)工藝裝備,國民經(jīng)濟的五大支柱產(chǎn)業(yè)—機械、電子、汽車、石化、建筑等都要求模具工業(yè)的發(fā)展與之相適應(yīng)。
(2)模具制造水平不斷提高。近幾年,以大型、精密、復(fù)雜、長壽命模具為代表的、技術(shù)含量較高的中高檔模具的比重進一步提高,現(xiàn)在中高檔模具所占比重已經(jīng)達到35% 以上。模具的設(shè)計和制造水平也有了很大的發(fā)展,很多先進的模具設(shè)計與制造技術(shù)在我國的模具企業(yè)中得到應(yīng)用,如CAD/CAE/CAM 等計算機輔助技術(shù)、高速加工技術(shù)、熱流道技術(shù)、氣輔技術(shù)、逆向工程等新技術(shù)得到廣泛應(yīng)用,E R P、P D M 等信息化管理技術(shù)正得到積極推廣,這些先進技術(shù)的應(yīng)用和信息化管理的實施極大地提高了模具企業(yè)的生產(chǎn)效率,縮短了生產(chǎn)周期。
(3)我國模具行業(yè)已經(jīng)形成了自己的骨干隊伍。目前,我國約有模具生產(chǎn)廠點3 萬余家,從業(yè)人員100余萬人,在各個模具行業(yè)的骨干企業(yè)隊伍中也涌現(xiàn)出了本行業(yè)的龍頭企業(yè)。他們的生產(chǎn)裝備先進,生產(chǎn)達到了一定規(guī)模,技術(shù)水平較高,而且產(chǎn)品具有自己的特點。[10]
1、模具材料及其表面處理技術(shù)。模具工業(yè)要上水平,材料應(yīng)用是關(guān)鍵。因選材和用材不當,致使模具過早失效,大約占失效模具的45%以上。在模具材料方面常用的冷作模具鋼有CrWMn、Cr12、Cr12MoV 和W6Mo5Cr4V2,新型冷作模具鋼有65Nb、O12Al、CG-2、LD、GD、GM等;常用新型熱作模具鋼有美國H 1 3、瑞典QRO 80M、QRO 90SUPREME 等;常用塑料模具用鋼有預(yù)硬鋼(P20、SM1 B30)、時效硬化型鋼(P21、PMS、SM2、日本NAK55等)、熱處理硬化型鋼(MnCrWV、日本S-STAR、瑞典-勝百S-136 等)、粉末模具鋼(日本DEX40 等);多工位精度沖模硬質(zhì)合金(YG20、YG25 等)以及鋼結(jié)構(gòu)硬質(zhì)合金( T L M W 5 0 、GW50 等)。在模具表面處理方面,主要趨勢是:由滲入單一元素向多元素共滲、復(fù)合滲(如TD 法)發(fā)展;由一般擴散向CVD 、P V D、P C V D、離入滲入、離子注入等方向發(fā)展;可采用的鍍膜有:TiC、TiN、TiCN、TiAN、CrN、Cr7C3、W2C 等,同時熱處理手段由大氣熱處理向真空熱處理發(fā)展。另外,激光強化、輝光離子氮化技術(shù)也日益受到重視。
2、提高設(shè)計制造技術(shù)水平。當代模具的設(shè)計與制造已廣泛采用計算機輔助設(shè)計與制造( C A D /CAM),設(shè)計過程程序化和自動化,使用程序模擬成形過程,采用交互式設(shè)計方法,發(fā)揮人和計算機的各自特長。數(shù)據(jù)庫和計算機網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù)使設(shè)計人員擁有大量資料和信息。設(shè)計與制造之間的直接信息傳輸便于設(shè)計的反復(fù)修改。
3、專業(yè)化生產(chǎn)及標準化。專業(yè)化生產(chǎn)是現(xiàn)代化工業(yè)生產(chǎn)的重要特征之一,工業(yè)先進國家模具專業(yè)化生產(chǎn)已達到75% 以上。標準化是實現(xiàn)模具專業(yè)化生產(chǎn)的基本前提,也是系統(tǒng)提高整個模具行業(yè)技術(shù)水平和經(jīng)濟效益的重要手段,這是機械制造業(yè)向深層次發(fā)展的必由之路。國外企業(yè)都極為重視模具的標準化,我國的模具標準化程度不足30%,而且標準品種少、質(zhì)量低、交貨期長,嚴重阻礙了模具的合理流向和效能的發(fā)揮,需盡快制訂標準化規(guī)范Windows 用戶界面。[3]
目前, 國內(nèi)模具市場不斷擴大, 國際上將模具制造逐漸向我國轉(zhuǎn)移的趨勢和跨國集團到我國進行模具國際采購的趨向十分明顯。因此,展望未來, 國際、國內(nèi)模具市場總體發(fā)展前景美好。我國模具工業(yè)將會有一個繼續(xù)高速發(fā)展的機遇期。只要我們把握這個機遇期, 中國模具工業(yè)不但會在量和質(zhì)的方面繼續(xù)有一個很大的提高, 而且一定會在行業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu)、產(chǎn)品水平、開發(fā)創(chuàng)新能力、企業(yè)的體制與機制的方方面面取得較大進展。
模具技術(shù)集合了機械、電子、化學、光學、材料、計算機、精密檢測和信息網(wǎng)絡(luò)等諸多學科, 是一個綜合性多學科的系統(tǒng)工程。模具技術(shù)的發(fā)展趨勢主要是模具產(chǎn)品向著更大型、更精密、更復(fù)雜及更經(jīng)濟快速的方向發(fā)展, 模具產(chǎn)品的技術(shù)含量不斷提高, 模具制造周期不斷縮短, 模具生產(chǎn)朝著信息化、無圖化、精細化、自動化的方向發(fā)展, 模具企業(yè)向著技術(shù)集成化、設(shè)備精良化、產(chǎn)品品牌化、管理信息化、經(jīng)營國際化的方向發(fā)展。[7]
圖1 掛鉤
[1]劉國勝.黃石理工學院學報. Journal of Huangshi Institute of Technology,2007,01
[6]洪慎章.現(xiàn)代模具技術(shù)的現(xiàn)狀及發(fā)展趨勢[J].航空制造技術(shù), 2006,06
[8]機械工程師[J].Mechanical Engineer, 2006,11
