前 言
第1章 模塑工藝規(guī)程的編制
(1) 結(jié)構(gòu)分析。 從零件圖上分析,該零件總體形狀類示一個三通管道,在下端有一個直徑為35mm,深度為3mm的凹坑。在上端有一個外徑為40mm,內(nèi)徑為30mm,高度為3mm的凸緣。在三通的一端是一段M12mm的螺紋,其長度為10mm。因此,模具設(shè)計時必須設(shè)置側(cè)向分型抽芯機構(gòu),該零件屬于中等復(fù)雜程度。
(2) 尺寸精度分析。 從零件圖可知,該零件各個尺寸均未注明公差,為提高經(jīng)濟效益,則按未注明公差尺寸來處理。根據(jù)表2—15【1】查得POM材料的適用未注公差等級為MT6級(GB/T14486-1993)。從以上分析可見,該零件的尺寸精度等級不高,對應(yīng)的模具相關(guān)零件的尺寸加工容易保證。
(3) 表層質(zhì)量分析。 該零件的表面要求沒有缺陷、毛刺,內(nèi)部表面應(yīng)光潔,以利于液體的流動。除此之外沒有特別的表面質(zhì)量要求,故比較容易實現(xiàn)。
計算塑件的體積:用分割法求得塑膠體積= 25680(具體過程略)。
計算塑件的質(zhì)量:根據(jù)設(shè)計手冊【3】查得POM的密度為,故塑件的質(zhì)量為: = 25680×1.41×
= 36.2g
保 壓:選用40Mpa;
第2章 注塑模的結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計
2.1 分型面的選擇
圖1 分型面的選擇(1)
圖 2 分型面的選擇(2)
2.2 確定型腔的排列方式
圖 3 型腔排列方式(1)
圖4 型腔排列方式(2)
圖5 型腔排列方式(3)
2.3 澆注系統(tǒng)設(shè)計
(1) 主流道設(shè)計。 根據(jù)設(shè)計手冊【1】查得XS—ZY—250型注塑機噴嘴的有 關(guān)尺寸:
(2) 分流道設(shè)計。 分流道的形狀及尺寸,應(yīng)根據(jù)塑件的體積、壁厚、形狀的復(fù)雜程度、注塑速率、分流道的長度等因素來確定。本塑件形狀不算太復(fù)雜,熔料填充型腔比較容易。根據(jù)型腔的排列方式可知分流道長度較短,為了便于加工起見,選截面形狀為梯形的分流道,查有關(guān)文獻(xiàn)【1】初確定梯形尺寸=9mm,=6mm。
(3) 澆口設(shè)計。 根據(jù)塑件的成型要求、型腔的排列方式及模具結(jié)構(gòu),擬選潛伏式澆口較為理想,可以自動切除澆口凝料,提高生產(chǎn)率,模具結(jié)構(gòu)孔也不復(fù)雜。根據(jù)設(shè)計手冊初步確定澆口尺寸,澆口長度= 2mm,直徑= 1.2mm,,試模時修正。
2.4 抽芯機構(gòu)設(shè)計
2.4.1 斜導(dǎo)柱尺寸的確定
(1) 確定抽芯距。 抽芯距一般應(yīng)大于成型孔的深度,本題目中塑件側(cè)孔深度為45mm,另加3mm的抽芯安全系數(shù),可取抽芯距=48mm.
