3732 掩護式液壓支架設(shè)計
3732 掩護式液壓支架設(shè)計,掩護,液壓,支架,設(shè)計
河南理工大學萬方科技學院本科畢業(yè)論文1附錄 A液壓支架概況與電液控制技術(shù)的研究1 液壓支架發(fā)展概述液壓支架是以高壓液體為動力,由若干個液壓元件(油缸、閥件)與一些金屬構(gòu)件組合而成的一種支撐和控制頂板的采煤工作面設(shè)備。具有強度高、移動速度快、支護性能好、安全可靠等特性。自 20 世紀 50 年代以來,液壓支架已逐步成為采煤工作面核心設(shè)備,世界上主要產(chǎn)煤國家投入了大量的人力物力和財力對其進行研究開發(fā)。目前,以液壓支架為主體的支護趨于成熟,世界上已生產(chǎn)制造出數(shù)百種架型和上萬種型號的液壓支架,以適應各類煤層開采支護需要。上世紀 60 年代,我國也曾開發(fā)了 10 余種液壓支架,由于種種原因未得到推廣應用,液壓支架處于研制、實驗階段;70 年代先后從英國、德國、波蘭、前蘇聯(lián)等主要產(chǎn)煤國家引進數(shù) 10 余套液壓支架。經(jīng)不斷的探索、使用、消化和總結(jié),制造出各種類型的支架,它是國產(chǎn)液壓支架發(fā)展的起點; 80 年代液壓支架研發(fā)處于創(chuàng)新提高階段,相繼開發(fā)出 30 余種新架型,制造出 ZZ 系列、XY 系列、ZD 系列等不同規(guī)格,并廣泛用于國有大中型煤礦,取得良好的經(jīng)濟效益; 90 年代特種液壓支架的研制獲得迅速發(fā)展,機械化鋪網(wǎng)支架、水砂充填支架、端頭支架、強力支架、放頂煤支架等相繼問世;本世紀隨著計算機技術(shù)、自動化技術(shù)的普及與應用,液壓支架的控制獲得突破性進展,逐步向程序控制、數(shù)字控制、遙控和自動化控制邁進。2 國內(nèi)外液壓支架差異國產(chǎn)支架在制造技術(shù)、材質(zhì)性能、加工工藝、控制系統(tǒng)及密河南理工大學萬方科技學院本科畢業(yè)論文2封性能上與國外先進國家相比有很大差距。2.1 加工制造方面據(jù)有關(guān)綜采工程技術(shù)人員反映,國產(chǎn)液壓支架的工藝技術(shù)、服務年限、使用性能、所用材質(zhì)到目前為止尚未達到。1979 年引進100 套支架的技術(shù)水平。如結(jié)構(gòu)材料:德國采用 ST52 材料其屈服極限為 500 MPa,而我國使用 16 Mn 材料屈服極限僅為 350 MPa;閥類:國外一直使用銅合金閥殼和高強度不銹鋼閥芯, 我國則是 45#鋼加表面熱處理;在加工工藝上:國外油缸內(nèi)壁是復鍍,國產(chǎn)則為不鍍,導致立柱在使用過程中過早出現(xiàn)斑點,劃傷等密封漏液現(xiàn)象,影響支護效果。國產(chǎn)液壓支架與國外生產(chǎn)的液壓支架相比平均縮短2~3 a 服務年限。2.2 控制系統(tǒng)方面國產(chǎn)液壓支架控制系統(tǒng)的研發(fā)處于落后狀態(tài),嚴重制約了支架的移設(shè)速度的提高和綜采經(jīng)濟效益的發(fā)揮。世界上幾個主要產(chǎn)煤大國始終把支架控制系統(tǒng)作為提高綜采經(jīng)濟效益的重要手段, 20世紀 60 年代采用手動直控操作系統(tǒng);70 年代采用先導控制系統(tǒng) ,隨之英國首先提出研制電液控制系統(tǒng), 80 年代趨于成熟 ; 90 年代道梯公司研制出全工作面電液控制系統(tǒng),緊隨其后威斯特伐利亞- 貝瑞特公司研制出更為先進的 P- M3、P-M4 電液控制系統(tǒng)?,F(xiàn)美國、德國、英國、澳大利亞等國家基本上全是可編程電液控制,而我國仍多采用手動控制系統(tǒng)。2.3 液壓元件方面液壓元件的研發(fā)速度遠遠滯后于液壓支架發(fā)展的需要。液壓支架的可靠性主要依賴于液壓元件的可靠性,液壓支架在煤礦生產(chǎn)河南理工大學萬方科技學院本科畢業(yè)論文3中應用是否成功,關(guān)鍵在于液壓元件的技術(shù)性能是否達到要求。國外目前多采用大流量安全閥、液控單向閥、截止閥、初撐力保持閥及立柱快速回液閥。對液壓元件的結(jié)構(gòu)形式、幾何尺寸、材料選擇、熱處理方法和表面處理等各方面進行了深入的研究與開發(fā)。研制出一批密封性能好、靈敏度高、進排液能力大、抗沖擊載荷強的各類液壓元件,以適應液壓支架工作性能的要求。而我國對此類液壓元件研發(fā)較為滯后,目前仍沿用上個世紀 80 年代的產(chǎn)品,沒有形成液壓元件通用化、系列化、標準化。3 液壓支架發(fā)展前景與展望鑒于科學技術(shù)的高速發(fā)展,新技術(shù)、新工藝、新方法、新材料的不斷應用及計算機技術(shù)的空前擴展,液壓支架的未來發(fā)展具有十分誘人的前景。3.1 設(shè)計理念的更新,液壓支架發(fā)展的一場革命在液壓支架設(shè)計中必須考慮環(huán)境的屬性。由于液壓支架的工作條件惡劣,人、機環(huán)境的相互關(guān)系問題顯得更加重要。綠色設(shè)計是將材料選擇、產(chǎn)品結(jié)構(gòu)、工藝方法、外觀造型和色彩搭配按照一定規(guī)律,采取藝術(shù)的方法加以巧妙融合,充分體現(xiàn)人機環(huán)境系統(tǒng)的和諧統(tǒng)一。笨重的液壓支架形象將被安全、可靠、易維修、低耗能、高效率、造型美觀所取代。這種綠色設(shè)計,它不僅可慮環(huán)境和資源既要滿足經(jīng)濟發(fā)展需要,又要滿足人類生存發(fā)展需要,是人類可持續(xù)發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略在支架設(shè)計中的體現(xiàn)。如:液壓支架在設(shè)計過程中采用多目標模糊化設(shè)計 ,要求支撐力大,移架速度快,重量輕,用材少等,每個目標確定一個函數(shù),即得多個設(shè)計目標函數(shù),然后組合優(yōu)化,確定最佳方案。河南理工大學萬方科技學院本科畢業(yè)論文43.2 采取純水液壓技術(shù),液壓支架將成為綠色機械純水液壓技術(shù)是液壓領(lǐng)域的發(fā)展前沿。它不僅有良好的抗燃性、散熱性、而且價格也便宜,無污染,長久以來液壓支架在地表層下工作,由于使用工作介質(zhì)是乳化液,并有許多添加劑(乳化劑、防銹劑、防霉劑、偶合劑等) ,對地表以下微環(huán)境污染十分嚴重,所以,液壓支架使用純水液壓技術(shù),對降低煤礦的生產(chǎn)成本,保護環(huán)境是有益的,并可大大改善礦井的工作和安全條件。隨著社會不斷進步,人們對依賴生存的環(huán)境有了更高的要求,希望有一個安全、環(huán)保、高度文明的綠色環(huán)境。時代的要求呼喚著水壓傳動(起源于1605 年發(fā)現(xiàn)帕斯卡定律)這一古老又嶄新的技術(shù)復出,并受到世界的關(guān)注。目前,西方國家集中力量研究該項技術(shù),并取得突破性進展。