[10] 1. K. S. Lee, J. Y. H, Fuh, Y. F. Zhang, A. Y. C. Nee and Z. Li,“IMOLD: an intelligent plastic injection mold design and assembly system”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference On Die and Mould Technology, pp. 30–37, Malaysia, 4–6 June 1997.
[11] A. Y. C. Nee and M. W. Fu, “Determination of optimal parting directions in plastic injection mold design”, Annals CIRP, 46(1),pp. 429–432, 1997.
題 目: 拉鉤的冷沖模設(shè)計
一、 外文原文
A Parametric-Controlled Cavity Layout Design System for a Plastic Injection Mould
M. L. H. Low and K. S. Lee
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Today, the time-to-market for plastic products is becoming shorter, thus the lead time available for making the injection mould is decreasing. There is potential for timesaving in the mould design stage because a design process that is repeatable for every mould design can be standardised. This paper presents a methodology for designing the cavity layout for plastic injection moulds by controlling the geometrical parameters using a standardisation template. The standardization template for the cavity layout design consists of the configurations for the possible layouts. Each configuration of the layout design has its own layout design table of all the geometrical parameters. This standardisation template is pre-defined at the layout design level of the mould assembly design. This ensures that the required configuration can be loaded into the mould assembly design very quickly, without the need to redesign the layout. This makes it useful in technical discussions between the product designers and mould designers prior to the manufacture of the mould. Changes can be made to the 3D cavity layout design immediately during the discussions, thus saving time and avoiding miscommunication. This standardisation template for the cavity layout design can be customised easily for each mould making company to their own standards.
Keywords: Cavity layout design; Geometrical parameters;
Mould assembly; Plastic injection mould design; Standardisation
1. Introduction
Plastic injection moulding is a common method for the mass production of plastic parts with good tolerances. There are two main items that are required for plastic injection moulding. They are the injection-moulding machine and the injection mould. The injection-moulding machine has the mould mountedon it and provides the mechanism for molten plastic transfer from the machine to the mould, clamping the mould by the application of pressure and the ejection of the formed plastic part. The injection mould is a tool for transforming the molten plastic into the final shape and dimensional details of the plastic part. Today, as the time-to-market for plastic parts is becoming shorter, it is essential to produce the injection mould in a shorter time.