(2) 確定斜導(dǎo)柱傾角。 斜導(dǎo)柱傾斜角與抽拔力以及抽芯距有直接關(guān)系。本題取為=。
(3) 確定斜導(dǎo)柱的尺寸。 根據(jù)抽拔力及其傾斜角度,按設(shè)計資料的有關(guān)公式進(jìn)行計算。本題中經(jīng)驗估值,斜導(dǎo)柱的直徑mm。確定最小開模行程【1】
2.4.2 滑塊與導(dǎo)滑槽設(shè)計
(1) 滑塊與側(cè)型芯的連接方式設(shè)計。 本題中側(cè)向抽芯機構(gòu)主要是用于成型零件的側(cè)向孔,由于側(cè)向孔的深度較大,考慮到型芯強度和裝配問題,采用組合式結(jié)構(gòu)。型芯和滑塊的連接采用鑲嵌方式,并用螺釘加固。其結(jié)構(gòu)如圖6所示
(2) 滑塊的導(dǎo)滑方式。 本題中為使模具結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,降低模具裝配復(fù)雜程度,擬采用整體式滑塊和整體式導(dǎo)向槽的形式。其結(jié)構(gòu)如圖7所示。
圖6 型芯的連接方式
圖7 滑塊的導(dǎo)滑方式
(3) 滑塊的導(dǎo)滑長度和定位裝置設(shè)計。 導(dǎo)滑長度要保證側(cè)向抽芯后,滑塊與導(dǎo)滑槽的配合長度不小于其總長度的,滑塊的限裝置采用彈簧滾珠形式。其結(jié)構(gòu)如圖8所示。
圖8 滑塊的限位方式
圖9 型腔的組合方式
1-定模板 2-主型芯 3-澆口套 4-定模鑲塊 5-滑塊
6-導(dǎo)滑槽 7-動模鑲塊 8-動模板 9-推管 10-側(cè)型芯
2.5 成型零件結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計
(1) 凹模的結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計。 本題中模具采用一模兩件的結(jié)構(gòu)形式,由于制件上面有螺紋需要成型,考慮加工的難易程度和材料的價值利用率等因素,型腔擬采用鑲拼式結(jié)構(gòu),將成型螺紋的工作零件做成瓣合模形式,可以在其損壞后很容易的更換。此外,由于開模后塑件包緊型芯的力比較大,為確保脫模過程中制件的完好無損,擬采用推出力比較平穩(wěn)的推管形式推出制件,塑件不易發(fā)生變形,所以推管頂部也構(gòu)成了型腔的一部份。其結(jié)構(gòu)形式如圖9中件9所示。
(2) 凸模結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計。 凸模主要是與凹模相結(jié)合構(gòu)成模具型腔,其凸模和側(cè)型芯的結(jié)構(gòu)形式如圖9中件2、10所示。
第3章 模具設(shè)計的有關(guān)計算
查表【5】得聚甲醛的收縮率為= 1.4%~2.0%,故平均收縮率為=(1.4+2.0)%/2=1.7%,模具制造公差取=/3(為塑件公差)。
3.1 型腔和型芯工作尺寸計算
3.2 螺紋瓣合塊的尺寸計算
3.2.1 螺紋瓣合塊型腔側(cè)壁厚度及底厚計算
(1) 螺紋瓣合塊型腔側(cè)壁厚度計算。 螺紋瓣合塊型腔側(cè)壁厚度的計算應(yīng)根據(jù)組合式矩形型腔側(cè)壁厚計算公式【6】進(jìn)行計算。
式中 ——型腔壓力(MPa)
本題中取 =40MPa(選定值);
圖10 螺紋瓣合塊(一對)
第4章 模具冷卻與加熱系統(tǒng)的計算
(1) 求塑件在硬化時每小時釋放的熱量Q3,查有關(guān)文獻(xiàn)【5】得聚甲醛的單位熱流量為42×J/kg
(2) 求冷卻水的體積流量V【1】
式中 ——冷卻水的體積流量(m/min);
第5章 模具閉合高度的確定
第6章 注塑機有關(guān)參數(shù)的校核
本模具的外形尺寸為315mm×440mm×266mm. XS—ZY—250型注塑機拉桿間距為448mm×370mm,故能滿足模具的安裝要求。
式中 ——最小開模行程,本題中取=134mm。
第7章 繪制模具總裝圖和非標(biāo)準(zhǔn)零件工作圖
圖11 油罐接頭注塑模三維圖
第8章 注塑模主要零件加工工藝規(guī)程的編制
(1) 主型芯。主型芯如零件圖01所示,其加工工藝過程見工藝規(guī)程卡片1。
(2) 定模板。定模板如零件圖02所示,其加工工藝過程見工藝規(guī)程卡片2。
圖12 油管接頭注塑模
1-定位環(huán) 2-定模座 3-定模板 4-動模板 5-支撐塊 6-動模座 7-推管
8-推板 9-推管固定板 10-墊板 11-滑塊 12-壓緊楔 13-斜導(dǎo)柱
14-瓣合塊 15-主型芯 16-澆口套 17-導(dǎo)軌 18-側(cè)型芯
第9章 注塑模的裝配
(1) 模具上下平面的平行度偏差不大于0.05mm,分模面處需密合。
(2) 推件時推管和頂桿動作要保持同步。
(3) 彈簧要有足夠的力矩。
(1) 裝配前按圖檢驗主要工作零件及其他零件得尺寸。
(2) 鏜導(dǎo)柱、導(dǎo)套孔。將定模板3、動模板4疊合在一起,使分模面緊密接觸并夾緊,鏜導(dǎo)柱、導(dǎo)套孔,在孔內(nèi)壓入工藝定位銷后,加工側(cè)面的垂直基準(zhǔn)。