如:潤滑磨損問題,合理選用摩擦副材料,有工程塑料、結(jié)構(gòu)陶瓷、高分子材料、防銹防腐鍍層等。結(jié)構(gòu)陶瓷具有耐磨性,抗氣蝕性能好,良好的化學穩(wěn)定性,較低的磨擦系數(shù)等特征,備受青睞。在液壓元件中用結(jié)構(gòu)陶瓷代替部分金屬材料,大大的改善了其性能。總之,新材料的成功研制與應用,精密加工技術(shù)的不斷進步,以及各種新結(jié)構(gòu)液壓元件的制成,都將成為液壓支架采用純水液壓技術(shù)進入嚴格的無污染領(lǐng)域,提供十分誘人的應用發(fā)展前景。3.3 高科技的應用,液壓支架區(qū)域智能化先進的科學技術(shù)應用是將各種技術(shù)相互滲透,相互結(jié)合的基礎(chǔ)上相互輔助,相互促進和提高,充分利用各種相關(guān)技術(shù)的優(yōu)勢,揚長避短,使組合后的整體功能大于組成整體的各個部分功能之和的綜合性交叉學科。多種技術(shù)向“機械母體- 液壓支架 ”不斷滲透,包括機、電、液、光、磁等技術(shù)的伺服系統(tǒng)。具體說,是以液壓支架河南理工大學萬方科技學院本科畢業(yè)論文5輸出的力、速度為目的,構(gòu)成了從輸出到輸入的閉環(huán)系統(tǒng),是涉及傳感技術(shù)、計算機控制技術(shù)、信號處理技術(shù)、機械傳動技術(shù)、液壓傳動技術(shù)等。由于快速運算速度,強大的記憶功能和靈敏的邏輯判斷功能,從而實現(xiàn)了人機對話,使之操作維護方便,整機功能強。液壓支架應用功能不斷擴大,對礦井煤層地質(zhì)條件適應性不斷增強,生產(chǎn)效益對設(shè)備的依賴性程度愈來愈大,工作可靠性更加重要。故障診斷技術(shù)(包括信號檢測,故障判斷,故障檢測,故障分析等內(nèi)容)將隨著高科技的發(fā)展理論(如小波技術(shù)、神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò),人工智能等)進入液壓支架的早期診斷,預防和減少事故的發(fā)生、維修的盲目性和維修時間,延長支架服務年限,提高生產(chǎn)效率。4 電液控制技術(shù)基本原理及主要組成隨著采煤技術(shù)的不斷發(fā)展,液壓支架的控制系統(tǒng)和支架制造材料都得到了很大的改進,其中控制系統(tǒng)由原來的手動操作逐漸改進為電液自動控制,大大加快了工作面的移架速度。另外,高強度鋼板的開發(fā)和應用也進一步減少了支架單位工作阻力所具有的質(zhì)量,支護性能也有很大的提高,從而使工作面產(chǎn)量成倍增加,實現(xiàn)了回采工作面的自動化,成為煤炭開采技術(shù)的一次重大革新。目前,電液控制技術(shù)在美國、德國等綜采技術(shù)領(lǐng)先的國家得到了廣泛的應用,而我國則是近幾年才逐步在一些液壓支架上配套使用電液控制技術(shù)。4.1 電液控制技術(shù)的基本原理1) 雙向鄰架控制系統(tǒng)。綜采工作面每一支架均配有架控箱,操作者通過支架架控箱選擇鄰架控制方式,然后根據(jù)指令發(fā)出相應控制命令(給出電信號) ,使河南理工大學萬方科技學院本科畢業(yè)論文6鄰架上對應的電磁鐵或微電機動作,讓電信號轉(zhuǎn)化為液壓信號,控制主控閥開啟,向支架液壓缸供液,實現(xiàn)鄰架支架相應的動作。支架工作狀態(tài)由位移傳感器和壓力傳感器反饋回架控箱,架控箱再根據(jù)傳感器反饋信號決定支架的下一個動作。2)雙向成組控制系統(tǒng)。將工作面的支架編為若干組,在本組內(nèi)首架上由操作人員按動架控箱的啟動鍵,發(fā)出一個指令,鄰架就按預定程序動作,移架完成后自動發(fā)出控制信號給下一架控箱,下一架開始動作。依此類推,實現(xiàn)組內(nèi)支架的自動控制。3)全工作面自動控制系統(tǒng)。功能完善的電液控制系統(tǒng)設(shè)有主控制臺、紅外線裝置,能實現(xiàn)支架與采煤機聯(lián)動的全工作面自動化控制。其原理為: 每一支架上的架控箱均與主控制臺聯(lián)網(wǎng),當支架紅外線接收裝置收到采煤機紅外線發(fā)射器發(fā)出的位置信號后,反饋給主控制臺,主控制臺根據(jù)反饋信號發(fā)出指令,使相應的支架動作。4.2 主要組成部分1) 電液控制器( SCU) 電液控制器是控制系統(tǒng)的“心臟”,它由微處理機、信息傳輸單元、操作鍵盤和數(shù)據(jù)接收裝置等組成。電液控制器有兩方面的功能: 一方面是按照操作指令和預定程序完成電磁閥組的啟閉 ,進而控制支架立柱、千斤頂?shù)膭幼?另一方面它又接收支架上測得的狀態(tài)數(shù)據(jù)( 包括壓力、位移等)并加以分析判斷,進而控制支架的動作,并顯示出支架狀態(tài)參數(shù)和支架故障。2) 電液控制閥組( FZ) 控制閥組是一種多用途的控制液壓的電磁閥,可代替液體循環(huán)河南理工大學萬方科技學院本科畢業(yè)論文7選擇閥,這種閥組裝有使支架動作的閥組和監(jiān)視支架工作條件的壓力開關(guān),根據(jù)控制器指令開啟或閉合閥門通道。3) 中心控制臺(MCU) 系統(tǒng)是否采用 MCU,要根據(jù)用戶確定的工作面的自動化水平高低來決定。只安裝電液控制器,甚至不需要安裝地面中央控制室(MCU1)和井下控制室(MCU2) ,也可以實現(xiàn)全自動化。最低水平的控制系統(tǒng)是雙向鄰架單一控制,目前較常用的是“一控四”系統(tǒng),然后擴展到自動排序、成組控制、成組推移及組合功能等,這些都不需要中心控制臺。4) 外圍輔助部件電液控制系統(tǒng)有能測量支架的狀態(tài), 并將液壓參數(shù)轉(zhuǎn)換為電子信號的原件—壓力傳感器,反映推移千斤頂行程位置的接觸傳感器以及用來自動啟動采煤機遠程控制液壓支架電液控制器的紅外接收器等。所有的傳感器都有各自的輸出信號,從而可以找出線路中斷的位置,并被每一臺支架的電液控制器所鑒別。如果系統(tǒng)在井下工作面或地面控制室配有中心控制臺,發(fā)生故障的電纜線路或傳感器會在主控臺屏幕上顯示出來,這樣就很容易確定故障位置。5 電液控制支架的優(yōu)點該支架與手動控制系統(tǒng)相比有以下優(yōu)點架移動速度快。目前國內(nèi)液壓支架普遍采用手動控制,其推移速度除受系統(tǒng)流量和液壓元件過流能力的限制外,工人在架間的移動速度也對其有直接的影響,這種影響在薄煤層中顯得尤為突出。電液控制支架工作過程可自動循環(huán)進行,加快了移架速度(8~10 s) ,此速度能跟上13113~1315m /min 的采煤機速度 ,單臺泵流量 400 L /min,需要 2臺泵同時工作。滿足了大功率采煤機快速切割。河南理工大學萬方科技學院本科畢業(yè)論文82)改善了頂板支護條件。由于每使用一個按鈕操作,可以使支架能緊跟在采煤機之后進行支護,而且,要動作的支架要求其兩側(cè)的支架緊固支護頂板,這一特征與正確的支撐相結(jié)合,保證沿工作面形成一個堅固的支護帶。3)保證液壓支架額定初撐力。