The design for press system of rolling mill
In modern hot steel rolling process,the edger is generally arranged in the front of the roughing mill,its main function is to break the scale and adjust the breadth. The width that cuts through the steel plate of roll is different for satisfying the different usage request,but the adjustment to the cleft of roll is carried out by the press system.The main contents of this design is to carry on the comprehensive analysis,research ,design ,perfect to the press system of the rolling mill by the knowledge learning in the university,its function not only is various knowledge to combine the usage ,also be to design the personnel of the study result and an examination of the ability.
Chapter 1 describes the use and characteristics of the rolling mill, and domestic and international development condition;Chapter 2 made sure the total design project,mainly discussing the structure and the characteristics of the rolling system,connect spindle and the press system;Chapter 3 is the structure parameter to really settle,made sure the radius of the roll and the face length by reduction;Chapter 4 describes that use the press system's moment to choose the electrical engineering;Chapter 5 carries on the examination and design to the main parts,include the worm,worm gear,housing screw and screw box; Chapter 6 is to discuss to the lubrication system. The end of the design is the summary to design result and the gratitudes to guide and classmate.
Key words:rolling mill,press system,housing screw,screw box