摘 要:開采深度的增加是礦井生產(chǎn)的自然規(guī)律,隨之而產(chǎn)生巖石溫度增加,地壓增大,巖石破壞過程強化,巷道圍巖變形劇烈,沖擊地壓強度增大和頻度增加等自然現(xiàn)象。深部煤層開采復雜化的主要影響因素是礦山壓力,在高應力作用下,圍巖移動更為劇烈,巷道產(chǎn)生變形和破壞也更為嚴重,巷道圍巖變形速度快、變形量大,巷道周邊變形范圍大;巷道對支架的工作特性要求高,初撐力、工作阻力和可縮量均大,即使開掘在底板巖石中的巷道,用拱形金屬支架和各種結構封閉式支護的巷道有時也遭巨大變形。
1 深部開采出現(xiàn)的問題
1.1 地溫增高
地溫增高是礦井開采深度增加時出現(xiàn)的突出問題之一。一般來說,開采深度每增加100 m ,巖石溫度增高3~5 ℃,在深度為1 000 m 時,地溫達30~50 ℃。我國保安規(guī)程定,采掘工作面的最高溫度不超過26 ℃,同時規(guī)定采掘工作面氣溫超過30 ℃,機電峒室的氣溫超過34 ℃,必須采取降溫措施。目前,堿場和雞東兩礦向下延深,都面臨溫度超限問題,堿場煤礦目前的巖石溫度已達2415 ℃。每延深100 m增溫4 ℃,預計開采深度超過700 m 時,工作面的溫度將達到保安規(guī)程規(guī)定的26 ℃極限,因此,向深部延深時應注意溫度的變化。
1.2 瓦斯涌出量增加
開采深部井田時,瓦斯涌出量一般比較大,但又不完全受開采深度的影響,經(jīng)常與煤層賦存條件和地質構造有關,在不同礦區(qū)有很大差別。堿場礦資料表明(見圖1) ,隨著開采深度的增加,瓦斯涌出量增大,但開采深度超過400~500 m以后,瓦斯涌出增長趨緩或不再增長。堿場煤礦一井最大瓦斯涌出量達到66 m3/ t·d ,開采深度為500~600 m ,分析認為主要受到深部的斜交向斜及斷層帶的影響,超過600 m 深度時,瓦斯涌出量急聚下降,預計向深部開采瓦斯涌出量將穩(wěn)定在40~50m3/ t·d ,緩慢地增長。資料還說明,堿場礦先采2下煤層或3 # 煤層,兩煤層為非近距煤層,對瓦斯涌出量的影響不大,說明兩煤層之間瓦斯?jié)B透性較差。雞東礦資料顯示,礦井集中生產(chǎn),開采強度加大,產(chǎn)量增加,瓦斯涌出量有下降的勢頭,同時也顯示,當煤層間距超過50 m 以上時,煤層之間的瓦斯?jié)B透性很小,作為解放層開采效果不會太好。礦井向深部開采至700~800 m 深時,由于受近似于走向一級褶曲的影響,瓦斯涌出量可能急聚增大。
1.3 礦山壓力
