1、Unit4Ihaveaball Lesson21 Let schant Fly fly flymyballoon Fly fly flymykite Fly fly flyveryhigh Up up uptothesky Review Game What smissing Review Presentation Justlearn car Presentation Really Presenta。
2、人教新版六年級上冊 Unit4Januaryisthefirstmonth Lesson21 Let ssing Warm up Let sreview Warm up Presentation Marchisthethirdmonthoftheyear Let slearn March WhatmonthgoesafterFebruary Presentation InMarch peoplec。
3、Unit4Wheredoyouwork Lesson21 Review Let ssing cinema bank hotel Iworkin at Wheredoyouwork Review Lookandsay Lead in Freetalk Whatdoesyourfatherdo Wheredoeshework What syourmother sjob Wheredoesshework。
4、人教精通版三年級上冊 Fly, fly, fly my balloon.Fly, fly, fly my kite.Fly, fly, fly very high.Up, up, up to the sky.Review Game What。