本文主要介紹一個生產(chǎn)翹曲測試樣件的注射模具設計并進行熱分析以助于了解殘余熱應力對模具的影響。提出了設計塑料注射模具所需的技術、理論、方法以及其它一些考慮因素。模具的設計部分可以利用裝在一般的商業(yè)電腦上的設計軟件Unigrafics,版本13.0來完成。對于由樣本的不均勻冷卻引起殘余熱應力的模擬已經(jīng)逐步發(fā)展起來,并可以用一個商業(yè)的有限元分析軟件LUSAS Analyst, 版本13.5進行模擬。這個軟件用輪廓繪圖模擬溫度分布情況以及繪制時間響應曲線來表現(xiàn)在塑料注射模制模周期內(nèi)的溫度變動情況。結(jié)果顯示,相對與其它區(qū)域來說冷卻通道旁邊的區(qū)域比較容易產(chǎn)生收縮。這種在模具不同區(qū)域不均勻冷卻就表現(xiàn)為翹曲。
關鍵詞 塑料注射模具 設計 熱分析
對模具的熱分析,主要宗旨將分析殘余熱應力的作用或產(chǎn)品直徑方向的壓注。熱感應強度的增強主要在模塑零件的冷卻階段,主要因為它的低導熱性和在溶融樹脂和模具之間的溫差。在冷卻期間產(chǎn)品模腔附近也會存在溫度不均勻的區(qū)域 [7]。
2.1. 翹曲測試標本的設計
翹曲測試樣本是薄壁注塑零件。樣本的總體尺寸是長120mm、寬50mm、厚1mm。為導致翹曲,測試標本所用的材料是丙烯腈丁鄰二烯 (ABS),射入溫度、時間和壓力分別為210℃, 3 s和60MPa。圖1顯示翹曲測試樣本。
2.2. 為翹曲測試樣本設計注塑模具
這個部分描述在設計模具和介入設計的其他考慮因素方面導致翹曲的測試樣本。用于生產(chǎn)翹曲測試樣本注塑模具的材料是AISI 1050碳鋼。在設計模具時可以考慮以下四種類型:
?????????? i.三板模(類型1)一個 型腔兩條分型線。費用較高,不適用。
??????? ? ii.二板模(類型2)一個 型腔一條分型線,沒有澆注系統(tǒng)。每次生產(chǎn)數(shù)量少,不適用。
??????? iii.二板模(類型3)兩個 型腔一條分型線,帶有澆注和脫模系統(tǒng)。如果零件太薄有可能會被頂桿推破,不適用。
?????? iv.?二板模(類型4)兩個 型腔一條分型線,利用直澆口脫模以避免損壞零件。
表1 各模板尺寸
尺寸(mm)—長 寬 高
模具必須與夾壓力一同設計讓夾緊力比模腔內(nèi)作用力力更高 (反應力) 從而避免塑料噴濺的發(fā)生。
圖2 在公模板上氣孔、水線以及模腔的布局
3.1. 產(chǎn)品的生產(chǎn)及改良
圖4 附加氣孔以避免短射
3.2. 模具及產(chǎn)品的詳細分析
模具和試樣都準備好之后,就可以對其進行分析了。在注塑的過程中,210℃熔融的ABS通過母模上的澆口套直接注入模腔,經(jīng)過冷卻,制件就成型了。制件的生產(chǎn)周期為35s,包括20s的冷卻時間。用來制造模具的材料是AISI 1050碳鋼。表2列出了ABS以及AISI 1050碳鋼的性能。
表2 ABS以及AISI 1050碳鋼的性能
模具,AISI 1050碳鋼
密度 7860 kg/m3
彈性模量 208 GPa
泊松比 0.297
屈服強度 365.4MPa
抗拉強度 636MPa
熱膨脹率 65×10?6 K?1
電導率 0.135 W/(m K)
比熱 1250 J/(kg K)
1050 kg/m3
2.519 GPa
11.65×10?6 K?1
49.4 W/(m K)
477 J/(kg K)
由于對稱,在注塑過程中只需對公模和母模垂直截面的上半部分進行熱分析。 圖5所示的是多層模板閉合的熱分析模型。
圖5 熱分析模型 圖6 試樣分析的加載模型
3.3. 模具及試樣分析的結(jié)果及討論
對模具進行二維分析后,可繪制出時間響應曲線以分析殘余熱應力對制件的影響。 圖8所示是繪制時間響應曲線所選的節(jié)點。
圖7 不同時間段的熱量等高線分布圖
圖8 在制件上為繪制時間響應曲線選擇的節(jié)點
圖9 節(jié)點284的溫度分布曲線
從圖9—17中的溫度分布曲線可以清楚的看出每個節(jié)為曲線圖選擇計畫翻譯經(jīng)歷溫度的增加, 也就是從那對特定的溫度周圍超過溫度比較高的周圍溫度然后在這保持持續(xù)一段特定時間的溫度。?這些增加溫度是由溶化塑料的注入產(chǎn)品的型腔所引起的。