Much work had been done on applying computer technologies to injection mould design and the related field. Knowledge-based systems (KBS) such as IMOLD [1,2], IKMOULD[3], ESMOLD [4], the KBS of the National Cheng Kang University, Taiwan [5], the KBS of Drexel University [6], etc. were developed for injection mould design. Systems such as HyperQ/Plastic [7], CIMP [8], FIT [9], etc. are developed for the selection of plastic materials using a knowledge-based approach. Techniques have also been developed for parting design in injection moulding [10–12].
It has been observed that although mould-making industries are using 3D CAD software for mould design, much time is wasted in going through the same design processes for every project. There is great potential for timesaving at the mould design stage if the repeatable design processes can be standardized to avoid routine tasks. A well-organised hierarchical design tree in the mould assembly is also an important factor [13,14].However, little work has been done in controlling the parameters in the cavity layout design; thus this area will be our main focus. Although there are many ways of designing the cavity layout [15,16], mould designers tend to use only conventional designs, thus there is a need to apply standardisation at the cavity layout design level.
This paper presents a methodology for designing the cavity layout for plastic injection moulds by controlling the parameters based on a standardisation template. First, a well-organised mould assembly hierarchy design tree had to be established. Then, the classification of the cavity layout configuration had to be made to differentiate between those with standard configurations and those with non-standard configurations. The standard configurations will be listed in a configuration database and each configuration has its own layout design table that controls its own geometrical parameters. This standardization template is pre-defined at the layout design level of the mould assembly design.
2. Cavity Layout Design for a Plastic Injection Mould
An injection mould is a tool for transforming molten plastic into the final shape and dimensional details of a plastic part. Thus, a mould contains an inverse impression of the final part. Most of the moulds are built up of two halves: the front insert and the back insert. In certain mould-making industries, the front insert is also known as the cavity and the back insert is known as the core. Figure 1 shows a front insert (cavity) and a back insert (core). Molten plastic is injected into the impression to fill it. Solidification of the molten plastic then forms the part. Figure 2 shows a simple two-plate mould assembly.
2.1 Difference Between a Single-Cavity and a Multi-Cavity Mould
Very often, the impression in which molten plastic is being filled is also called the cavity. The arrangement of the cavities is called the cavity layout. When a mould contains more than one cavity, it is referred to as a multi-cavity mould. Figures 3(a) and 3(b) shows a single-cavity mould and a multi-cavity mould.
A single-cavity mould is normally designed for fairly large parts such as plotter covers and television housings. For smaller parts such as hand phone covers and gears, it is always more economical to design a multi-cavity mould so that more parts can be produced per moulding cycle. Customers usually determine the number of cavities, as they have to balance the investment in the tooling against the part cost.
2.2 Multi-Cavity Layout
A multi-cavity mould that produces different products at the same time is known as a family mould. However, it is not usual to design a mould with different cavities, as the cavities may not all be filled at the same time with molten plastic of the same temperature.
On the other hand, a multi-cavity mould that produces the same product throughout the moulding cycle can have a balanced layout or an unbalanced layout. A balanced layout is one in which the cavities are all uniformly filled at the same time under the same melt conditions [15,16]. Short moulding can occur if an unbalanced layout is being used, but this can be overcome by modifying the length and cross-section of the runners (passageways for the molten plastic flow from the sprue to the cavity). Since this is not an efficient method, it is avoided where possible. Figure 4 shows a short moulding situation due to an unbalanced layout.
A balanced layout can be further classified into two categories: linear and circular. A balanced linear layout can accommodate 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 etc. cavities, i.e. it follows a 2n series. A balanced circular layout can have 3, 4, 5, 6 or more cavities, but there is a limit to the number of cavities that can be accommodated in a balanced circular layout because of space constraints. Figure 5 shows the multi-cavity layouts that have been discussed.
3. The Design Approach
This section presents an overview of the design approach for the development of a parametric-controlled cavity layout design system for plastic injection moulds. An effective working method of mould design involves organising the various subassemblies and components into the most appropriate hierarchy design tree. Figure 6 shows the mould assembly hierarchy design tree for the first level subassembly and components. Other subassemblies and components are assembled from the second level onwards to the nth level of the mould assembly hierarchy design tree. For this system, the focus will be made only on the “cavity layout design”.