(3) 加工模板。用定模側(cè)面的垂直基準(zhǔn)確定定模上型腔中心的實際位置,并以此作為加工基準(zhǔn),分別鏜小型孔和線切割用的穿絲孔2-mm,銑矩形臺肩73mm80mm,并以兩個孔為基準(zhǔn),線切割主型芯孔。按照定模板的實際中心位置尺寸在動模板4上鏜型孔,并按照定模板上對應(yīng)位置的實際尺寸線切割滑塊的讓位矩形孔73mm80mm。
(4) 壓入導(dǎo)柱、導(dǎo)套。在定模、動模板上分別壓入導(dǎo)套、導(dǎo)柱,使導(dǎo)向可靠,滑動靈活。
(5) 裝配支撐板和墊塊。將動模板4、墊塊5、動模座板6和墊板10疊放在一起,用定模側(cè)面的垂直基準(zhǔn)確定連接緊固的螺釘孔,鏜螺釘過孔,并在動模板上攻出螺紋。
(6) 裝配型芯。將定、動模板合攏,把型芯放入型孔內(nèi),用螺孔復(fù)印法和壓銷套法使型芯緊固在墊板上。
(7) 在動模座板上鉆緊固型芯的螺紋通孔,并用螺釘將型芯固定在動模座板上。
(8) 通過型芯引鉆頂板上的頂桿孔及推管孔,安裝推管及頂桿。組裝定出系統(tǒng)。
(9) 組裝墊塊,支撐板、定模座板。
(10) 加工定模座板。加工螺紋孔、銷釘孔和壓緊楔孔,并將澆口套壓入定模座板。
(11) 定模和定模座板的裝配。用平行夾頭把它們夾緊。通過定模座板的孔引鉆在定模上,拆下后,在定模上鉆、攻螺紋孔,然后用螺釘和銷釘將定模和定模座板緊固。
(12) 完成裝配后進(jìn)行試模,并交驗入庫。
第10章 試模
(1) 試模前,必須對設(shè)備的油路、水路及電路進(jìn)行檢查,并按規(guī)定保養(yǎng)設(shè)備,做好開機前的準(zhǔn)備。
(2) 原料應(yīng)合格。根據(jù)推薦的工藝參數(shù)將料筒和噴嘴加熱。由于制件大小、形狀和壁厚的不同,以及設(shè)備上熱電偶位置的深度和溫度表的誤差也各有差異,因此資料上介紹的加工某一塑料的料筒和噴嘴溫度只是一個大致范圍還應(yīng)根據(jù)具體條件試調(diào)【7】。判斷料筒和噴嘴溫度是否合適的最好辦法,是在噴嘴和主流道脫開的情況下,用較低的注射壓力,使塑料自噴嘴中緩慢地流出,以觀察料流。如果沒有硬塊、氣泡、銀絲、變色,而是光滑明亮者,即說明料筒和噴嘴溫度是比較合適的,這時就可以開始試模。
(3) 在開始試模時,原則上選擇在低壓、低溫和較長的時間條件下成型,然后按壓力、時間、溫度這樣的先后順序變動。最好不要同時變動二個或三個工藝條件,以便分析和判斷情況。壓力變化的影響,馬上就可以在制件上反映出來,所以如果制件充不滿,通常首先是增大注射壓力。當(dāng)大幅度提高注射壓力仍無顯著效果時,才考慮變動時間和溫度。延長時間實質(zhì)是使塑料在料筒內(nèi)受熱時間加長,注射幾次后若仍然未充滿,最后才提高料筒溫度。但料筒溫度的上升以及塑料溫度達(dá)到平衡需要一定的時間,一般約15min左右,不是馬上就可以在制件上反映出來的,因此必須耐心等待,不能把料筒溫度升得太高,以免塑料過熱甚至發(fā)生降解。
(4) 注射成型時可選用高速和低速兩種工藝。一般在制件壁薄而面積大時,采用高速注射,而壁厚面積小者采用低速注射,在高速和低速都能充滿模腔的情況下,除玻璃纖維增強塑料外,均易采用低速注射【7】。
(5) 對黏度高和熱穩(wěn)定性差的塑料,采用較慢的螺桿轉(zhuǎn)速和略低的背壓加熱和預(yù)塑,而黏度低和熱穩(wěn)定性好的塑料可采用較快的螺桿轉(zhuǎn)速和略高的背壓。在噴嘴溫度合適的情況下,采用噴嘴固定的形式可提高生產(chǎn)率。但當(dāng)噴嘴溫度太低或太高時,需要采用每成型周期向后移動噴嘴的形式。
小 結(jié)
[1] 塑料注塑模結(jié)構(gòu)與設(shè)計 楊占堯主編 北京:清華大學(xué)出版社
[2] 塑料模具技術(shù)手冊 北京:機械工業(yè)出版社
[3] 塑料工業(yè)手冊 翟金平 黃漢雄 吳舜英主編 北京:化學(xué)工業(yè)出版社
[4] 注塑模設(shè)計 張克惠主編 西北工業(yè)大學(xué)出版社
[5] 工程塑料 金國珍主編 北京:化學(xué)工業(yè)出版社
[6] 實用注塑模設(shè)計手冊 賈潤禮 程志遠(yuǎn)主編 中國輕工業(yè)出版社
[7] 注射模具與注射成型實用手冊 [美] J.B.戴姆著 化學(xué)工業(yè)出版社
[8] 模具制造技術(shù) 翟德梅主編
[9] 模具材料 高為國主編 北京:機械工業(yè)出版社
[10] 模具設(shè)計手冊之四—塑料模具設(shè)計 北京:機械工業(yè)出版社
第 26 頁 共 26 頁
前 言 1
第1章 模塑工藝規(guī)程的編制 4
1.1 塑件的工藝性分析 4
1.2 計算塑件的體積和重量 5
1.3塑件注塑工藝參數(shù)的確定 5
第2章 注塑模的結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計 6
2.1 分型面的選擇 6
2.2 確定型腔的排列方式 7
2.3 澆注系統(tǒng)設(shè)計 8
2.4 抽芯機構(gòu)設(shè)計 9
2.5 成型零件結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計 11
第3章 模具設(shè)計的有關(guān)計算 13
3.1 型腔和型芯工作尺寸計算 13
3.2 螺紋瓣合塊的尺寸計算 13
第4章 模具冷卻與加熱系統(tǒng)的計算 16
第5章 模具閉合高度的確定 17
第6章 注塑機有關(guān)參數(shù)的校核 18
第7章 繪制模具總裝圖和非標(biāo)準(zhǔn)零件工作圖 19