電液控制系統(tǒng)可通過壓力傳感器反饋信號或延長控制電磁先導閥的供電時間實現(xiàn)支架初撐力自保。保證額定初撐力,減少了立柱的增阻所需時間,提高了支護效率,且全工作面支架初撐力均勻一致,改善了頂板控制。4)可帶壓移架。采用電液控制系統(tǒng),在移架過程中,易于實現(xiàn)帶壓移架,減少了工作面頂板對液壓支架產(chǎn)生頻繁的沖擊載荷,保護頂板圍巖的穩(wěn)定,延長液壓支架的使用壽命。5)改善了工作面的直線性。與手動操作相比,絕大多數(shù)電液控制支架都是推進式的,這就意味著輸送機的拉回現(xiàn)象較少,以最大的位移量使所有支架緊靠在工作面輸送機的鎧裝電纜一側(cè),保持一個較直的工作面。移架步距準確,切頂線整齊,改善了支護效果,并且使刮板輸送機和整個工作面直線性好,采煤機截深準確。改善了刮板輸送機和采煤機的工況。另外多架同時推溜,使刮板輸送機緩慢彎曲,避免溜槽連接處產(chǎn)生過大的應力。6)改善了支架操作工的工作條件。電液控制技術(shù)的應用,實現(xiàn)了液壓支架的遙控操作,可遠距離操作,工人勞動條件和勞動強度得到極大改善,由于采用計算機自動控制,減少了工人的誤操作。河南理工大學萬方科技學院本科畢業(yè)論文97)操作靈活性大。支護系統(tǒng)的支架操作程序很容易改變,可以根據(jù)不同的開采條件,特別適用于薄煤層和急傾斜煤層,既可以用于滾筒采煤機工作面,又可以用于刨煤機工作面;既可以用于及時支護 (先移架后推溜)的支護方式,又可以用于滯后支護(先推溜后移架)的支護方式。8)系統(tǒng)能實現(xiàn)遠程程序控制。操作人員可根據(jù)采煤機的割煤方向選擇最佳位置,避免了操作人員的傷亡事故,同時也降低了粉塵對身體的危害。9) 電液控制系統(tǒng)可與采煤機和刮板輸送機的自動控制系統(tǒng)配合聯(lián)動,實現(xiàn)全自動化綜采工作面。支架與采煤機的運行狀態(tài)和數(shù)據(jù)可以傳輸?shù)较锏乐兄骺刂婆_和地面中央控制中心,便于實現(xiàn)整個礦井的自動化管理。以上資料來源于 Elsevier ScienceDirect 期刊河南理工大學萬方科技學院本科畢業(yè)論文10附錄 BThe survey of hydraulic support and study on electrohydraulic control technology1 hydraulic pressure supports developmentThe hydraulic pressure support is take the high-pressured liquid as a power, by certain hydraulic pressure part (cylinder, pipe accessory) one kind of strut and the control roof mining coal working surface equipment which becomes with some steel work combinations. Has the intensity high, the travelling speed quick, support the performance good, safe is reliable and so on the characteristic. Since the 20th century 50's, the hydraulic pressure support has gradually become the mining coal working surface core equipment, in the world mainly produced the coal country to invest the massive manpower physical resource and the financial resource carries on the research development to it. At present, support tends to take the hydraulic pressure support as the main body maturely, in the world has produced makes several hundred kind of frames and the up to ten thousand kind of models hydraulic pressure support, meets each kind of coal bed mining support need. On the century 60's, our country once has also developed 10 kind of hydraulic pressure supports, because all sorts of reasons have not obtained the promoted application, the hydraulic pressure support is in the development, the experimental stage; The 70's successively from England, Germany, Poland, former Soviet Union and so on mainly produce the coal country to introduce several 河南理工大學萬方科技學院本科畢業(yè)論文1110 sets of hydraulic pressure supports. After the unceasing exploration, the use, the digestion and the summary, make each kind of type the support, it is the beginning which the domestically produced hydraulic pressure support develops; The 80's hydraulic pressure support research and development is in the innovation to enhance the stage, develops 30 kind of new frames one after another, makes the ZZ series, the XY series, the ZD series and so on the different specification, and widely uses in the state-owned large and middle scale coal mines, obtains the good economic efficiency; 90's special hydraulic pressure support development