1、國家開放大學電大??啤队⒄Z閱讀(1)》2026-2027期末試題及答案(試卷號:2155) Part I QucNtionx I 10 based on PasMRn 1 & 2.《30 point*> 3 points meh) Pus佝I Mollu - n cac tludy 】 Mollo is fifteen^ She Itvcsik with her parent% and her brbiher and mnct、in n unuill vilhge in Ethiopia^ She walk* over two kilometres (our tirncfi m da
2、y tn collect water (ar the hirnily. She has to ro nlonc Imtjiusc her mother must Mlay nt h(mir to look after the yuuiiKrr children. It takes her? tn all* more than hvc hour* each dny. She carric* the water in & 20 litre clny pot balanced on her hsd. She 3、rn ytuirs old. Then. hc had u Mmnllcr pot nnd she went to the water holr with hrr mother.
2 Math ha> never been to nchoo!—doexn*t have lime for ih" Slw Auffers from severe hcadachc and bAckachc.
3 Soon things will be brttrr, MolU nayn. * Thry*rc 弘川也 to di|( a well |UAt outnulr our village^ I * II 4、be able to (etch all the water we need in juM one hour a day. Mnybr 19II be nblc to rq to school then.
Directions tt
Questions 1 -5t Find ■ word or phrusc in the PaMMigr I ? which Is similar in meaning to the following wonh or phmsei. The parugraph In which the word uppcMrw i Indicolctl in lhe bmc 5、keU. Write your antwem on tbc amwer MheeL
1. by aneself (paraRraph i)
2. tJikc care of (pArxgraph I)
3> fetch (pflrngrftph 1)
4? b.d (parugruph 2)
5. improve tpnrNgrnph 3)
l,?vu>gc 2
Nicolfti Spider虬 I juwt canft po nejir n Apidcn
Lis, 1tn really Jicnrcd a( (lymRi *o 1 can e I g 6、o to America or Austrnha for my holidays.
Veteri Heightn. 1 can* t go up n hddt-r or onything like thflU If rn not very kern on flying cnlwrt bin Im not ncurcd of it.
(;“y8 Spiders Wu、pN. In (act all kinds of thing* ihn! crwl or burx round your hcAtl. Josephs The drnti>tv I know it "s hiH Im rcwll 7、y irrTifird ul ^oing to rhr (ientiat. PhHipi W 8、 up nnd
throw lheni outi 9、m
dentinU wntcr
(i. Roing up o Indtirr
H? flying
Pnrt |1
Quv^lion% 11 20 urc bused on 3 & L (30 p 10、he inrormatlnn you cct from thr paftsngtiu Write your ansMim on jour r hcet?
If 1
CHKNCtDU ( hirirM* cmnth!li have developed a compuirr HuftwArc which mu tiutomMtirJilly translate Internet (ilea into the Chinese Inngu^K^
l he Moliwarc hz lhe cupanty tu lutrijilnic ISOtOOG ( hmmc chwrACtcr^ prr ho 11、ur, with 80 prrctvtil o( lhe tutnl convrni rdily undcrulnndiiblc nftcr lhe irwn^ltttion
Thr mnjor problem hindering lbe drvrloptnrnt ul the Itilcrnrl in C hma is lhe? Inri^iinKc1 Imrnrr. Many Chinr.M ujeer* frvl thnt their English U madrqtutr fur uptrjting thr hitctnvt. which i prcchmiinnmly in Eng 12、linh,
|^vrlu|imrnt oi UMnwlittiun Mjftwm in pnri rt(? high ivch protfram miroduccd by lhe Stair Sek iu r nnrl t<( hnolugy (?orhfni55iori In thr
The noftw/irr? jointly dcve|p|wi China、Sichuan Province? run* in the Window,rnvinmnirni CJin uac a tn 13、ouiut to
nchirvr mibtnnt rrnnalntton^t while mAintMtnin lhe orinmnl lorninl of dcHument?* ur ptcuifr^.
QumUnn 11 15 ure based on 3.