第8章 注塑模主要零件加工工藝規(guī)程的編制 20
第9章 注塑模的裝配 21
第10章 試模 22
小 結(jié) 23
致 謝 24
參考文獻(xiàn) 25
- 2 -
附 錄
圖1 注塑模裝配圖 圖2 注塑模開模圖
圖3 定模 圖4 動模
桂林電子科技大學(xué)畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)外文翻譯譯文 第10頁 共22頁
學(xué) 院: 國防生學(xué)院
專 業(yè): 機械設(shè)計制造及其自動化
學(xué)生姓名: 匡鵬來
學(xué) 號: 1000110105
指導(dǎo)教師單位: 機電工程學(xué)院
姓 名: 曹泰山
職 稱: 講 師
2014年 3 月 9 日
桂林電子科技大學(xué)畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)外文翻譯譯文 第27頁 共28頁
technical note on the characterization of electroformed nickel shells for their application to injection molds
——aUniversidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Departamento de Ingenieria Mecanica, Spain
The techniques of rapid prototyping and rapid tooling have been widely developed during the last years. In this article, electroforming as a procedure to make cores for plastics injection molds is analysed. Shells are obtained from models manufactured through rapid prototyping using the FDM system. The main objective is to analyze the mechanical features of electroformed nickel shells, studying different aspects related to their metallographic structure, hardness, internal stresses and possible failures, by relating these features to the parameters of production of the shells with an electroforming equipment. Finally a core was tested in an injection mold.
Keywords: Electroplating; Electroforming; Microstructure; Nickel
1. Introduction
One of the most important challenges with which modern industry comes across is to offer the consumer better products with outstanding variety and time variability (new designs). For this reason, modern industry must be more and more competitive and it has to produce with acceptable costs. There is no doubt that combining the time variable and the quality variable is not easy because they frequently condition one another; the technological advances in the productive systems are going to permit that combination to be more efficient and feasible in a way that, for example, if it is observed the evolution of the systems and techniques of plastics injection, we arrive at the conclusion that, in fact, it takes less and less time to put a new product on the market and with higher levels of quality. The manufacturing technology of rapid tooling is, in this field, one of those technological advances that makes possible the improvements in the