在一段特定時間之后, 溫度更進一步增加達成最高的溫度,然后保持該溫度。?這里的溫度增加是由于包裝階段相關的高壓導致的。?這個溫度一直持續(xù)到冷卻階段的開始。?計畫翻譯的曲線圖不是平滑適當?shù)牡侥禽斎肴芑说某涮钗锫实娜鄙俟δ芩芰虾屠鋬鰟┑睦鋮s比率。繪制的曲線是不平滑的,因為注入熔融塑料的速率和冷卻速率是相應的。這條曲線僅反應了一個周期里可以達到的最高溫度。
圖10 節(jié)點213的溫度分布曲線
圖11 節(jié)點302的溫度分布曲線
圖12 節(jié)點290的溫度分布曲線
圖13 節(jié)點278的溫度分布曲線 圖14 節(jié)點1838的溫度分布曲線
圖15 節(jié)點1904的溫度分布曲線 圖16 節(jié)點1853的溫度分布曲線
圖17 節(jié)點1866的溫度分布曲線
根據(jù)以上所述,水線位于產(chǎn)品型腔的中心引起了中心周圍的溫度高于其他區(qū)域。因此,中心區(qū)域會由于受到收縮力的作用產(chǎn)生更大的收縮從而產(chǎn)生翹曲。?然而, 冷卻溫度在不同的節(jié)點處的不同很小,翹曲效果不非常明顯。設計一個有比較小的殘余熱應力作用和一個有效率的冷卻系統(tǒng)的模具對于一個設計者來說是很重要的。
對于產(chǎn)品分析, 從被實行開始到分析塑料產(chǎn)品,在產(chǎn)品上不同負荷因素的狀態(tài)下的應力分配情況可以通過觀察生成的二維曲進行線分析。
分析的時候選擇了一個臨界節(jié)點,即節(jié)點127,這是拉應力最大的時候。此時參考負載應力曲線如圖23,它很清楚表明產(chǎn)品在增加拉力負荷,直到它達到了23的負載因數(shù),這意謂產(chǎn)品能抵抗的1150 N的拉力。由圖23可知,對產(chǎn)品的固定端以施加最大應力3.27 ×107 Pa時損壞可能發(fā)生在其附近區(qū)域。
[1] R.J. Crawford, Rubber and Plastic Engineering Design and Applica- tion, Applied Publisher Ltd., 1987, p. 110.
[2] B.H. Min, A study on quality monitoring of injection-molded parts, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 136 (2002) 1.
[3] K.F. Pun, I.K. Hui, W.G. Lewis, H.C.W. Lau, A multiple-criteria environmental impact assessment for the plastic injection molding process:a methodology, J. Cleaner Prod. 11 (2002) 41.
[4] A.T. Bozdana, O¨ . Eyerc′?og?lu, Development of an Expert System for the Determination of Injection Moulding Parameters of Thermoplastic Materials: EX-PIMM, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 128 (2002) 113.
[5] M.R. Cutkosky, J.M. Tenenbaum, CAD/CAM Integration Through Concur- rent Process and Product Design, Longman. Eng. Ltd., 1987, p. 83.
[6] G. Menges, P. Mohren, How to Make Injection Molds, second ed., Hanser Publishers, New York, 1993, p 129.
[7] K.H. Huebner, E.A. Thornton, T.G. Byrom, The Finite Element Method for Engineers, fourth ed., Wisley, 2001, p. 1.
[8] X. Chen, Y.C. Lam, D.Q. Li, Analysis of thermal residual stress in plastic injection molding, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 101 (1999) 275.
