Integrated Manufacturing Cell Formation Technology orienting Multi-productType and Variant Volume Production
Abstract:What is pursued by multi-product type and variant volume(MPTVV) production is rapid response and quick switching,so that structure of transferring line in manufacturing system is no longer unalterable.Cell formation(CF) algorithm is the key technology of cellular manufacturing system(CMS).Currently,CF methods are mainly extended on the idea of group technology(GT) that covers a lot on analysis of resource capability matching and its algorithm.Various constraints are considered,but seldom utilized comprehensively.Aimed to the problem of manufacturing cell(MC) formation under MPTVV production mode,integrated formation Technologies for typical MC as group type of cell(GC),flow type of cell(FC) and inherited cell(IC) are presented based on technical analysis of CF.Oriented to practical production constraints like delivery time,product batch,equipment ability ,key machine,key part and machine sharing,etc,an imegrated formation model is constructed and intemal imterrelations of these constraints are analyzed synthetically.Ulteriorly,formation goals of types of MCs and their formation procedures under joint effect of formation constraints and rules are spread.In casestudy,three highly balanced GC are formed first; then FC formation are implemented based on the same data which indicate good balancing effect of cell load and flow-style production for key tasks;When task is adjusted,a new scheme is constructed on the result of FC configuration by using IC formation method,and more optimal performance of flow-style production is manifested.The proposed comparative study of different type of cells strongly explains the validation of integrated MC formation in support of rapid manufacturing resource transformation under MPTVV production mode.
Keywords:multi-product type and variant volume production,cell formation,flow style manufacturing cell, inheriting manufacturing cell
1 Introduction
Nowadays, multiple type and variable production mode has been an inevitable choice for most enterprises, which is a natural result in the course of adapting or being adapted to the ever changing needs of our society. As a mode positioned between few type and mass production of flowing dedicated production line and multiple type and small or medium production of discrete flexible production line, multiple type and variable production has both advantages of efficiency and flexibility targeting variability and rapid response of system. Cellular manufacturing is a form of production organization which can accommodate to such type of production mode,and well support rapid response of manufacturing system.The core of cellular manufacturing is the reorganization and reuse of manufacturing resources;manufacturing cell characterized with self-government,collaboration and flexibility is the core component.Therefore,technologies of cell formation and reconfiguration are also the keys in implementation of CMS.
Presently,technologies of cell formation(CF)are mainly focusing on its construction algorithm.Likely aspects of formation rules and constraints.such as multi-routes and equipment types,work time assignment,batch production, equipment sharing, balancing of unit and machine capacity have all been involved,but there is an absence of integrated application of these factors.Researchers like YASUDA,et al[1] and GARBIE,et al[2] used similarity coefficient for cell analysis.Tb solve the problem of formation of clusters and cells under changing market,PILLAI,et al[3],proposed a robust design method based on demand forecast and the result cell structure turned out to be relatively stable.Intelligent algorithm was introduced for CF solving.Considering factors like part number, route,processing time,equipment capacity equipment status and objectives of cell balancing and minimization of inter-cell moving.ASOKAN,et al[4],PRABHAKARAN,et al[5],and many other scholars adopted ant colony algorithm VENKATARAMANAIAH, et al[6], constructed an unit configuration with exceptional elements using hybrid heuristic algorithm.MAHAPATRA,et a[7],concentrated on cell load balancing and minimization of inter-cell moving and employed GA for solution.MANSOURI, et al[8], studied constraints of bottleneck equipments,exceptional parts and equipment sharing using GA method.WON,et al[9],adopted fuzzy ART N-N algorithm to solve grouping problem of complicated parts and equipments.DEFERSHA,et al[10],introduced GA parallel arithmetic into CF, in which many practical restriction like cell configuration,substitute process,equipments sharing and capacity and load balancing or them,and production fees were taken into account.FTS,et al[11],cut CF procedure into two steps. Firstly, multi-objective function was constructed for scaling units,and then a single objective function was employed targeting optimization of moving within and between units.BAI,et al[12],paid their attention to FC formation theory and technique for emergency mobilization batch volume production.As a whole,above researches are mainly focused on static cell formation,while studies on sustainable dynamic formation are seldom, even not to say integrated formation of multi—cell types.