11. The pnnsagc i* mostly t/tken from .
A? a newspaper B. a magaxinc
C.? textbook
12. Which of the following phra>e?i can he used io replace the word -hinder** i 14、n the scEmin "The major problem hinderinK the dcvrlupmrnt of thr Intvmel in chino is the language barrier."
A? holding on H? holding co
C. holding hack
13. Il Cftn br inferred from thr pMSftage that Intrrncl Is mainly operated through
.母 Chi neg H. English
(\ 15、g stutementM in NOT true about transliifion Mjhwarc?
A. Il pint of M liixh>tc<:h proKrAinmCe h in developed by a remrch in^iitmc nnd a university in Brijitig. h run* in the Windoww rnvironnicnt
15.1 hr f mouse9 in the Ixsit pArnuniph rr(er
H. a kind i)l niou*i?-likc tny for elwidren
(?thr devicr cnntiertrd to n computer to control the curwrF rnovcrnrni,
Pa*Mi|;c 4
Cur n)Mkcrt buy 100 SantnnnBt 底日 I free
SI1AN(;HAI The b伽E enr maker in Chinn Binned a mIcsi rnmpnign tlwt wohhy rc^idcntM *nd taxi compAnw** the two mnjor buyers
17、ShntRhm Autumotivr IrxhiMry ( orp> which rnnko Snntanane 1、provuhng u( huyor% in Beijing? nnd in giving nwny frr r ent^t in ShrnynriM dhd Hnrhint
Husmivn^cji thnt buy 100 ur niorr enrH unr (rcct nnd Inxi rnrnpjirHrn tlud buy more th" 1.000 Swinwinn cmtm aImo Ryt one hg
ch,nn K expected to praducr 18、l iO.OOO rnri thli* yenr. I hr ShAntfhnt nutamutivr rornpnny M rxpreird to runtrul 51 per cent uf tIn niArkrt. h plans to Mell ^30.0(10 Sniifnrin an. thi% year.
Fnfrrpriirji nnd government nuih(irhic!i ore nal buying new enrN brrdUMr o( ti^ht hudRtMn. %o up|>rr-rlHMS rrnitkntR nd taxi rcinipnnict n 19、rcoiirH l 20、 the compnny i$ providing loans to individual car buye偵 JournAlist^ get the priority.
Experts expect China taxi industry to grow 15 per cent annudly
Thr number of taxis in Chinn is expected to grow by 86.300 Amounting to 661 *300 ih】5
At the >ame time* 45.600 old will be replaced^
Therefor 21、e# demand for uxix should be 130^000.
Realizing fhr markrl potrntinL S/MC hns moved its focus to taxi compzinic And m providing lo/tn* in Shenyang and Harbin, In addition* the company is setting up new repair stntujns and holding icehnology seminars.
fhr companys efforts in Beiimg# Shenyang nnd Ha 22、rbin are a small part o( the drive Promotions in southern cities such Wrnzhou and Xiamen are being planned.
Questions 16 — 20 art bused on Pussagc 4.
16. Which of the following cities is the biggest car maker in China?
A. Ututng Chun B- Shang Hi
C. Shenyang
17, According to the passage> who are 23、 thr two major car buyers?
A. Wealthy residents and taxi companies.
It Entcrpri#cj and bustnessnierk
C< Hanks and tux) companies^
I& Which of fhr (ollowinR Mntrmrnt^ U NOT true otxjui Shnnghai Autornotivc Industry
Corp according to the pn*Mgc?
A. It makes
Ik II provide lonh to htiyrrM in Shnn 24、ghni
C. It gives Away frrr cnr* in Shcnynnq
19# Arcordmx to cxpcrtRt chin心 Uxi induMry 一.
A. may decline 15 per cent meh yeur
K will mrreane 230.。。0 口r,rarh yc
C. will Rrow 15 per cent each yrnr
20. M AH in SAIC stunds lor ?
A. Automotive K Auiunutic
(\ AcJidrmic
Part 111
Qursliotu 21 30 a 25、rc KnmM an Pussagc 5. (20 points. 2 polnla cnrh>
How to Ux l>nndon Telephone*
1 rekphonc cmIIr in Britnin /ire in two cbuMM local mH,. nd trunk rMR Short dituncc rnlh of up Io About twenty mileg arc chuted ■? local rttlUe ami nil ciillii over longer dtRUnce* arc claHnrd an trunk dl?.