礦山壓力增大也是礦井深部開采中普遍出現(xiàn)的問題之一,特別表現(xiàn)為開拓巷道的圍巖變形量增加,維護困難。據(jù)國外一些觀測和研究結果,開采深度每增加100 m ,巷道頂?shù)装逡平吭黾? % ,巷道維護困難,特別是圍巖松軟時更為突出。變形量主要來自底鼓,所以隨著開采深度的增加,巷道斷面也就應逐漸加大。
2. 煤礦深井巷道礦壓顯現(xiàn)特點
蘇聯(lián)的研究表明,隨開采深度加大,巷道變形量呈近似線性關系增大,從600m 開始,開采深度每增加100m,巷道頂?shù)装逑鄬σ平科骄黾?0%~11%[2],如圖1 所示。理論分析表明,深部開采的巷道變形量隨開采深度增大呈近似直線關系增大,如圖2 所示,開采深度每增加100m 的巷道變形增量與巖體強度有關。
1-σc=3.8MPa, σc*=0.2MPa, φ=25°,k=1 ;
2-σc=9.8MPa, σc*=0.49MPa, φ=30°,k=1
深井巷道礦壓顯現(xiàn)的另一個顯著特點是,巷道剛掘出時的變形速度很大。根據(jù)現(xiàn)場觀測表明,深井巷道剛開挖時的變形速度可達50mm/d以上。觀測巷道為趙各莊礦13 水平東翼階段運輸巷(現(xiàn)場稱為電車道),埋深1159m,圍巖為煤至半煤巖,錨噴網(wǎng)支護。巷道掘出后,變形速度隨時間的延續(xù)呈負指數(shù)曲線急劇衰減,經(jīng)過一定時間后趨于穩(wěn)定,如圖3 所示。巷道收斂變形主要是由于處于殘余強度狀態(tài)的破裂區(qū)圍巖破裂膨脹變形的結果。因此,深井巷道變形速度的上述規(guī)律表明:
變形趨于穩(wěn)定要經(jīng)歷一個較長的時間過程是深井巷道礦壓顯現(xiàn)的又一大特點。從圖3可見,趙各莊礦13 水平東運輸大巷的變形穩(wěn)定期(變形趨于穩(wěn)定經(jīng)歷的時間)約兩個月。巷道變形穩(wěn)定期與圍巖破裂范圍大小有關——破裂區(qū)厚度越大,巷道變形穩(wěn)定期越長。雖然深井巷道開掘后要經(jīng)過較長時間變形才能趨于穩(wěn)定,但巷道的收斂變形大部分發(fā)生在開掘后較短的一段時間內。掘巷引起的巷道圍巖變形趨于穩(wěn)定后,變形速度維持在一個較低水平。此后,巷道圍巖保持這一速度不斷變形,長時期處于蠕變狀態(tài),直至受采動影響。
3. 煤礦深井回采工作面礦壓顯現(xiàn)特點
當老頂達到極限跨距而且斷裂時形成三鉸拱式的平衡以后,隨著工作面繼續(xù)推進,將導致新巖塊A 的斷裂,如圖4 所示。此時由于巖塊A 的力矩之和ΣM0≠0,迫使巖塊A 發(fā)生回轉。老頂?shù)氖Х€(wěn)將對工作面帶來嚴重的礦山壓力顯現(xiàn),甚至危及生產(chǎn)和人身安全。因此,把由于老頂?shù)谝淮问Х€(wěn)而產(chǎn)生的工作面頂板來壓稱為老頂?shù)某醮蝸韷骸?