processes of designing and manufacturing injected parts. Rapid tooling techniques are basically composed of a collection of procedures that are going to allow us to obtain a mold of plastic parts, in small or medium series, in a short period of time and with acceptable accuracy levels. Their application is not only included in the field of making plastic injected pieces [1], [2] and [3], however, it is true that it is where they have developed more and where they find the highest output.
This paper is included within a wider research line where it attempts to study, define, analyze, test and propose, at an industrial level, the possibility of creating cores for injection molds starting from obtaining electroformed nickel shells, taking as an initial model a prototype made in a FDM rapid prototyping equipment.
It also would have to say beforehand that the electroforming technique is not something new because its applications in the industry are countless [3], but this research work has tried to investigate to what extent and under which parameters the use of this technique in the production of rapid molds is technically feasible. All made in an accurate and systematized way of use and proposing a working method.
2. Manufacturing process of an injection mold
The core is formed by a thin nickel shell that is obtained through the electroforming process, and that is filled with an epoxic resin with metallic charge during the integration in the core plate [4] This mold (Fig. 1) permits the direct manufacturing by injection of a type a multiple use specimen, as they are defined by the UNE-EN ISO 3167 standard. The purpose of this specimen is to determine the mechanical properties of a collection of materials representative industry, injected in these tools and its coMParison with the properties obtained by conventional tools.
Fig. 1.?Manufactured injection mold with electroformed core.
The stages to obtain a core [4], according to the methodology researched in this work, are the following:
(a) Design in CAD system of the desired object.
(b) Model manufacturing in a rapid prototyping equipment (FDM system). The material used will be an ABS plastic.
(c) Manufacturing of a nickel electroformed shell starting from the previous model that has been coated with a conductive paint beforehand (it must have electrical conductivity).