2 In I 26、xmdont (elcphoritN now hive nlbfigiirr numbers which do not i nr hide an r*rhanHr nAmr i for cxnmplc* 071 222-2870. If you vnnke fl locnl irlrphnnr cmI) tn Ltindon to ■uhxrihtr tn London< you leave out the 071 and dial only the kt wvrn Hgurrn of tht number of the pemon whom you nrc calling. 1V> tna 27、kc n trunk mil ta or (rum Londont you dial Jill ihr figurrt of the MiibuLribrr number.
3 fhe tiAmrAt oddfrs^rg nnd telephone number* of tiibMcrihrm in inhrr Lundfiri arr 41 prcurnt printed hi lour (Jirccforirw. There nre nrpurnir dirrctonrs for people whoir numri beqln with the Irttcrt A to l)< E t 28、o K ? L lo R mid S fo Z< When vou look up a person * b number in the telephonr directory, you will find hiA nnmr an th< kft nidr of the column and hl* trirphonc nunibrr an the ri^ht wide.
t All call boxes in Lundun are on the SIT〉yNtcrru which hn> now been rxtrhdcd tn all pAri ol HriUiru Thr Irnem 29、STI) ninnd (or Subscriber Trunk Ibulmx. And on thift type of trlrphanr you ran <1iaI many loriH-dintnncr niimliern direct ? well o— lucul luirnbcru. An SI I) telephone u ununlly free, und the coin Im)x I199 sluls for cutnn. fo mnkr g cull, you pick up the receiver nod d 曲 I hr nunibrr brlorr putiinK 30、 Any money into tbr com box. When thr prr^un whose number you rr ringing Miiiwrr%. there will |>r arnpid hint cnilrd thr pAyfonc. Am Mx)n nw you hr^r thit you put your money in thr box. The pnylunr then %tups< and you ran strt to Apeak* To make ■ trunk cull by $TD? you din I firnr rhe STD code fiuvn 31、lrcr (or the town that you rr cnlHng nn
32、i if you with tu continue yam talkt you tniwt then put more mnnry into thv slot. I*hc Irngih ul tunc Allowed t dnublcd betwern 6 p. m. and 8 a. Now pny phones work nlightly dHfrrcnily* huwrvrr9
5 IkMidei the STI) sywtem > there 胰 nlno un IntrrnntionAl Subscriber Dmling m rvicc (or tnaking tclrphonr 33、 tu most of fhc conntno n| Eurnpct Lui ximr rallk ran only hr rnndc from tekphonra without ? coinIhiix. Yuu can dm! direct tu many |iUcr.^ hi Erancr> HrlKiunu (>crm*ny Luxtinkiurg. the Ncfhorlftndiit nnd Switxcrlfin<|f
6 A special rccurdrd telephone rnfurrnRiion nervier in provided every day for vi 34、sitors to Londun 「hi、5ervicr givc^ visitors details of the mnin events of the day in and around London^ The informa non is recorded in four languages! English ? French,German and Spanish. When you wake up in the morning nnd you want to know when the wcnihtr will be like in London* dial 246-89011 and 35、. if you want to know time, dial 123.
Questions 21 30 Read pavuiRe 5 and then dccidv which of the statements nrtcr it art TRUE
nnd which wre On your answer sheet# indicate T for TRUE or K for FALSE against the number Cor each of hems 21- 30 far lhe answers you chcxMte.
21 Telrphonc c 36、hIIn in BriMin can be classified into two typers local calls and intvrnntional culls.
22. If you call from U>ndon to a subscriber in London ? you need to dial ()71
23. If you want to know the telephone number of Mr Willijm5> ypu need to look i! up in the directory (or people whose nnme begins with 37、 the letters S to Z?
2\. You can usually find a prrsorr s name on the left stile of the column in a telephone dtrettory.