3.1 Standardisation Procedure
In order to save time in the mould design process, it is necessary to identify the features of the design that are commonly used. The design processes that are repeatable for every mould design can then be standardised. It can be seen from Fig. 7 that there are two sections that interplay in the standardization procedure for the “cavity layout design”: component assembly standardisation and cavity layout configuration standardisation.
3.1.1 Component Assembly Standardisation
Before the cavity layout configuration can be standardised, there is a need to recognise the components and subassemblies that are repeated throughout the various cavities in the cavity layout. Figure 8 shows a detailed “cavity layout design” hierarchy design tree. The main insert subassembly (cavity) in thesecond level of the hierarchy design tree has a number of subassemblies and components that are assembled directly to it from the third level onwards of the hierarchy design tree. They can be viewed as primary components and secondary components. Primary components are present in every mould design. The secondary components are dependent on the plastic part that is to be produced, so they may or may not be present
in the mould designs.
As a result, putting these components and subassemblies directly under the main insert subassembly, ensures that every repeatable main insert (cavity) will inherit the same subassemblies and components from the third level onwards of the hierarchy design tree. Thus, there is no need to redesign similar subassemblies and components for every cavity in the cavity layout.
3.1.2 Cavity Layout Configuration Standardisation
It is necessary to study and classify the cavity layout configurations into those that are standard and those that are nonstandard. Figure 9 shows the standardisation procedure of the cavity layout configuration.
A cavity layout design, can be undertaken either as a multicavity layout or a single-cavity layout, but the customers always determine this decision. A single-cavity layout is always considered as having a standard configuration. A multi-cavity mould can produce different products at the same time or the same products at the same time. A mould that produces different products at the same time is known as a family mould, which is a non-conventional design. Thus, a multicavity family mould has a non-standard configuration.
A multi-cavity mould that produces the same product can contain either a balanced layout design or an unbalanced layout design. An unbalanced layout design is seldom used and, as a result, it is considered to possess a non-standard configuration. However, a balanced layout design can also encompass either a linear layout design or a circular layout design. This depends on the number of cavities that are required by the customers. It must be noted, however, that a layout design that has any other non-standard number of cavities is also classified as having a non-standard configuration.
After classifying those layout designs that are standard, their detailed information can then be listed into a standardization template. This standardisation template is pre-defined in the cavity layout design level of the mould assembly design and supports all the standard configurations. This ensures that the required configuration can be loaded very quickly into the mould assembly design without the need to redesign the layout.
3.2 Standardisation Template
It can be seen from Fig. 10 that there are two parts in the standardisation template: a configuration database and a layoutde sign table. The configuration database consists of all the standard layout configurations, and each layout configuration has its own layout design table that carries the geometrical parameters. As mould-making industries have their own standards, the configuration database can be customised to take into account those designs that are previously considered as non-standard.
3.2.1 Configuration Database
A database can be used to contain the list of all the different standard configurations. The total number of configurations in this database corresponds to the number of layout configurations available in the cavity layout design level of the mould design assembly. The information listed in the database is the configuration number, type, and the number of cavities. Table 1 shows an example of a configuration database. The configuration number is the name of each of the available layout configurations with the corresponding type and number of cavities. When a particular type of layout and number of cavities is called for, the appropriate layout configuration will be loaded into the cavity layout design.
3.2.2 Layout Design Table
Each standard configuration listed in the configuration database has its own layout design table. The layout design table contains the geometrical parameters of the layout configuration and is independent for every configuration. A more complex layout configuration will have more geometrical parameters to control the cavity layout.
Figures 11(a) and 11(b) show the back mould plate (core plate) with a big pocket and four small pockets for assembling the same four-cavity layout. It is always more economical and easier to machine a large pocket than to machine individual smaller pockets in a block of steel. The advantages of machining a large pocket are:
1. More space between the cavities can be saved, thus a smaller block of steel can be used.
2. Machining time is faster for creating one large pocket compared to machining multiple small pockets.
3. Higher accuracy can be achieved for a large pocket than for multiple smaller pockets.
As a result, the default values of the geometrical parameters in the layout design table results in there being no gap between the cavities. However, to make the system more flexible, the default values of the geometrical parameters can be modified to suit each mould design where necessary.
3.3 Geometrical Parameters
There are three variables that establish the geometrical parameters:
1. Distances between the cavities (flexible). The distances between the cavities are listed in the layout design table and they can be controlled or modified by the user. The default values of the distances are such that there are no gaps between the cavities.