指導教師 李章東 職稱 副教授
所在院(系) 機械系 教研室(系、研究所) 機械系
題 目
高 闊
學 號
一、 選題質(zhì)量:
指導教師: (簽名)
年 月 日
1. 概述
? 板材沖壓具有下列特點:
2. 沖壓成形的特點
? ?由于沖壓成形具有上述一些在變形與力學方面的特點,致使沖壓技術也形成了一些與體積成形不同的特點。由于不需要在板材毛的表面施加很大的單位壓力即可使其成形,所以在沖壓技術中關于模具強度與剛度的研究并不十分重要,相反卻發(fā)展了學多簡易模具技術。
由于相同原因,也促使靠氣體或液體壓力成形的工藝方法得以發(fā)展。因沖壓成形時的平面應力狀態(tài)或更為單純的應變狀態(tài)(與體積成形相比),當前對沖壓成形匯中毛胚的變形與 力能參數(shù)方面的研究較為深入,有條件運用合理的科學方法進行沖壓加工。借助于電子計算機與先進的測試手段,在對板材性能與沖壓變形參數(shù)進行實時測量與分析基礎上,實現(xiàn)沖壓過程智能化控制的研究工作也在開展。人們在對沖壓成形過程有離開較為深入的了解后,已經(jīng)認識到?jīng)_壓成型與原材料有十分密切的關系。所以,對板材沖壓性能即成形性與形狀穩(wěn)定性的研究,目前已成為沖壓技術的一個重要內(nèi)容。對板材沖壓性能的研究工作不僅是沖壓技術發(fā)展的需要,而且也促進了鋼鐵工業(yè)生產(chǎn)技術的發(fā)展,為其提高板材的質(zhì)量提供了一個可靠的基礎與依據(jù)。
? ?沖壓變形工藝可完成多種工序,其基本工序可分為分離工序和變形工序兩大類。分離工序是使胚料的一部分與另一部分相互分離的工藝方法,主要有落料、沖孔、切邊、剖切、修整等。其中又以沖孔、落料應用最廣。變形工序是使胚料的一部分相對于另一部分產(chǎn)生位移而不破裂的工藝方法,主要有拉深、彎曲、局部成形、脹形、翻邊、縮徑、校形、旋壓等。
? ?沖壓加工用原材料有很多種,它們的性能也有很大的差別,所以必須根據(jù)原材料的性能與特點,采用不同的沖壓成形方法、工藝參數(shù)和模具結(jié)構,才能達到?jīng)_壓加工的目的。由于人們對沖壓成形過程板材毛胚的變形行為有了較為深入的認識,已經(jīng)相當清楚的建立了由原材料的化學成分、組織等因素所決定的材料性能與沖壓成形之間的關系,這就使原材料生產(chǎn)部門不但按照沖壓件的工作條件與使用要求進行原材料的設計工作,而且也根據(jù)沖壓件加工過程對板材性能的要求進行新型材料的開發(fā)工作,這是沖壓技術在原材料研究方面的一個重要方向。對沖壓用原材料沖壓性能方面的研究工作有
? ? 板材是指對沖壓加工的適應能力。對板材沖壓性能的研究具有飛行重要的意義。為了能夠運用最科學與最經(jīng)濟合理的沖壓工藝過程與工藝參數(shù)制造出沖壓零件,必須對作為加工對象的板材的性能具有十分清楚的了解,這樣才有可能充分地利用板材在加工方面的潛在能力。另一方面,為了能夠依據(jù)沖壓件的形狀與尺寸特點及其所需的成形工藝等基本因素,正確、合理地選用板材,也必須對板材的沖壓性能有一個科學的認識與正確的判斷。評定板材沖壓性能的方法有直接試驗法與間接試驗法。
? ?實物沖壓試驗是最直接的板材沖壓性能的評定方法。利用實際生產(chǎn)設備與模具,在與生產(chǎn)完全相同的條件下進行實際沖壓零件的性能評定,當然能夠的最可靠的結(jié)果。但是,這種評定方法不具有普遍意義,不能作為行業(yè)之間的通用標準進行信息的交流。
? ?模擬試驗是把生產(chǎn)中實際存在的沖壓成形方法進行歸納與簡單化處理,消除許多過于復雜的因素,利用軸對稱的簡化了的成形方法,在保證試驗中板材的變形性質(zhì)與應力狀態(tài)都與實際沖壓成形相同的條件下進行的沖壓性能的評定工作。為了保證模擬試驗結(jié)果的可靠性與通用性,規(guī)定了私分具體的關于試驗用工具的幾何形狀與尺寸、毛胚的尺寸、試驗條件(沖壓速度、潤滑方法、壓邊力等)。
? ?間接試驗法也叫做基礎試驗法。間接試驗法的特點是:在對板材在塑性變形過程中所表現(xiàn)出的基本性質(zhì)與規(guī)律進行分析與研究的基礎上,進一步把它和具體的沖壓成形中板材的塑性變形參數(shù)聯(lián)系起來,建立間接試驗結(jié)果(間接試驗值)與具體的沖壓成形性能(工藝參數(shù))之間的相關性。由于間接試驗時所用試件的形狀與尺寸以及加載的方式等都不同于具體的沖壓成形過程,所以它的變形性質(zhì)和應力狀態(tài)也不同于沖壓變形。因此間接試驗所得的結(jié)果(試驗值)并不是沖壓成形的工藝參數(shù),而是可以用來表示板材沖壓性能的基礎性參數(shù)。
Characteristics and Sheet Metal Forming
1. The article overview
Stamping is a kind of plastic forming process in which a part is produced by means of the plastic forming the material under the action of a die. Stamping is usually carried out under cold state, so it is also called stamping. Heat stamping is used only when the blank thickness is greater than 8~100mm. The blank material for stamping is usually in the form of sheet or strip, and therefore it is also called sheet metal forming. Some non-metal sheets (such as plywood, mica sheet, asbestos, leather)can also be formed by stamping.