(d) Removal of the shell from the model.
(e) Production of the core by filling the back of the shell with epoxy resin resistant to high temperatures and with the refrigerating ducts made with copper tubes.
The injection mold had two cavities, one of them was the electroformed core and the other was directly machined in the moving platen. Thus, it was obtained, with the same tool and in the same process conditions, to inject simultaneously two specimens in cavities manufactured with different technologies.
3. Obtaining an electroformed shell: the equipment
Electrodeposition [5] and [6] is an electrochemical process in which a chemical change has its origin within an electrolyte when passing an electric current through it. The electrolytic bath is formed by metal salts with two submerged electrodes, an anode (nickel) and a cathode (model), through which it is made to pass an intensity coming from a DC current. When the current flows through the circuit, the metal ions present in the solution are transformed into atoms that are settled on the cathode creating a more or less uniform deposit layer.
The plating bath used in this work is formed by nickel sulfamate [7] and [8] at a concentration of 400?ml/l, nickel chloride (10?g/l), boric acid (50?g/l), Allbrite SLA (30?cc/l) and Allbrite 703 (2?cc/l). The selection of this composition is mainly due to the type of application we intend, that is to say, injection molds, even when the injection is made with fibreglass. Nickel sulfamate allows us to obtain an acceptable level of internal stresses in the shell (the tests gave results, for different process conditions, not superior to 50?MPa and for optimum conditions around 2?MPa). Nevertheless, such level of internal pressure is also a consequence of using as an additive Allbrite SLA, which is a stress reducer constituted by derivatives of toluenesulfonamide and by formaldehyde in aqueous solution. Such additive also favours the increase of the resistance of the shell when permitting a smaller grain. Allbrite 703 is an aqueous solution of biodegradable surface-acting agents that has been utilized to reduce the risk of pitting. Nickel chloride, in spite of being harmful for the internal stresses, is added to enhance the conductivity of the solution and to favour the uniformity in the metallic distribution in the cathode. The boric acid acts as a pH buffer.
The equipment used to manufacture the nickel shells tested has been as follows:
? Polypropylene tank: 600?mm?×?400?mm?×?500?mm in size.
? Three teflon resistors, each one with 800?W.
? Mechanical stirring system of the cathode.
? System for recirculation and filtration of the bath formed by a pump and a polypropylene filter.
? Charging rectifier. Maximum intensity in continuous 50?A and continuous current voltage between 0 and 16?V.
? Titanium basket with nickel anodes (Inco S-Rounds Electrolytic Nickel) with a purity of 99%.
? Gases aspiration system.
Once the bath has been defined, the operative parameters that have been altered for testing different conditions of the process have been the current density (between 1 and 22?A/dm2), the temperature (between 35 and 55?°C) and the pH, partially modifying the bath composition.
4. Obtained hardness
One of the most interesting conclusions obtained during the tests has been that the level of hardness of the different electroformed shells has remained at rather high and stable values. In Fig. 2, it can be observed the way in which for current density values between 2.5 and 22?A/dm2, the hardness values range from 540 and 580?HV, at pH 4?±?0.2 and with a temperature of 45?°C. If the pH of the bath is reduced at 3.5 and the temperature is 55?°C those values are above 520?HV and below 560?HV. This feature makes the tested bath different from other conventional ones composed by nickel sulfamate, allowing to operate with a wider range of values; nevertheless, such operativity will be limited depending on other factors, such as internal stress because its variability may condition the work at certain values of pH, current density or temperature. On the other hand, the hardness of a conventional sulfamate bath is between 200–250?HV, much lower than the one obtained in the tests. It is necessary to take into account that, for an injection mold, the hardness is acceptable starting from 300?HV. Among the most usual materials for injection molds it is possible to find steel for improvement (290?HV), steel for integral hardening (520–595?HV), casehardened steel (760–800?HV), etc., in such a way that it can be observed that the hardness levels of the nickel shells would be within the medium–high range of the materials for injection molds. The objection to the low ductility of the shell is compensated in such a way with the epoxy resin filling that would follow it because this is the one responsible for holding inwardly the pressure charges of the processes of plastics injection; this is the reason why it is necessary for the shell to have a thickness as homogeneous as possible (above a minimum value) and with absence of important failures such as pitting.