老頂初次來壓后,回采工作面繼續(xù)推進,裂隙體梁所形成的結構將發(fā)生以下變化。如圖5 表示了這個變化過程。由圖中a 進入b,A 巖塊將由穩(wěn)定狀態(tài)進入斷裂狀態(tài)。此時,按結構的自由度計算,結構將進入不穩(wěn)定狀態(tài)。隨著回采工作面的推進,在老頂初次來壓以后,裂隙帶巖層形成的結構,將始終經(jīng)歷“穩(wěn)定—失穩(wěn)—再穩(wěn)定”的變化[3]。這種變化將呈現(xiàn)周而復始的過程。由于結構的失穩(wěn)導致了工作面頂板的來壓。這種來壓也將隨著工作面的推進而呈周期性出現(xiàn)。因此,由于裂隙帶巖層周期性失穩(wěn)而引起的頂板來壓現(xiàn)象稱之為工作面頂板的周期來壓。
4 礦井深部開采通常的技術措施
4.1 降溫措施
一般情況主要降溫措施為增大風量和改變通風系統(tǒng)。我國安全規(guī)程規(guī)定,回采工作面的風速不超過410 m/ s ;為加大風量,相應地增加回采工作面的最小通風斷面。增加回采工作面的風量,除了保證回采工作最小通風斷面外,更主要的是礦井要有足夠的通風能力;回采工作面進回風道要有足夠的通風斷面。將常用的U 型通風系統(tǒng)改為Y型或W型通風系統(tǒng)。Y型通風系統(tǒng)可大量增加工作面進風,降溫效果明顯,但須增一條采區(qū)邊界回風道和保護一條回采工作面上回風道,在目前地溫并不太高的情況下,采用W 通風系統(tǒng)可有效提高工作面供風能力,降低回風溫度。
4.2 防治瓦斯及瓦斯突出措施
對于開采深部瓦斯涌出量大的礦井,采用通常U 型通風系統(tǒng)時,經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)回風流中瓦斯超限、瓦斯積聚、工作面和巷道中風速過大問題,并且使采區(qū)漏風量較大。為此,國內外近年來試行了采區(qū)內改用直線通風,工作面下行通風,及Y型、Z 型、W型通風系統(tǒng),除了可以有效地沖淡瓦斯、減小風速、避免瓦斯積聚、降低工作面溫度外,還可以減少含塵量,有利于提高工作面產(chǎn)量。與上行通風系統(tǒng)相比,工作面回風流瓦斯可降低20 %~50 % ,工作面溫度降低2~5 ℃,煤塵減少十余倍,工作面產(chǎn)量可提高50 %~100 %。采區(qū)及工作面采用直線式通風系統(tǒng),被認為是一種安全可靠性較高和經(jīng)濟效果較好的通風系統(tǒng)。
4.3 減少巷道壓力措施
深部巷道地壓顯現(xiàn)主要表現(xiàn)在巷道掘進后圍巖在較長時間內產(chǎn)生蠕變變形,使巷道支架承受很大的壓力。變形速度最快是在掘進后的10~15 天范圍內,瞬時蠕變的時間可達60~90 天,180 天后尚趨向穩(wěn)定。在礦壓大的情況下。采用錨桿和各種支撐式支架的混合支護方式能獲得較好的效果。單獨采用錨桿或發(fā)雙層料石碹解決深部巷道支架問題既無效又不經(jīng)濟。深部軟巖巷道變形區(qū),存在著塑性帶和松動帶,支護應采用與圍巖共同作用的錨噴支護,而錨桿的長度要大于松動帶的深度。若錨桿深不足,應采用噴錨網(wǎng)噴復合支護結構,并與外部支護聯(lián)合支護。礦壓大和有底鼓的軟巖巷道支護,國內外都有采用爆破裂縫卸載和底板巖石加固的方法。
5. 煤礦深井巷道的礦壓控制
對國內外大量深井開采礦井的研究表明,布置在中硬以下巖層中的巷道變形破壞嚴重(特別是受采動影響后),當采深在800~1000m 以上時,在中硬及中硬以上巖層內布置的巷道,若采用傳統(tǒng)的支護方式,巷道維護仍很困難[4]。因此,深井中,除要求合理布置巷道位置外,還應根據(jù)深井礦壓特點,巷道支護必須滿足既能加固圍巖又能提供較大的支護力、具有較大的可縮性和一定的初撐力等要求,根據(jù)圍巖狀況和巷道條件,采用不同的支護形式。
(1)在采準巷道中發(fā)展多種形式的U 鋼可縮性支架,是解決圍巖高應力、大變形的有效支護形式。提高支架架設質量,加強壁后充填,改善支架受力狀況。
7. 結論
(5) 深部開采,巷道無論采取何種支護方式,巷道斷面的設計都應考慮頂?shù)装宓囊平亢拖锏罃嗝娴氖湛s量;擴大巷道斷面和巷道高度,一般斷面增加20 %~35 % ,中高增加30 %以上。
(6) 減少圍巖變形量的有效措施。一是增加支撐強度。二是采用混合支護,如錨、支、錨、網(wǎng)、噴等支護方法。采用砌碹或雙層料石碹的效果不好。
(7) 混合支護時,要根據(jù)深部礦壓特點適當掌握錨桿和支撐支護架設時間,才能起到良好作用。錨桿應即時打,支撐支架及發(fā)旋碹應在15~20 天以后進行。
(8) 巷道底鼓多采用爆破卸載或掏槽卸壓的方法,輔以灌水泥漿。
(9) 在生產(chǎn)過程中,應認真研究礦井和采區(qū)對無煤柱開采與留煤柱開采主要參數(shù)的確定,通過實驗,不斷總結經(jīng)驗。
[1] 錢鳴高. 礦山壓力及其控制[M]. 煤炭工業(yè)出版社, 1991.3
[2] 錢鳴高,石平五. 礦山壓力與巖層控制[M]. 礦業(yè)大學出版社,2003.11
[3] 郭立,邵武等. 深井開采的巖石力學研究及工程應用[J]. 礦冶工程. 2001 21(3) :7-9
[4] 董隴軍,李夕兵等. 深井開采災害應對決策技術綜述[J]. 有色金屬. 2009 61(1) :4-6
Of deep mining in coal and control of pressure behavior
Abstract: The increase of mining depth is the natural law of mine production, the attendant increase in rock temperature, ground pressure increases, the failure process of strengthening, deformation of surrounding rocks dramatic increase burst strength and frequency of natural increase of the phenomenon. Deep coal mining complex, the major factor is the ground pressure, high stress, the more violent surrounding rock, tunnel deformation and damage are more severe roadway deformation speed, large deformation, deformation of the surrounding roadway large range; roadway support the work of the characteristics of the high requirements, setting load, working shrinkage resistance and may have large, even digging the tunnel in the rock floor, with arched metal stand and support the various structures of the tunnel is sometimes closed has been a great distortion.