25. Only the call boxcx in London are now on the STD system.
26. To make a ciilL you nerd to put money into lhe coin-box first nnd then dinl thr number after heflring the payto 38、ne^
27. To make a trunk cnll by STD* you need io dial STD code number first.
28. AU calls can l>c mnde from tckphont-5 with a coin-box.
29. If you go to l.nndon, you can even get iniormatton over telephone in Chinese.
30t Yem can rven get mforniauon a bunt titnr in London by ihnltnK 123.
Part N 39、
(jucstions 31 — 35 arc basctl on Passage 6. (20 points> 4 points tach)
Passage 6
Christmas Day ? which is the mot festive time in the United states< falh on December 2護頃 which Chnstian people believe Jesus Christ w心 bom This is the biggest and be*t- luvvd holiday in the Umtrd States, 40、which is full uf joy and gaiety* love and laughter< hospitality and good will.
Amerrican^ begin to prepare ChriAtnias long before the actual dny. Small fannlies nnd large humiz firms prepare ihr holiday differently. Stores re decorated with the iradnional Christmas colors ol green and red Cioods nr 41、e associated with Christmas colors af green and rreL (ioods assovtaird wnh Chriwmz heroine btst sellers at this time. Many Americans take advantage of the time to earn extra money by selling Chriatnias cards, ivwall gifts and urnAmrn!%. etc. Fhr decorating af homes for ChnsttnHs is also very common. 42、 Most Amencuns who observe Christma* have a Christmas tree in their homes. People like rvtrgrrcns and they think thnr branches of fir will hnnR good luck nnd symbolize spring. The Chnstmas free is usually covered with stnng^ ol colored lights^ and a star fixed on top representing the star in the Eas 43、t which guided the three Wise Men to where Jesus was bom.
Christmas food is special bright colored hard sweets# chocohtcB* dusters of chocolate- covered raisins, walnuts# etc As for the Chrisinum dinner^ Amencans traditionally have turkey or ham> sweet potatoes> vegetahkst end ChnMma^ pudding.
? E 44、xchanging Giltn
Thi? cujtforn originated from ihc nncitnt religion nf believing that the first Christmati Xl"、wrre Riven by rhe three Wimp Men to the infniH Jcsun ChnvL It han been passed down <*nd become vrry |x)puhr urncmg friends and farnilicK in the United Sinter
? Sending ChrZtEg Curd』
Thi^ 45、cu5lon)fir*T nrorted in London in the 19 46、will ununlly exchange greeting card> and often a ChHqtrn" leticn
? Receiving from Snntn Clnun
S/intn ( laU5 U believed by American children tu be a fnt jolly old man with n red sum > r<- 47、ts. So ynun^ children urc happir^t m thtti time al the yeur nnd look (nrwanl eagerly to Th”偉marning when they find the gifts they wnrita
Directions t
Quest hxis 3】 35, Rrud Pavm|>c 6 carefully nnd thrn try tn give fthorl untwrr* tn I hr followiim
3L Why in Drrrnibrr 25th a very impomm 48、day for Chrmti/trK?
32. When do Amcricnn> stnrt to |irvpMrc Christma*?
33. Why do biihincs^Tncn like ChriMmM?
34. Why do fnrnilic!i hnvc a Christ man tree tn their hem 心?
35. What arc the moat popular cuHtomB nnd celebranonii i Chri^tmius? (numc three of them)
Part | (30 poin 49、K. 3 polnb eweh)
1alone 2. look after
3. collect
5. hr brtfer
6. H 7, A
8. E
10. A. B
Part |1 (30 points 3 point、rach)
ILA 12. C
13. H
14. H
戚 B 17. A
19. C
20. A
Part Hl(20 points. 2 palnU cachl
21. F 22 F
23. T
24. T
25. F
26. F 27. T 50、
28. F
29. F
Part |V (20 points9 4 points tach)
3L BrrAue it i> the day on which Jaiuw Chnst was believed tn hr bmm
32. Lohr before ChriMmas Day.
33. Beoju時 they esn ukc ndvanuge uf the time to earn rxira money < by celling
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