Main focus of this article will be on the problem of manufacturing cell(MC) diversification under multi-product type and variant volume(MPTVV) production mode. From the view of integrated construction of multi-type MCs,integrated formation model and method based on unified constraints,rules and algorithms will be studied,and decision-making tools will be developed.
2 Technical Challenge
Under MPTVV production mode,product type and volume is on constant change at different period of time or stages of different period stemming from market requirement change.So the direct reason bringing configuration change of manufacturing system is dynamic requirement. In cellular manufacturing system(CMS),such change will finally impute to cells formed,or be undertaken
and realized by cells.
The essential of cell formation and reconfiguration is optimizing assignment of manufacturing resource.It is a kind of allocation or reallocation of ability of manufacturing resource. Resource assignment needs to tradeoff between extreme cases of “one machine is one cell” and “the whole line is also one cell”.Moreover.to
realize rapid resource transformation,other than matching between task and resource, resource assignment and optimization under conditions like delivery time,batch,key
machine, key part and equipment sharing have to be considered also. Important reason of unsuccessful implementation applying traditional CF technologies is in
1ack of comprehensive consideration.
The outcome of CF is logical cells,so there are no clear boundaries among cells and machines in cells have no fixed attribution.Machines may act as a standalone “device unit” for scattered tasks,or they can share their capacity with other cells and accomplish tasks with other machines.In this case,it’s possible that discrete units will emerge.The result configuration is a plural structure composed by ‘‘complete” units and a discrete unit.Traditional analysis emphasizes independence of part family and cells too much that may result in unharmonious production. Thus, bottleneck operations and equipments will appear and requirement of mating production for assembly cannot be satisfied.Moreover, cell load distribution is uneven and machines cannot be shared among cells.
Cell types under MPTVV production mode should be flexible and various. In multi-product type and small volume or trial production,cell form of group type of
cell(GC)is required,while in mass volume production, continuous production has to be realized. Furthermore,during different period,inheriting sustainable reconfiguration will be a basic demand.The direct reason of hard advancing of traditional group technology(GT) based technologies is that frequent layout adjustment due to rapid change of requirement is difficult to realize.As a rigid
formation technology,too many efforts have to be cost on physical layout adjustment.Construction method based on similarity of equipments and parts only emphasizes adaptation of existed resources to requirements,but not fluency of production flow in the view of routes of tasks which is also an important problem consented by organizers.Flow line type running is also an important objective in MC formation.Against periodical changing requirements, to lessen cost and influence of machine adjusting,CF procedure has to inherit original production line.Existed CF analysis mainly focuses on GC,researches on type of cell(FC)and inherited cell(IC)are comparatively seldom,and same status presents in formation constraint analysis and unified construction of different types of MCs.
GC,F(xiàn)C and IC represent different objectives and targets of CF and are typical cell forms in manufacturing system.Technical analysis on integrate formation for multi-type cell will be carried out orienting them.
3 Integrated Model of MC Formation and Its Constraints Analysis
MC is formed under multiple related constraints.During MC formation,external factors like production requirement,delivery time and internal ones as batch,processing time,machine ability, key equipment and selectable machine have to be considered together.Also,production goals in cycle time,cost,equipment utility have to be satisfied,thus the course of MC formation is again one multi-objective optimization procedure,in which no optimum but many suboptimum solution exists commonly.Here,constraints and goals are decomposed and their interrelations to
different type of MCs are illustrated in Fig.1.
Resource.route and task are three main data needed in CF, yet inherited CF has to use former configuration schemas as source data for comparing.CF rules include route selection。machine(type)selection and machine task assignment rules.Main CF constraints here are machine ability batch,key or mass pans and key equipment.Output policies are composed of partition rules for cell and equipment and pan family In case of shortage of machine ability in resource assignment,three scenarios of overtime,outsource and equipment procurement can be selected.In the process of different types or even stages of MC formation, quantitative indexes including similarity coefficient,inter-cell operation number, cell load and takt time balancing have to be adopted. All these rules,constraints and goals construct formation constraints of multi-type cell.Most of them are shamble,but some are for special purpose.For example,for FC formation,there’re rules that emphasize operation balancing of route and production takt time of equipment,and goals that stress takt
balancing in cell.