1 deep mining problems
Temperature increased 1.1
Temperature increase is the increase of mining depth, when one of the outstanding problems. In general, the mining depth for each additional 100 m, the rock temperature is increased 3 ~ 5 ℃, 1 000 m in depth, the ground temperature reached 30 ~ 50 ℃. Set of Security procedures, mining face the maximum temperature does not exceed 26 ℃, also provides for excavation working temperature than 30 ℃, mechanical and electrical chamber of the temperature exceeded 34 ℃, cooling measures must be taken. At present, the base field and the downward Jidong two deep mine, the temperature gauge problems are facing, base rock temperature field mine now reached 2415 ℃. Each extension 100 m depth temperature 4 ℃, the anticipated mining deeper than 700 m, the face of the temperature will reach 26 ℃ under security procedures limit, therefore, extend to the deep depth should pay attention to changes in temperature.
1.2 The increase in gas emission
When mining depth portion well field, the gas discharge quantity is quite generally big, but receives not completely mines the depth the influence, saves the condition and the geologic structure frequently with the coal bed tax related, has the very wide difference in the different mining area. The alkali field ore material indicated that (see Figure 1), along with mining depth's increase, the gas discharge quantity increases, but after the mining depth surpasses 400~500 m, the gas discharge growth becomes slower or no longer grows. An alkali field coal mine well biggest gas discharge quantity achieves 66 m3/td, the mining depth is 500~600 m, the analysis thought that mainly receives the depth portion the oblique syncline and the fault zone influence, when surpasses 600 m depths, the gas discharge quantity gathers anxiously the drop, estimated that will stabilize to the deep mining gas discharge quantity in 40~50m3/td, grows slowly. The material also explained that the alkali field ore picks 2 coal bed or 3
1.3 Ground pressure
The underground pressure increases is also one which of questions in the mine pit deep mining appears generally, displays specially for developing entry's adjacent formation amount of deformity increases, maintains the difficulty. According to the overseas some observations and the findings, the mining depth increases 100 m every time, the tunnel goes against the ledger wall to move to near quantity to increase 7%, the tunnel maintenance difficulty, the adjacent formation is specially soft when is more prominent. The amount of deformity mainly comes from the bottom drum, therefore along with mining depth's increase, the tunnel cross section should also enlarge gradually.