obtains the rapid development, the mechanized shop net support, the water granulated substance fills the support, the reason support, the force support, puts goes against the coal support and so on to be published one after another; This century along with the computer technology, the automated technology popularization and the application, the hydraulic pressure support control obtains unprecedentedness to progress, gradually to the procedure control, the numerical control, the remote control and the automated control makes great strides forward.2 domestic and foreign hydraulic pressure supports differenceThe domestically produced support in the manufacture technology, the material quality performance, the processing craft, the control system and in the sealing property compares with the overseas advanced countries has the very big disparity.河南理工大學萬方科技學院本科畢業(yè)論文122.1 processings manufactures aspectAccording to the related synthesis picks the engineers and technicians to reflect that, the domestically produced hydraulic pressure support craft technology, the service life, the operational performance, use the material quality so far not yet to achieve in 1979 introduced 100 sets of supports the technical levels. If structural material: Germany uses the ST52 material it yield strength is 500 MPa, but our country uses 16 Mn material yield strength is only 350 MPa; Valve class: Overseas always uses the copper alloy valve shell and the high strength stainless steel valve core, our country is the 45# steel adds surface heat processing; In processing craft: The overseas cylinder endophragm is duplicate plates, the domestic product for does not plate, causes the column premature to appear the spot in the use process, scratches and so on the seal leaks the fluid phenomenon, affects support the effect. The domestically produced hydraulic pressure support and the overseas production hydraulic pressure support compares the average to reduce 2 ~ 3 a service life.2.2 control systems aspectThe domestically produced hydraulic pressure support control system research and development is at backwardness condition, seriously restricted the support to move supposes the speed the enhancement and the synthesis picks the economic efficiency the display. In the world several mainly produce the coal great nation throughout to enhance the support control system achievement the 河南理工大學萬方科技學院本科畢業(yè)論文13synthesis to pick the economic efficiency the important method, the 20th century 60's use manually straight control the operating system; The 70's use the forerunner control system, along with it England first proposed the development electrohydraulic control system, the eighty's tends to maturely; The 90's ladders company develops the entire working surface electrohydraulic control system, follows closely after that Wister to cut down the advantage Asia - shell Switzerland special company to develop more advanced P - M3, P - the M4 electrohydraulic control system. Presently country and so on US, Germany, England, Australia basically all is the programmable