?? Stamping is widely used in various fields of the metalworking industry, and it plays a crucial role in the industries for manufacturing automobiles, instruments, military parts and household electrical appliances, etc.
? ?The process, equipment and die are the three foundational problems that needed to be studied in stamping.
? ?The characteristics of the sheet metal forming are as follows:
(1)? ? High material utilization
(2)? ? Capacity to produce thin-walled parts of complex shape.
(3)? ? Good interchangeability between stamping parts due to precision in shape??
and dimension.
(4)? ? Parts with lightweight, high-strength and fine rigidity can be obtained.
(5)? ? High productivity, easy to operate and to realize mechanization and? ? automatization.
? ? The manufacture of the stamping die is costly, and therefore it only fits to mass production. For the manufacture of products in small batch and rich variety, the simple stamping die and the new equipment such as a stamping machining center, are usually adopted to meet the market demands. The materials for sheet metal stamping include mild steel, copper, aluminum, magnesium alloy and high-plasticity alloy-steel, etc.??
Stamping equipment includes plate shear punching press. The former shears plate into strips with a definite width, which would be pressed later. The later can be used both in shearing and forming.
2.Characteristics of stamping forming
There are various processes of stamping forming with different working patterns and names. But these processes are similar to each other in plastic deformation. There are following conspicuous characteristics in stamping:
(1).The force per unit area perpendicular to the blank surface is not large but is enough to cause the material plastic deformation. It is much less than the inner stresses on the plate plane directions. In most cases stamping forming can be treated approximately as that of the plane stress state to simplify vastly the theoretical analysis and the calculation of the process parameters.
(2).Due to the small relative thickness, the anti-instability capability of the blank is weak under compressive stress. As a result, the stamping process is difficult to proceed successfully without using the anti-instability device (such as blank holder). Therefore the varieties of the stamping processes dominated by tensile stress are more than dominated by compressive stress.
(3).During stamping forming, the inner stress of the blank is equal to or sometimes less than the yield stress of the material. In this point, the stamping is different from the bulk forming. During stamping forming, the influence of the hydrostatic pressure of the stress state in the deformation zone to the forming limit and the deformation resistance is not so important as to the bulk forming. In some circumstances, such influence may be neglected. Even in the case when this influence should be considered, the treating method is also different from that of bulk forming.
(4).In stamping forming, the restrain action of the die to the blank is not severs as in the case of the bulk forming (such as die forging). In bulk forming, the constraint forming is proceeded by the die with exactly the same shape of the part. Whereas in stamping, in most cases, the blank has a certain degree of freedom, only one surface of the blank contacts with the die. In some extra cases, such as the forming of the blank on the deforming zone contact with the die. The deformation in these regions are caused and controlled by the die applying an external force to its adjacent area.
Due to the characteristics of stamping deformation and mechanics mentioned above, the stamping technique is different form the bulk metal forming: The importance or the strength and rigidity of the die in stamping forming is less than that in bulk forming because the blank can be formed without applying large pressure per unit area on its surface. Instead, the techniques of the simple die and the pneumatic and hydraulic forming are developed.
Due to the plane stress or simple strain state in comparison with bulk forming, more research on deformation or force and power parameters has been done. Stamping forming can be performed by more reasonable scientific methods. Based on the real time measurement and analysis on the sheet metal properties and stamping parameters, by means of computer and some modern testing apparatus, research on the intellectualized control of stamping process is also in proceeding. It is shown that there is a close relationship between stamping forming and raw material. The research on the properties of the stamping forming, that is, forming ability and shape stability, has become a key point in stamping technology development, but also enhances the manufacturing technique of iron and steel industry, and provides a reliable foundation for increasing sheet metal quality.