2. Coal Mine Roadway pressure behavior in deep
Roadway deformation exceeds 2.1
Deep Mine strata behavior is one of the significant features of tunnel excavation on the deformation produced large convergence. This feature is broken by the deep state and the surrounding rock in deep rupture roadway greater the scope of the decision.
Soviet studies show that with the increase of mining depth, roadway nearly linear relationship between the deformation increases, starting from the 600m, mining depth for each additional 100m, roadway floor closer to an average increase of 10% to 11% [2], shown in Figure 1. Theoretical analysis shows that deep mining of the tunnel deformation with the increase of mining depth was increased approximately linear relationship, shown in Figure 2, mining depth for each additional 100m of roadway deformation increment and rock intensity.
1-σc=3.8MPa, σc*=0.2MPa, φ=25°,k=1 ;
2-σc=9.8MPa, σc*=0.49MPa, φ=30°,k=1
The domestic and foreign deep mining's practice indicated that when the mining depth is 800~1000m, the tunnel amount of deformity may reach 1000~1500mm to be even bigger, with the mining depth and the rock mechanics nature (ruptured zone thickness) and so on factors concerns. Because the deep well tunnel amount of deformity is big, when supports and protects unreasonable (for example uses unyielding support or support may shrink quantity insufficiency), the tunnel distorts, the destruction to be serious, therefore, the deep well tunnel's service work load is big, the maintenance cost is high. The practice indicated that deep mining's tunnel reconditioning rate (damage rate) may reach 40%~80% (part is because supports and protects creates improper), even reaches as high as 100%, with the mining depth, the rock mechanics nature, the supports and protections way, the support mechanical properties and the parameter, specially may shrink the quantity and so on to concern.
2.2 digs lane initial period strain rate
(1) rupture of the Formation of the roadway through a time course (this time the length of the course and scope of the rupture zone broken rock thickness);
(2) the development of deep rupture rate of roadway in the tunnel when the just-dug faster, then gradually fading, until the rupture zone completely formed.
2.3 distortions tend the stable time long and long-term slow change
the distortion tend stable must experience a long time process are the deep well tunnel ore press the appearance another major characteristic. From Figure 3 obviously, east the Zhaogezhuang ore 13 levels transports the big lane's distortion stabilization period (distortion tends stable experience time) the approximately two months. The tunnel distortion stabilization period and adjacent formation breakage scope size related - - ruptured zone thickness is bigger, the tunnel distortion stabilization period is longer. Although after deep well tunnel digging, must pass through the long time to distort can tend to be stable, but tunnel's restraining distorts occurs majority of after digging in short period of time. After digging the lane to cause the tunnel adjacent formation distortion which tends stable, the strain rate maintains at a low level. Hereafter, the tunnel adjacent formation maintains this speed distorts unceasingly, the
2.4 Roadway large floor heave
Large amount of floor heave deep rock pressure is another show notable feature. Moreover, the reports from abroad to see, deep mining of opening floor heave phenomenon is universal [3]. According to Soviet data on some deep statistical analysis of the phenomenon of floor heave and volume of floor heave a great relationship with the mining depth: that with the increase of mining depth, easy to generate an increasing share of floor heave of the tunnel large amount of floor heave and its amount of roof and floor is relatively closer to the proportion with the increase of mining depth.