2. Angle of orientation of the individual cavity (flexible). The angle of orientation of the individual cavity is also listed in the layout design table which the user can change. For a multi-cavity layout, all the cavities have to be at the same angle of orientation as indicated in the layout design table. If the angle of orientation is modified, all the cavities will be rotated by the same angle of orientation without affecting the layout configuration.
3. Assembly mating relationship between each cavities (fixed). The orientation of the cavities with respect to each other is pre-defined for each individual layout configuration and is controlled by the assembly mating relationship between cavities. This is fixed for every layout configuration unless it is customised.
Figure 12 shows an example of a single-cavity layout configuration and its geometrical parameters. The origin of the main insert/cavity is at the centre. The default values of X1 and Y1 are zero so that the cavity is at the centre of the layout (both origins overlap each other). The user can change the values of X1 and Y1, so that the cavity can be offset appropriately.
Figure 13 shows an example of an eight-cavity layout configuration and its geometrical parameters. The values of X and Y are the dimensions of the main insert/cavity. By default, the values of X1 and X2 are equal to X, the value of Y1 is equal to Y, and thus there is no gap between the cavities. The values of X1, X2, and Y1 can be increased to take into account the gaps between the cavities in the design. These values are listed in the layout design table.
If one of the cavities has to be oriented by 90°, the rest of the cavities will be rotated by the same angle, but the layout design remains the same. The user is able to rotate the cavities by changing the parameter in the layout design table. The resultant layout is shown in Fig. 14.
A complex cavity layout configuration, which has more geometrical parameters, must make use of equation to relate the parameters.
4. System Implementation
A prototype of the parametric-controlled cavity layout design system for a plastic injection mould has been implemented using a Pentium III PC-compatible as the hardware. This prototype system uses a commercial CAD system (SolidWorks 2001) and a commercial database system (Microsoft Excel?) as the software. The prototype system is developed using the Microsoft Visual C++ V6.0 programming language and the SolidWorks API (Application Programming Interface) in a Windows NT? environment. SolidWorks is chosen primarily for two reasons:
1. The increasing trend in the CAD/CAM industry is to move towards the use of Windows-based PCs instead of UNIX workstations mainly because of the cost involved in purchasing the hardware.
2. The 3D CAD software is fully Windows-compatible, thus it is capable of integrating information from Microsoft Excel files into the CAD files (part, assembly, and drawing) smoothly [17].
This prototype system has a configuration database of eight standard layout configurations that are listed in an Excel file. This is shown in Fig. 15(a). Corresponding to this configuration database, the layout design level, which is an assembly file in SolidWorks (layout.sldasm), has the same set of layout configurations. The configuration name in the Excel file corresponds to the name of the configurations in the layout assembly file, which is shown in Fig. 15(b).
Every cavity layout assembly file (layout.sldasm) for each project will be pre-loaded with these layout configurations. When a required layout configuration is requested via the user interface, the layout configuration will be loaded. The user interface shown in Fig. 16 is prior to the loading of the requested layout configuration. Upon loading the requested layout configuration, the current layout configuration information will be listed in the list box.
The user is then able to change the current layout configuration to any other available layout configurations that are found in the configuration database. This is illustrated in Fig. 17.
The layout design table for the current layout configuration that contains the geometrical parameters can be activated when the user triggers the push button at the bottom of the user interface. When the values of the geometrical parameters are changed, the cavity layout design will be updated accordingly. Figure 18 shows the activation of the layout design table of the current layout configuration.
5. A Case Study
A CAD model of a hand phone cover, shown in Fig. 19, is used in the following case study.
Prior to the cavity layout design stage, the original CAD model has to be scaled according to the shrinkage value of the moulding resin to be used. The main insert is then created to encapsulate the shrunk part. This entire subassembly is known as the main insert subassembly (xxx cavity. sldasm), where “xxx” is the project name. Figure 20 shows the main insert subassembly. After the main insert subassembly is created, the cavity layout design system can be used to prepare the cavity layout of the mould assembly.
5.1 Scenario 1: Initial Cavity Layout Design
In a mould design, the number of cavities to be built in a mould is always suggested by the customers, as they have to balance the investment in the tooling against the part cost. Initially, the customers had requested a two-cavity mould to be designed for this hand phone cover. After the creation of the main insert subassembly, the mould designer loads a layout configu