3.Categories of stamping forming
? ? Many deformation processes can be done by stamping, the basic processes of the stamping can be divided into two kinds: cutting and forming.Cutting is a shearing process that one part of the blank is cut from the other. It mainly includes blanking, punching, trimming, parting and shaving, where punching and blanking are the most widely used. Forming is a process that one part of the blank has some displacement from the other. It mainly includes deep drawing, bending, local forming, bulging, flanging, necking, sizing and spinning.
In substance, stamping forming is such that the plastic deformation occurs in the deformation zone of the stamping blank caused by the external force. The stress state and deformation characteristic of the deformation zone are the basic factors to decide the properties of the stamping forming. Based on the stress state and deformation characteristics of the deformation zone, the forming methods can be divided into several categories with the same forming properties and be studied systematically.
??The deformation zone in almost all types of stamping forming is in the plane stress state. Usually there is no force or only small force applied on the blank surface. When is assumed that the stress perpendicular to the blank surface equals to zero, two principal stresses perpendicular to each other and act on the blank surface produce the plastic deformation of the material. Due to the small thickness of the blank, it is assumed approximately the two principal stresses distribute uniformly along the thickness direction. Based on this analysis, the stress state and the deformation characteristics of the deformation zone in all kinds of stamping forming can be denoted by the points in the coordinates of the plane principal stresses and the coordinates of the corresponding plane principal strains.
4.Raw materials for stamping forming
There are a lot of raw materials used in stamping forming, and the properties of these materials may have large difference. The stamping forming can be succeeded only by determining the stamping method, the forming parameters and the die structures according to the properties and characteristics of the raw materials. The deformation of the blank during stamping forming has been investigated quite thoroughly. The relationships between the material properties decided by the chemistry component and structure of the material and the stamping forming has been established clearly. Not only the proper material can be selected based on the working condition and usage demand, but also the new material can be developed according to the demands of the blank properties during processing the stamping part. This is an important domain in stamping forming research. The research on the material properties for stamping forming is as follows:
(1).Definition of the stamping property of the material.
(2).Method to judge the stamping property of the material, find parameters to express the definitely material property of the stamping forming, establish the relationship between the property parameters and the practical stamping forming, and investigate the testing methods of the property parameters.
(3).Establish the relationship among the chemical component, structure, manufacturing process and stamping property.
?? The raw materials for stamping forming mainly include various metals and nonmetal plate. Sheet metal includes both ferrous and nonferrous metals. Although a lot of sheet metals are used in stamping forming, the most widely used materials are steel, stainless steel, aluminum alloy and various composite metal plates.
5.Stamping forming property of sheet metal and its assessing method
The stamping forming property of the sheet metal is the adaptation capability of the sheet metal to stamping forming. It has crucial meaning to the investigation of the stamping forming property of the sheet metal. In order to produce stamping forming parts with most scientific, economic and rational stamping forming process and forming parameters, it is necessary to understand clearly the properties of the sheet metal, so as to utilize the potential of the sheet metal fully in the production. On the other hand, to select plate material accurately and rationally in accordance with the characteristics of the shape and dimension of the stamping forming part and its forming technique is also necessary so that a scientific understanding and accurate judgment to the stamping forming properties of the sheet metal may be achieved.
There are direct and indirect testing methods to assess the stamping property of the sheet metal?.Practicality stamping test is the most direct method to assess stamping forming property of the sheet metal. This test is done exactly in the same condition as actual production by using the practical equipment and dies. Surely, this test result is most reliable. But this kind of assessing method is not comprehensively applicable, and cannot be shared as a commonly used standard between factories.
? ? The simulation test is a kind of assessing method that after simplifying and summing up actual stamping forming methods, as well as eliminating many trivial factors, the stamping properties of the sheet metal are assessed, based on simplified axial-symmetric forming method under the same deformation and stress states between the testing plate and the actual forming states. In order to guarantee the reliability and generality of simulation results, a lot of factors are regulated in detail, such as the shape and dimension of tools for test, blank dimension and testing conditions(stamping velocity, lubrication method and blank holding force, etc).???Indirect testing method is also called basic testing method its characteristic is to connect analysis and research on fundamental property and principle of the sheet metal during plastic deformation, and with the plastic deformation parameters of the sheet metal in actual stamping forming, and then to establish the relationship between the indirect testing results(indirect testing value) and the actual stamping forming property (forming parameters). Because the shape and dimension of the specimen and the loading pattern of the indirect testing are different from the actual stamping forming, the deformation characteristics and stress states of the indirect test are different from those of the actual one. So, the results obtained form the indirect test are not the stamping forming parameters, but are the fundamental parameters that can be used to represent the stamping forming property of the sheet metal.