Fig. 2.?Hardness variation with current density. pH 4?±?0.2, T?=?45?°C.
5. Metallographic structure
In order to analyze the metallographic structure, the values of current density and temperature were mainly modified. The samples were analyzed in frontal section and in transversal section (perpendicular to the deposition). For achieving a convenient preparation, they were conveniently encapsulated in resin, polished and etched in different stages with a mixture of acetic acid and nitric acid. The etches are carried out at intervals of 15, 25, 40 and 50?s, after being polished again, in order to be observed afterwards in a metallographic microscope Olympus PME3-ADL 3.3×/10×.
Before going on to comment the photographs shown in this article, it is necessary to say that the models used to manufacture the shells were made in a FDM rapid prototyping machine where the molten plastic material (ABS), that later solidifies, is settled layer by layer. In each layer, the extruder die leaves a thread approximately 0.15?mm in diameter which is compacted horizontal and vertically with the thread settled inmediately after. Thus, in the surface it can be observed thin lines that indicate the roads followed by the head of the machine. These lines are going to act as a reference to indicate the reproducibility level of the nickel settled. The reproducibility of the model is going to be a fundamental element to evaluate a basic aspect of injection molds: the surface texture.
The tested series are indicated in Table 1.
Table 1.
Tested series
Temperature (°C)
Current density (A/dm2)
Fig. 3 illustrates the surface of a sample of the series after the first etch. It shows the roads originated by the FDM machine, that is to say that there is a good reproducibility. It cannot be still noticed the rounded grain structure. In Fig. 4, series 2, after a second etch, it can be observed a line of the road in a way less clear than in the previous case. In Fig. 5, series 3 and 2° etch it begins to appear the rounded grain structure although it is very difficult to check the roads at this time. Besides, the most darkened areas indicate the presence of pitting by inadequate conditions of process and bath composition.
Fig. 3.?Series 1 (×150), etch 1.
Fig. 4.?Series 2 (×300), etch 2.
Fig. 5.?Series 3 (×300), etch 2.
This behavior indicates that, working at a low current density and a high temperature, shells with a good reproducibility of the model and with a small grain size are obtained, that is, adequate for the required application.
If the analysis is carried out in a plane transversal to the deposition, it can be tested in all the samples and for all the conditions that the growth structure of the deposit is laminar (Fig. 6), what is very satisfactory to obtain a high mechanical resistance although at the expense of a low ductibility. This quality is due, above all, to the presence of the additives used because a nickel sulfamate bath without additives normally creates a fibrous and non-laminar structure [9]. The modification until a nearly null value of the wetting agent gave as a result that the laminar structure was maintained in any case, that matter demonstrated that the determinant for such structure was the stress reducer (Allbrite SLA). On the other hand, it was also tested that the laminar structure varies according to the thickness of the layer in terms of the current density.
Fig. 6.?Plane transversal of series 2 (×600), etch 2.
6. Internal stresses
One of the main characteristic that a shell should have for its application like an insert is to have a low level of internal stresses. Different tests at different bath temperatures and current densities were done and a measure system rested on cathode flexural tensiometer method was used. A steel testing control was used with a side fixed and the other free (160?mm length, 12.7?mm width and thickness 0.3?mm). Because the metallic deposition is only in one side the testing control has a mechanical strain (tensile or compressive stress) that allows to calculate the internal stresses. Stoney model [10] was applied and was supposed that nickel substratum thickness is enough small (3?μm) to influence, in an elastic point of view, to the strained steel part. In all the tested cases the most value of internal stress was under 50?MPa for extreme conditions and 2?MPa for optimal conditions, an acceptable value for the required application. The conclusion is that the electrolitic bath allows to work at different conditions and parameters without a significant variation of internal stresses.