Formation of three type of cell is not independent but interrelated, main stages: equipment cluster' resource selection and assignment,cell optimization and adjusting
and cell output can all be reused.Cluster and output process are entirely universal, while assignment and optimization is different for different type of cell that rules,
constraints and goals can be selected in demand.
According to Fig.1,GC and FC are two basic cell(BC),and that FC is extended on GC and IC can be seemed as extension of BC.As a whole.GC constructs the constraints of FC like that BC to IC.
4 Objective and Procedure of Integrated Formation
For convenience,the flowing symbols are taken to express constraints in Fig.1.
(1)Base data set:S0={D1,D2,D3,D4}.Dl denotes production tasks; D2 denotes part routes; D3 denotes equipment resources;D4 denotes configuration schemes.
(2)Formation rules set:S1={El{e11,e12,e13,e14,e15},E2{e2l,e22},E3{e3l,e32}}.El denotes routes selection rules,including;e1l denotes me first route; e12 denotes least machine type;e13 denotes shortest machining time;e14 denotes least inter-cell operation time;e15 denotes highest balancing index of operations.E2 denotes machine(type) selection rules; e2l denotes current machine type; e22
denotes shortest machining time;e23 denotes machining time limited by takt time. E3 denotes machine task assignment rules;e31 denotes task dispersed and average
use of machines;e32 denotes task concentrated and focus use of machines.
(3)Formation constraints set:S2={F1,F2,F3,F4,F5}.F1 denotes machine ability;F2 denotes batch;F3 denotes key parts;F4 denotes mass parts;F5 denotes key equipment.
(4)Output rules set:S3={G1,G2,G3}.G1 denotes cell partition rules;G2 denotes part partition rules;G3 denotes sharable equipment partition rules.
(5)Formation goals set:S4={H1{h11,h12},H2,H3{h3l,h32},H4}.Hl denotes similarity coefficient,h11 denotes similarity coefficient:hl2 denotes un—similarity coefficient.H2 denotes least inter-cell operation number;H3 denotes cell load balancing;h31 denotes cell load ratio;h32 denotes ratio of balanced cell load.H4 denotes takt time balancing in cell.
(6)Treatment set for shortage of equipment:S5={I1,I2,I3}.Il denotes overtime;I2 denote outsource;I3 denote equipment procurement.
(7) Four steps of CF are described as follows:STEP 1 denotes equipment cluster; STEP2 denotes resource assignment;STEP3 denotes cell optimization and adjusting;STEP4 denotes schema output.
In this paper, four steps with different constraints and objectives are marked out clearly, so that heuristic algorithm with stepped objective would be the most
suitable problem solving method.
5 Case Study
Above heuristic algorithm has been realized in VC++ environment.Case study uses task data in Table 1 and equipment resource data in Table 2.It is noted that in Table l the number in bracket after part is number in our task;sequence number of part operation is composed of route and its operation number;three parts P2,P8,P11 have selectable route,and they’re marked out using shadow;machining time uses minute as unit.Delivery time of this task is two months.
6. Conclusions
(1)Integrated Model of MC fornation is constructed and formation constraints are analyzed. MC formation is impacted by intermal or extemal factors that it is the outcome of multiple interrelated constraints.Its objective can be easily extended to make it an optimization problem of multi¨more”objectives.MC formation of different
type is impact each other and their formation procedures are interlinked.At different
stage of cell formation,different constraints and rules are put into effect gradually.
(2) Objectives and procedure of integrated formation are presented.Cell formation constraints are denoted by mathematic symbols and for different stages of types of cells. Formula description for formation goals is given.Application process of such constraints and goals is also detailed.
(3)Case study shows that integrated MC formation is a valuable method adaptive to MPTVV production mode.