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In automobile driving process, driving axle under the heavy and complicated load, its transmission parts (gears and half axle, etc.) to pass the transmission of the maximum torque, It's ChengZaiJian (bridge shell) supporting the car automobile load, bearing the effect on the pavement and frame or carraige between vertical and lateral and longitudinal impact of dynamic and static load, and (the) reaction torque or braking torque, etc. In these load, under the action of driving axle must must maintain a sufficient strength, stiffness, enough life, and satisfactory other properties (such as I noise), etc. Therefore, driving axle assembly and the main parts and components, must undergo strict experiments.
Usually, driving axle assembly and its main parts and components, need to load the same after the road test, and the vehicle in indoor experiments to test bench and its driving axle assembly parts and components in the vehicle on the adaptation and the other possibilities, durability and other properties. Therefore, our country many automobile factory is equipped with the road test and assemblies and components laboratory, and at present in a foreign country, whether comprehensive vehicle industry company, or production automobile assembly specialized company, is equipped with larger scale of experiment, the research center, be responsible for relevant car various experimental, research and development of the technology. Some still laden with the large scale of automobile farms or special experimental runway.