7. Test of the injection mold
Tests have been carried out with various representative thermoplastic materials such as PP, PA, HDPE and PC, and it has been analysed the properties of the injected parts such as dimensions, weight, resistance, rigidity and ductility. Mechanical properties were tested by tensile destructive tests and analysis by photoelasticity. About 500 injections were carried out on this core, remaining under conditions of withstanding many more.
In general terms, important differences were not noticed between the behavior of the specimens obtained in the core and the ones from the machined cavity, for the set of the analysed materials. However in the analysis by photoelasticiy (Fig. 7) it was noticed a different tensional state between both types of specimens, basically due to differences in the heat transference and rigidity of the respective mold cavities. This difference explains the ductility variations more outstanding in the partially crystalline materials such as HDPE and PA 6.
Fig. 7.?Analysis by photoelasticity of injected specimens.
For the case of HDPE in all the analysed tested tubes it was noticed a lower ductility in the specimens obtained in the nickel core, quantified about 30%. In the case of PA 6 this value was around 50%.
8. Conclusions
After consecutive tests and in different conditions it has been checked that the nickel sulfamate bath, with the utilized additives has allowed to obtain nickel shells with some mechanical properties acceptable for the required application, injection molds, that is to say, good reproducibility, high level of hardness and good mechanical resistance in terms of the resultant laminar structure. The mechanical deficiencies of the nickel shell will be partially replaced by the epoxy resin that finishes shaping the core for the injection mold, allowing to inject medium series of plastic parts with acceptable quality levels.
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[3] J. Hart, A. Watson, Electroforming: A largely unrecognised but expanding vital industry, Interfinish 96, 14 World Congress, Birmingham, UK, 1996.
[4] M. Monzón et al., Aplicación del electroconformado en la fabricación rápida de moldes de inyección, Revista de Plásticos Modernos. 84 (2002), p. 557.
[5] L.F. Hamilton et al., Cálculos de Química Analítica, McGraw Hill (1989).
[6] E. Julve, Electrodeposición de metales, 2000 (E.J.S.).
[7] A. Watson, Nickel Sulphamate Solutions, Nickel Development Institute (1989).
[8] A. Watson, Additions to Sulphamate Nickel Solutions, Nickel Development Institute (1989).
[9] J. Dini, Electrodeposition Materials Science of Coating and Substrates, Noyes Publications (1993).
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How Surface Treatments Keep Molds Operating Longer
Important tips and information about mold coatings to help you achieve the level of production that you and your customers desire.
By Steven . Bales Mold making technology January 2006
There’s an awful lot to know these days about molding plastic and how to get the very best performance from the valuable tools you build or run. This guide has been written to provide important tips and information about mold coatings. After reading this, you should have a very good idea of what coatings—from the very traditional to the very latest—will help you to achieve the level of production you and your customers desire. After all, these tools are an investment and they need to be protected for the life of the products they mold.
Key Words
mold coatings preventive maintenance (PM) program benefit nickel Cobalt diamond-chrome
nickel-PTFE nickel-boron nitride electroless nickel texture
The Key Role of Coatings
Before introducing you to the wide range of coatings on the market today, it’s important to note the role coatings can play in an effective preventive maintenance (PM) program.
PM is really the key to protecting your tooling, your investment. Why? Because it saves time and money. Once you invest in a mold coating to improve tool performance, then a PM program is always a good idea to ensure you get the maximum benefit. These two steps should be a given in any shop.
Remember, no coating lasts forever, and producing substandard parts from a mold with a worn coating is no way to win customers and stay profitable. PM is probably the most cost-effective strategy you can put in place. The key is to educate your personnel on how mold coatings wear during production. Every coating is different, so it’s of benefit to have employees learn how to tell when the coating is showing deterioration, especially in high-wear areas such as gates and runners.
For example, wear in and around gate areas plated with hard chrome is the first sign that your mol