electrohydraulic control, but our country still used the hand control system.2.3 hydraulic pressure parts aspectThe hydraulic pressure part research and development speed lags by far to the hydraulic pressure support need to develop. The hydraulic pressure support reliability mainly relies on the hydraulic pressure part reliability, the hydraulic pressure support in the coal mine production applies whether succeeds, the key lies in the hydraulic pressure part the technical performance whether does meet the requirements. Overseas at present uses the great current capacity safety valve, the fluid much controls the cone-way valve, the cut-off valve, initially supports the strength maintenance valve and the column quickly returns at once the fluid valve. To the hydraulic pressure part structural style, the geometry size, the choice of material, the heat treatment method and the surface treatment and so on various aspects have 河南理工大學萬方科技學院本科畢業(yè)論文14conducted the thorough research and the development. Develops one batch of sealing property well, the sensitivity high, enters the row of fluid ability to be big, the anti- impact load strong each kind of hydraulic pressure part, adapts the hydraulic pressure support operating performance request. But our country kind of hydraulic pressure part research and development lags regarding this, at present still continued to use the century for 80's the product, has not formed the hydraulic pressure part universalization, the seriation, the standardization3 hydraulic pressure supports prospects for development forecastIn view of the fact that the science and technology high speed development, new technical, the new craft, the new method, the new material unceasing application and the computer technology unprecedented expansion, the hydraulic pressure support future development will have the extremely attractive prospect.3.1 designs ideas renewal, the hydraulic pressure support develops a revolutionMust consider the environment in the hydraulic pressure support design the attribute. Because the hydraulic pressure support working condition is bad, the person, machine the environment reciprocity question appears importantly. The green design is the choice of material, the product structure, the technique, the outward appearance modelling and the color matches according to the certain rule, adopts 河南理工大學萬方科技學院本科畢業(yè)論文15artistic the method to perform ingeniously to fuse, fully manifests the man-machine environment system the harmonious unification. The unwieldy hydraulic pressure support image safe, reliable, is been easy to service, lowly to consume energy, the high efficiency, the modelling artistic substitutes. This kind of green design, it not only Filters the environment and the resources both must meet the economical development needs, and must meet the human survival development needs, is the humanity sustainable developmental strategy in support design manifesting. For example: The hydraulic pressure support uses the multi- goals fuzzy design in the design process, requests to