2.5 impact geostatic pressure occur the frequency and the intensity increase the fundamental research and the production practice indicated that the mine impact geostatic pressure's occurrence, occurs the frequency and the shock strength and the mining depth have the close relationship. Increases along with the mining depth, the coal, the rock mass because of distort the energy which agglomerates to assume the quadratic relations to increase. Therefore, under the deep mining condition, in the coal, the rock mass agglomerated the huge energy, when mining causes when the energy liberation speed is bigger than the coal, the rock mass destruction consumption energy velocity, causes the impact geostatic pressure the occurrence. The practice indicated that the deep mining has the impact geostatic pressure frequency to increase greatly, the impact intensity obviously increases. Deep mining's impact geostatic pressure question is more prominent in the rock mass intensity big mine.
3. The coal mine deep well stopping working surface ore presses appearance characteristic
3.1 The roof of the initial pressure
When the old roof and breaking the limit span of the formation of three-hinged arch when the balance after the advance to continue with the face, will lead to a new rock A's fault, shown in Figure 4. A rock at this time because the moment of and ΣM0 ≠ 0, force the rock A turn occurred. Unstable roof mines will face serious pressure behavior, and even endanger the production and personal safety. Therefore, the roof for the first time since instability arising from roof to roof as the initial pressure to pressure.
When always goes against the clod jitter, formed the clod to fall, posed the threaten seriously safely to the working surface. Because always goes against the breaking clod rotation the influence, the working surface roof has the submersion inevitably. On the stopping working surface coal wall withstands the force of support along with will always go against the span to enlarge increases. Namely just from opened cuts time the eye advancement to be smallest, before first presses achieves in a big way. Because front coal wall formidable force of support, possibly causes to go against directly forms the shearing failure front the coal wall, thus forms goes against lives the crevasse. This to the stopping working space's roof control is also obviously disadvantageous.
always goes against first presses is quite sudden, before presses, above the stopping working space roof pressure to be quite small. When first presses, always goes against the span to be quite big, the scope which affects is also quite broad,
3.2 always go against after the cycle presses
always goes against first presses, the stopping working surface continues to advance, crevasse body Liang forms the structure will have the following change. Like Figure 5 expressed this change process. A will enter the b, A clod by the chart to enter the break condition by the steady state. This time, according to the structure degree-of-freedom computation, the structure will enter the non-steady state. Along with stopping working surface advancement, after always goes against first presses, the crevasse belt rock layer forms the structure, will experience “the stable - jitter throughout - again stable” change [3]. This kind of change will present the process again and again. Because the structure jitter caused the working surface roof to press. This kind will press will also assume the periodicity along with the working surface advancement to appear. Therefore, the roof which causes as a result of the crevasse belt rock layer periodic jitter presses the phe
The cycle presses the main manifestation is: Roof-to-floor convergence speed sharp growth, the roof submersion quantitative change is big; The prop receives the load increases generally; Sometimes also possibly causes the coal wall cave-in of sides, the prop buckle, the roof to have phenomena and so on stair submersion. If the prop parameter choice inappropriate or the monomer prop stability is bad, then possibly causes the partial roof failure, even the roof to cut along the working surface falls and so on accidents.
4 deep mining usual technical measures
4.1 temperature decrease measure
ordinary circumstances main temperature decrease measure to increase the amount of wind and the change ventilation system. Our country safety regulation stipulated that the stopping working surface's wind speed does not surpass 410 m/s; In order to enlarge the amount of wind, increases the stopping working surface slightly to ventilate the cross section correspondingly. Increases the stopping working surface the amount of wind, is smallest besides the guarantee stopping work ventilates the cross section, what is main is the mine pit must have the enough well ventilated ability; The stopping working surface enters the air return way to have the enough well ventilated cross section. The commonly used U ventilation system will change Y or the W ventilation system. The Y ventilation system may increase the working surface to enter the wind massively, the temperature decrease effect is obvious, only want increases a working boundary air return way and protects in
4.2 prevention gas and gas prominent measure
the prevention gas besides usually uses enlarges the amount of wind, to enhance the wind