support the strength in a big way, moves a speed quickly, weight light, the timber wood are few and so on, each goal determined a function, namely many designs objective function, then the combination optimizes, determination preferred plan.3.2 will adopt the pure water hydraulic pressure technology, the hydraulic pressure support becomes the green machineryThe pure water hydraulic pressure technology is the hydraulic pressure domain development front. It not only has good anti- burns the nature, the radiation, moreover the price also cheaply, does not have the pollution, since the long-time hydraulic pressure support in Surface under has worked, because the use actuating medium is the emulsion, and has many chemical additives (emulsifier, guards against rust medicinal preparation, antiseptic, partner mixture and so on), the micro environmental pollution is extremely serious to the surface 河南理工大學萬方科技學院本科畢業(yè)論文16below, therefore, the hydraulic pressure support use pure water hydraulic pressure technology, to reduces the coal mine the production cost, protects the environment is beneficial, and may greatly improve the mine pit the work and the security condition. Unceasingly progresses along with the society, the people had a higher request to the dependent survival environment, hoped has a security, the environmental protection, the highly civilized green environment. The time request summoned the hydraulic pressure transmission (to origin in 1605 discovered the Pascal's law) this ancient brand-new technology resurfaced, and received the world the attention. At present, the western nation concentrates the strength to study this technology, and makes the unprecedented progress. For example: The lubrication attrition question, reasonably selects rubs the vice- material, has the engineering plastics, the structure ceramics, the high polymer material, guards against rust anticorrosion coating and so on. The structure ceramics have the resistance to wear, the anti- cavitation performance is good, the good chemical stability, characteristic and so on lower friction factor, prepares is favoured. Replaces the partial metals material in the hydraulic pressure part with the structure ceramics, big improvement its performance. In brief, the new material success develops and applies, precisely processes technical the unceasing progress, as well as each kind of new structure hydraulic pressure part making, all will become the hydraulic pressure support to use the pure water hydraulic pressure technology to enter the strict non- pollution domain, will provide the extremely attractive application prospects for 河南理工大學萬方科技學院本科畢業(yè)論文17development.3.3 high tech applications, the hydraulic pressure support tends to the intellectualizationThe advanced science and technology application is mutually seeps each kind of technology, mutually unifies in the foundation mutually assists, mutually promotes and the enhancement, fully uses each kind of related technical the superiority, enhances strong points and avoid weaknesses, after causes the combination the overall function to be bigger than the composition whole sum of each part of function comprehensive interdisciplinary studies.. The many kinds of technologies unceasingly seep to "the mechanical parent substance - hydraulic pressure support", including technical and so on machine, electricity, fluid, light, magnetism servosystem. Specifically said that, is the strength, the speed which outputs by the hydraulic pressure support are a goal, constituted from has output to the input closed-loop system, was involves sensing the technology, the computer control technology, the signal processing technology, the mechanical drive technology, the hydraulic transmission technology and so on. Because fast operating speed, formidable memory function and keen logical judgement function, thus has realized the man-machine dialogue, causes it operation maintenance conveniently, the entire machine function to be strong. The hydraulic pressure support application function unceasingly expands, unceasingly strengthens to the mine pit coal bed geology condition compatibility, production benefit to 河南理工大學萬方科技學院本科畢業(yè)論文18equipment dependent degree increasingly big, the operational reliability is more important. The breakdown diagnosis technology (including signal examination, breakdown judgement, failure detection, content and so on fault analysis) along with the high tech development theory (for example wavelet technology, nerve network, artificial intelligence and so on) will enter the hydraulic pressure support the early diagnosis, the prevention and the reduced accident occurrence, service blindness and the maintenance time, will lengthen the support service life, will enhance the production efficiency. 4 battery solution control technology basic principle and main compositionA coal mining technology significant innovation. At present,The battery solution control technology in synthesis and so on US, Germany picked the technical leading country to obtain the widespread application,But our country then only then gradually the necessary use battery solution controls the technology in recent years on some hydraulic pressure supports.1) Bidirectional neighbour control system. The synthesis picks working surface each support has the frame to control the box,The operator controls the box choice neighbour control mode through the support frame,Then sends out the corresponding control command according to the instruction (to produce electrical signal),Causes electro-magnet or micro electrical machinery movement which on neighbour corresponds,Let the 河南理工大學萬方科技學院本科畢業(yè)論文19electrical signal transform as the hydraulic pressure signal,Controls the host to control the valve to open,Supplies the fluid to the support hydraulic cylinder,Realization neighbour support corresponding movement. The support working mode active status feeds back the frame by the position transmitter and the pressure transmitter to control the box,The frame controls the box to decide the support again according to the sensor feedback signal the next movement.2)Bidirec